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      First of all, I would like to dedicate these pages
      to Mariah, RJ,Jacob and Lindsay.

      Grandma loves you!

      Some meal time prayers and more,
      you can say with your children

      Some mealtime prayers you can teach your

      A blessing at mealtime is the perfect way
      to say,"Thank you, God
      Our hands we fold.
      Our heads we bow.
      For food and drink,
      We thank Thee now.

      O You who feeds the little birds,
      bless our food, O Lord,
      O God, make us able
      For all that's on the table

      We Thank thee, Lord,
      For Happy Hearts
      For rain and sunny weather;
      We thank thee, Lord
      For this our food
      And that we are together.

      God is great,
      God is good,
      And we thank Him,
      For our food.

      By His hands we are fed,
      Thankyou, Lord, for our daily bread.

      We gather together to ask the
      Lord's blessings.
      He chastens and hastens
      His will to make known.
      The wicked oppressing now
      Cease from distressing.
      Sing praises to His name!
      He forgets not His own.

      It is very nice to think
      The world is full of meat and drink
      with little children saying grace
      In every Christian kind of place.

      I especially like this next prayer.
      Its one my grandaughter can pray because
      she will have a new baby brother.
      She can't wait to be the big sister:-)

      Dear God
      I want to be a good sister.
      Sometimes I feel bad that my
      baby brother can't play the games
      that I like to play,
      games that he can't play until
      he is big enough to play new games
      with me.
      Thank you for my baby brother!
      He is a very good playmate.
      I love him very much.

      This next one is so cute, and could
      only be thought of by a child.

      Dear Jesus,
      Funny how my brother looks
      just like me. At night we pray
      together, so don't think it is
      me praying twice.

      Thank you Jesus when I look at
      my brother. Thank you, Jesus, for giving me
      my own special mirror.

      Another cute one

      This one is RJ's Prayer
      He has such a hard time being good:-)

      Dear Jesus,
      My parents work very hard
      to bring me the things I need.
      Please help me to be good
      so that their lives are a little easier.
      Thank you, Lord

      Dear God, My kitten is so warm and snug
      Whether on the windowsill or rug
      I love to watch her night and day
      And for her safety, Lord, I pray.

      Thank you, God, for the warm
      snuggles of my kitten.

      This set created for Janet.
      Please do not take it.