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Movie Reviews

| Sorcerer's Stone | Chamber of Secrets |

Did you see Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets? What did you think of it? Send in your CoS reviews! Please keep it as short as possible! Click here to submit your comments. Thanx.

Harry Potter Movie Poster

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets


I definitely think that CoS is much better than the first one, no doubt about it. Haha, Ron was hilarious in this movie, he makes the most funniest faces and says the most stupid/cutest things. Hehe, he sounds really funny (like a girl) when he gets scared, especially in the spider scenes. Uggh, I hated Lucius Malfoy, there were so many times that I wanted smack him; how can he be so evil and arrogant? Did anyone else wanted to smack him, hehe? To me, the spiders weren't that scary, but omg, the Basilisk was gross. It looks very freaky, and the part when Harry stuck the sword into its mouth is very violent (just my advice, but you should really try closing your eyes during this part). Did anyone else notice the asian girl with shoulder-length hair sitting in the back in Harry's Transfiguration class, the part when McGonagall was asking them to change animals into goblets and Ron changed Scabbers into a goblet with a tail? I wonder if that's supposed to be Cho Chang. But then, Cho Chang is a third year and Harry never has a single class with her. But then again, maybe it's supposed to be a clue from the filmmaker for us???? I don't know, if you have any ideas/thoughts, drop me an owl. To sum it up, CoS rules! It has a lot of action, much more suspense, and a ton of humor! ~*Fawkesfire
