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      Janet's Sisters In

      More lovely gifts as you can see!

      I am SOOOOO very glad to have all you with us.
      I know you will feel right at home here.
      This is a GREAT group of ladies. If you ever,
      and I mean ever need anything,
      someone will be here to talk to you.
      Your Friend and Sister through Christ,
      Stephanie Patrick

      Thank you, Stephanie! I just might
      take you up on that one!

      Marsha, thank you so much!

      You will just love this group, but look
      out for your e-mail pile up!
      Smile, Jesus Loves You!!
      Sherry Leeson

      You were right about that!
      Thank you for the big welcome, Sherry!

      We are so glad to have you with
      us & we are looking forward to
      getting to know you better.
      Sweet Slumber

      Than you so much for the welcome!

      Janet, I want to wish you a joyful
      welcome to S.I.N.G. This is a wonderful
      group of loving Christian sisters. We are
      blessed to have you with us!
      Your sister in Christ, Lanell

      Lanell, I have received nothing but JOY
      from everyone! Thank you so much!

      Hi Janet, Welcome to S.I.N.G.! We are
      glad to have you with us. I hope that you
      will enjoy being part of this wonderful group
      of ladies. You have a beautiful website here.
      I was blessed by my visit. Keep up the great work
      of uplifting our Lord to the world. May God
      bless you in all that you do for Him.

      Thank you so much, Tabatha. I hope to be
      a great blessing to all of you!

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