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      Welcome to My
      Photo Page 2!

      I hope you enjoy my photos.
      This is not your typical photo page.
      I have added a few photos of my favorite places
      in my backyard. I consider myself blessed over
      and abundantly. God is my source and I give Him
      all the praise and glory for all that He has
      given me to care for while I am here!

      This is my Mom and Dad, holding me!

      God blessed me with Christian parents!

      My Mom and Dad owned a Dry Cleaning business.
      I remember going with my Dad in his truck to
      deliver people's dry cleaning. I was very close
      to my Dad!

      My Mom was a very good seamtress. I loved to
      watch her sew and press the clothes.

      My Dad had rhematic fever when he was a boy and it
      left him with a weak heart. God took him home
      when he was only 49 years old.
      He was a wonderful father and husband.

      Love this little space in my yard!

      In the summer the birds love to take their baths
      in our bird bath. I love to sit there and meditate.

      Yes, this is the front entrance to our house.

      This is my husband's Mom and Dad's homestead.
      He renovated the house and added the porch
      and sided it. You could say he gave the house
      an entire face lift.

      See the white cat on the side walk?
      Well there are about three more like it.
      Would you say that I love cats?

      Well, this is the gardening shed.

      Would you believe that it used to house cows?
      At one time it did. Now we painted it and use it
      for starting our plants for the summer and for
      storing things.

      In front of the shed is our little fish pond.
      I love this little space to sit and write poetry.