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      My children
      a part of my
      ~Garden of Life~

      God has blessed me with four beautiful children;
      Each one so different, and yet so special to me.
      Just like God's flowers they are. They have
      all bloomed in such a wonderful way.
      I am so proud of each one of them.

      Yes, this is me!

      I love sitting in my backyard.

      This is my Hubby. God has given him the talent
      for carpentry. He is building our new kitchen
      and I took this picture of him talking to his Mom!


      Our Children!

      This is my oldest son, Rob. He loves Football
      and is engrossed in watching the Bills game!

      This is my oldest daughter Debbie. Relaxing in the sun.

      This is my son, Paul, and his girlfriend.
      They live in Texas.

      This is my youngest Daughter, Dina. She is a
      sweetheart, and a wonderful mom herself.

      Click the next button for
      more photos of the family...