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      Janet's Sisters In

      I joined this wonderful ring and I must
      say I have been welcomed beyond belief!

      This is my way of thanking you all
      as well as displaying the lovely gifts
      my sisters in Christ have sent to me.

      Some gifts were left in my guestbook
      but they all did not show up, so I couldn't
      grab them for these pages! So please,
      if you have the time, send them to me via
      email! I would LOVE to add them all!

      I hope to reply to all the welcomes
      as soon as I can. Please have patience! LOL!

      These are my gifts to my wonderful
      new friends in Christ!

      Before you go, take the time to visit
      Tee's pages. You will find her Mona logo
      at the bottom of the page. Tee has helped me
      build many of my pages, taught me html, and
      has been a good friend.
      Thanks, Tee!

      Just a little something to
      welcome you to SING. May you be
      richly blessed here.
      Sharon Morgan

      Than you so much, Sharon!
      I love it!

      Thanks for joining! We are glad to have you.
      Angela Sartin

      And I am glad to be a part of this
      wonderful group of ladies! Thank you, Angela!

      Just wanted to welcome you to this great
      group of ladies of S.I.N.G. I know you will
      be blessed when you get to know all of them.
      Have a great day in the Lord,

      Thank you so very much, Patricia!
      I am getting more blessed by the minute!

      Welcome to the SING sisterhood;
      glad to have you! I hope you will be
      as blessed as I have being a part of
      these wonderful sisters in Christ.
      Karen Smith

      Karen, I assure you, I am already being blessed!
      Thank you!

      This is lovely, from Janet Burgess!

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