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~ P e r s p e c t i v e ~


Hi Friends,

I have been reading a lot of letters and material regarding Tuesday's tragic events and felt it important to voice my feelings.

As I tuned into the radio, television and Internet news it is apparent most people are gearing up for WAR, a counter attack on those who are perceived as the "enemy" in order to bring justice to the U.S.. I am very fortunate NOT to be a part of that reality. I have seen some really beautiful things happen as the result of Tuesdays events. People are coming together by the masses to hold their candles high and bring their light and love together to shine on all humanity. If we can rise above the drama we can see this is a phenomenal opportunity for change.

President Bush announces the next day that it is "business as usual." Well, no disrespect intended Mr. President but I seriously beg to differ. Perhaps it is time the old empires are allowed to crumble so new life empowering empires can be built. It is not "us against them" The true enemy always lies within our own psyche. We have to search ourselves, our own hearts and souls and see where we have stored hatred, prejudice, anger and a need to lash out in revenge. War cannot be waged on a heart that knows only love and a mind that has grown strong enough to perceive the illusion our world has been built on. We each as individuals have more power than we have ever imagined. But that power lies in our ability to recognize ourselves as LOVE.

Have you ever heard of the hundredth monkey syndrome? Well, I think this event is exactly the type of event that was needed to bring the numbers together necessary to transform the world. It is the energy of love, sent out in our prayers to all of humanity that holds the true power in this universe. As we join hands across the world we will quickly become the Majority, influencing thousands, millions of our fellow humans to join hands with us, not in war, but in peace. All that is unlike peace will come up to be healed, which may mean we are up for a bit of a rocky road, but with enough faith, we will get there.

Lets really embrace this opportunity for change. I am with all of you who do not condone war or retaliation! This is not the way to a harmonious life, it will only bring more of the same. Don't fight fire with fire! We are dealing with people who have nuclear capabilities and no regard for human life, including their own. Do you think they will think twice about annihilating the planet? I think we were given a very important message on Tuesday. We can sleep no more! And we cannot go back to the old way! It is time for major change and each one of you receiving this e-mail are a part of this change.

Many people are entering into prayer and meditation every night and every morning to send love out into the universe and visualize a peaceful resolution. If you are not already doing this please join us and spread the word. You may forward this e-mail if you want, or write your own. Let's light up the world and show those who chose war, who is really in charge!

Love and Light and many blessings!


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