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Children of the forest

Hear more birdsong while you read ...

birds birds lotsa birds (lger files, 260k)
kokako bellbird forest walk
saddleback little spotted kiwi night forest
tui..(not enough!) part of forest walk bird chorus

*In the night forest: Ruru aka morepork and kiwi
*the bird sound at the end of "forest walk" is gorgeous!!

In New Zealand there are no native land mammals except for bats, and so in the forests the birds are the children, the children of Tane. Yeah, they're pretty special!

a summer beautiful thing:
**swimming in the river, surrounded by bush, listening to the the distinctive beat of the wings of the kereru (New Zealand native pigeon) as it flies overhead** ...

Tuis have a most wonderful sound,
and you needn't live in the country
or by the forest to hear them, for they
live in towns and cities if they find
trees with food for them.

<<< Tui

<<< the huia...find out more in my next page, The Huia

birds birds lotsa birds (lger files, 260k)
kokako bellbird forest walk
saddleback little spotted kiwi night forest
tui part of forest walk bird chorus

Children of the forest


NZ Birds

Fabulous Kakapo

Kiwi at night... Jessi plays here

Moa Pages " big as Big Bird from Sesame Street"
p.s if that sounds big how about the
extinct giant eagle which was a moa predator!! ;-)

Kokako 2000...."A new search for a native bird that has been 'missing in action' for more than 30 years is to get under way in October. If successful, the 'Kokako 2000' campaign will confirm the continued existence of the South Island kokako, a forest bird that has not been officially recorded since the 1960s."


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