It goes without saying (but, of course, being an orange cat, I fully intend to say it!) that all humans need a pet to make their households run smoothly. Purrrrr That goes for cyberhouseholds as well. And even though some real households insist on going petless, there's no excuse for such an oversight in your cyberhome.
Tigger, hereby offer to you, Cyberhome Owners, the pleasure and honor of adopting one of Tigger's Precious Pets.
Because each one of my pets is special and unique, when you let me know that you have adopted him (or her), I'll take the picture out of the album. It's hard enough for a pet to keep one household in order ... two or more would be just too much to ask!
As you can see, each pet comes in it's own room ... just in case you don't have appropriate accommodations. And his (or her) name is prominately displayed. We don't want any of this calling us by the kids names!! Meow!
Below is a special scroll which you may display to allow your guests to find their way here so they may choose a