What we have done in memory of
Avery, Grace and Noah

We planted this Magnolia Tree in honor of our triplets.
The first bloom was just before Mothers Day, but we missed
seeing it. Four days later two more flowers bloomed at the
same time right next to each other.
I think Avery, Grace and Noah were telling me
"Happy Mothers Day" through their tree. Their births
happened the same exact way the tree bloomed.
Avery was born and four days later Gracie and Noah were born.
I also missed the first four days of Avery's life,
just as I missed the first bloom of their tree.
God sure does work in mysterious ways!

The kids and I had a cake, blew out the candle...3 times...
and sang Happy Birthday. The flowers you see on the
table are 3 white roses and Teddybear my friend Amy
sent for their birthday party.
This is Eric's tattoo. He wanted something really special,
and I think he did a wonderful job expressing how he feels
about our children. He does want to have the doves colored in
and the eyes as well. I am sure our babies are very proud
because of how their daddy has chosen to remember them.

My Mom carved this stone for Avery to place at their Magnolia tree.
What a beautiful way to honor Her Grandson...thank you Mom!

Here is Graces' stone for the tree.
I know it was especially hard for my Mom to do hers.
She has a special fondness for girls and was so looking forward to getting to know her.

Here is Noahs stone. He has such a cute little fat face!
They all have their names on top of each stone.
I know my children are so proud to have these from their Grandmother!

My wonderful friend, Amy, sent these beautiful rocking horses to me.
They are made of Fenton glass and I just LOVE them!
They sit next to each of their pictures on my dresser
and on the back it has each of their birthdates.

These were given to me by my wonderful fried Kristen,
who was the first to help me actually deal with my grief.
They sit on my dresser above their pictures and rocking horses.
I love them! Thank you my dear friend!

These ceramic booties were given to me for their 2nd birthday by my sweet Sister-in-law Mary.
She is actually more of a sister to me than an "in-law".
Unfortunately, she understands what we have gone through so these booties are so precious to me!
Not sure if you can really see in these pictures,
but they have October written on the toes
and a little opal in the bows.

Christian, Ethan and Makenna writing notes and drawing pictures to Avery, Grace and Noah.

Getting ready to release the baloons

Happy 2nd Birthday my precious trio...
Where do balloons go Mommy when you set them free?
Do they float into clouds or get stuck in a tree...
or does God collect
all in a big bouquet and give them to the children in heaven each day?
do balloons go Mommy when you set them free?
I hope they go to heaven as a
gift from me!
Author Unknown

For Avery, Grace and Noah's 3rd birthday,
we donated these stuffed animals to the local labor & delivery unit at a nearby hospital.
We hung these cards around the neck of each,
so that the parents would know they weren't alone in such a hard time in their lives.
It felt good to be able to focus on doing something
to help someone else than to focus on how much we had lost.
Happy 3rd birthday my sweet babies

These were given to me by my dear sweet friend Juli,
who never forgets about me.
Thank you for your love and friendship Jules!
Email Avery, Gracie and Noah's Mom
Avery, Grace & Noah
Kim's place
Last updated December 14, 2003