___Controversial Willa

We like her, GET OVER IT!

Why so bitter you ask? Read on....

Annie's Thoughts | Jamie's Thoughts

Annie's Thoughts

Hey Everyone!!! This is Annie, and I've been seeing some recent things that trouble me, coming from the site about Willa Ford. I am not going to preach on anyone for what kind of music they should like or listen to, because that would bug me, but what I am going to give is some advice. I believe in not judging somebody until you know them. According to Nick Carter himself, Manda *Willa* was a great girlfriend, and the breakup was mutual. People need to be more open minded about Willa's music. Sure, I am a BSB fan, and Nick IS my favorite, but that doesnt mean that just because his ex girlfriend is now a singer, it doesnt mean that I cant try out some of her songs and see what I think. Has anyone here ever even LISTENED to the ENTIRE song of "I Wanna Be Bad"? I think it is an awesome song, and Willa deserves mega props for right it. Secondly- for all the people who think Willa is an evil snotty bitch, can you please explain to me Why She is giving her own time to go out on the Pantene Tour and find new talent? So she can help them realize their dreams? You know what, you're right. How DARE she help someone enrich their talent? THAT IS TERRIBLE!!! That is... OMG.. its just so downright HORRID. HOW DARE SHE??? OMG. What a terrible person! No, people are looking at it from the wrong direction. She dated Nick Carter. So what? Do you think that Nick shouldn't have a girlfriend? Is THAT why you hate her? Or because she "beat" Nick? LOL- hate to break it to you people- the only thing that Willa "beat" nick in, was probably on a video game or something. Do you think Nick would stay with someone if she was like that? No. Rumors spread life wildfire, and thats stupid, because not only are you bad-mouthing Willa, but you are also hurting Nick. Do you think he liked going home, and seeing Mandy with a handful of death-threats? Or that people thought he would be "Weak" enough to stay with someone like that? I find this sort of funny. The same people who say that "All they want is for Nick to be happy" are the same people who turn around, and for no reason at all, HATE Willa- *or, if the person magically does have a reason, its stupid, one that nobody believes anyway.* Thats not wanting Nick to be happy. Not by a long shot. Wanting Nick to be happy, is supporting his choices in a girlfriend, and hey- even if you dont- YOU DONT KNOW THE MAN, AND ITS NOT YOUR PLACE TO SAY. To top off this story- Willa did not beat Nick- Nick wouldn't allow that, and if you think he would- your just plain....odd. Secondly- Their break-up was COMPLETELY mutual. They both had ways to go, and unfortunately, it wasn't the same way, but nobody "dumped" anybody, it was a mutual split. Third- Try to be open minded about Willa- if you give her music a chance- you might like it- I know I loved it- I cant WAIT until her Cd comes out- Four- Give Willa the PERSON a chance, almost everybody who has worked with her claim that she is a very nice woman. Willa deserves a chance, shes just trying to make her place in this world like EVERYONE ELSE. Thank you, and Good night.

Oh- BTW- do NOT send me hatemail over this. If you still dont want to give Willa a shot, thats your problem, not mine, but do not waste my time with hatemail, because, it will either be deleted, or made fun of then deleted. Have a Nice Day!!

Love Always,


Jamie's Thoughts

Okay, I thought I needed to say my peace about Willa. Obviously many of you out there saw that so-called article about Willa beating Nick that was supposedly on his Official Site. But it is also clear you guys didn't see the article Nick wrote. He clearly stated that the previous article was entirely false. Someone, a rival of the family, perhaps, placed that article on there to sort of fuel the fire. Not surprisingly, millions of Anti-Willa sites were born. I'm not saying that there weren't Anti-Willa sites before, but it is certain that after this article..the # of Anti-Willa sites grew.

Now, I find this unbelievably disappointing. Do you guys honestly think that Nick would stay in an abusive relationship? I know Willa's pretty, but Nick's not dumb. In fact, I think he is the deepest of the boys which is why I know the first article is complete BS.

Both Nick Carter and Willa have stated that the break-up was MUTUAL. That means, because of reasons they thought weren't manageable, they BOTH decided that it was best to split. Not on bad terms either. I'm assuming careers got in the way. I really don't know and I don't think it matters.

People shouldn't hate Willa or her music for that stupid misprint. For one, if it WAS about the music like it damn well should be, people wouldn't have judged Willa's music from what they saw/heard in that article.

Me? I like Willa. Her personality, AND her music. I read that article, and I was disturbed. Then I went back and saw Nick's reaction to it and realized the truth..which is what all of you should do. Sit down and think about it...

Nick Carter staying in an abusive relationship and NOT telling anyone about it? The media would have ate that up immediately. It would have ruined Willa's career, and if that was true, don't you think Nick would have wanted that? All it takes is a little common sense and understanding...Willa is a decent human being. She did nothing wrong other than fall for Nick and have him fall for her and if thats so wrong, this is a sad world after all.
