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      Janet's Sisters In

      I am so overwhelmed, so thankful!
      There are so many lovely gifts as you can see!

      I want to take a moment to welcome
      you to the best Christian womens'
      fellowship you'll probably ever find!
      Lots of love, sharing, support, prayer
      and smiles to be found in this ever-growing
      group. All praise and honor and glory
      to the Lord who alone deserves it all!
      Hope to get to know you like a sister
      (which is what you are!)
      Love in Christ, Esthersue

      They are beautiful, Esthersue!
      Thank you so very much!

      Hello, Janet, Welcome to S.I.N.G. I am also
      a new member. Thank you for your lovely gift,
      I love it and you have a wonderful site. I had
      a great time to strolling through your pages.

      Thank you, Angela for this golden gift!
      I am glad I am not the only new member!

      Welcome to our Sing Group! You have a very
      inspirational website here. Excellently done
      my sister! Blessings to you! Bonnie Geddes

      Thanks, Bonnie. I try and do OK. Tee bails me out
      when I need help! Thank you for the beautiful welcome!

      Welcome to SING! My name is Diana Sather,
      and my site is The Cry of the Heart
      When you get a chance, come and visit me. Bless you!

      I will, Diana, and thank you for the gift!

      Each time Marsha sends a message that
      we have a new sister, I rejoice! I know
      that the Lord is bringing us all together
      for His purpose, and it's wonderful to see.
      Mona S.

      Thank you, Mona, for such a lovely gift!

      Thank you Rory and Janet Burgess for this lovely gift

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