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      I dedicate these pages
      to my 4 grandchildren
      Lindsay,Jacob, Mariah, and RJ.

      Grandma loves you:-)

      I have some wonderful Childrens poems I would like to
      share with you. These poems were written and compiled by
      Lynne Suesse. My grandchildren love these poems, and
      thought I would make a page for them.

      Jesus loves every child and through His example
      children can learn to live, and love, and grow.

      Thank you for the world so sweet,
      Thank you for the food we eat,
      Thank you for the birds that sing,
      Thank you God, for everything.


      Now thank we all our God.
      with heart and hands and voices,
      Who's wonderous things hath done.
      In whom His world rejoices.
      Who from our mother's arms
      Hath blessed us on our way
      With countless gifts of love
      And still is ours today.

      O may this bounteous God
      Through all our life be near us,
      With ever joyful hearts
      And blessed peace to cheer us,
      And keep us in His grace.
      And guide us when perplexed
      And free us from all ills
      In this world and the next.


      We gather together to ask the
      lord's blessings.He chastens and hastens
      His will to make known.
      The wicked oppressing now
      cease from distressing.
      Sing praises to His name,
      He forgets not His own.


      What do the stars do
      Up in the sky
      Higher than the wind can blow
      Or the clouds can fly?

      Each star in its own glory
      Circles, circles still,
      As it was lit to shine and set
      and do its Maker's will.

      This one is beautiful for everyone to enjoy

      The trees are shedding all their leaves.
      Soon it will grow colder
      O dear Jesus, be with me---
      Your love wrapped round my shoulders
      As You keep me snuggled tight
      I'll sit and watch the trees
      For they might get chilled at night
      Without their blankets green


      Little drops of water
      Little grains of sand
      Make the mighty Ocean.
      And the Pleasant land

      Thus the little minutes
      Humble though they be
      Make the mighty ages
      Of eternity

      Little deeds of kindness.
      Little words of love.
      Make this earth an Eden
      Like the heavens above.

      Isaac Watts

      ~Hurt no Living Thing~

      Hurt no living thing.
      Ladybug, nor butterfly,
      Nor moth with dusty wing
      Nor cricket chirping cheerily
      Nor grasshopper so light of leap
      Nor dancing gnat, nor beetle fat.
      Nor harmless worms that creep.

      "Christina Rossetti"

      This set created for Janet.
      Please do not take it.