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      Janet's Sisters In

      I am overwhelmed at the outpouring
      of love sent my way! There are so many
      lovely gifts as you can see!

      Welcome to Sisters In the Name of God!!
      This is a wonderful group of ladies and I
      know you’ll thoroughly enjoy them.
      Love, hugs, & prayers...Rhonda

      Thank you, Rhonda! This is beautiful!

      We here at SING are happy you joined and
      I just know that you will be too!
      In His Love and mine,
      Bettye (AKA Beebee)

      Thank you, Beebee, for the wonderful welcome!

      Hi Janet, please accept this welcome gift;
      also this gift for your site
      -God Bless, Linda B.

      Thank you so much, Linda B.!
      I am truly flabbergasted at the
      outpouring of love!

      Just wanted to WELCOME you into the
      S.I.N.G group. Trusting you will find it warm
      and trusting. I just joined this week myself!
      May the Lord Bless & keep you always.
      God Bless, Pat Carpenter

      Thank you, Pat! I can visit your site
      by clicking on the globe.

      Janet, a big warm welcome to sing!
      I know that you'll be blessed by joining...
      :) Muzz

      And Muzz, thank you, too. I hope to
      BE a blessing as well!

      Cute! I love it, Donna!

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