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The International Vegetarian Union
This is at non-profit organization. Their goal is to bring together vegetarian societies from all parts of the world. This site has articles, recipes, famous vegetarians, vegetarian phrases in different languages. There are also discussion, news forums and international events.

Vegan Action
A non-profit educational organization based in Berkeley, California. This action group has set up a site that caters to vegans. It's full of information, including the latest issue of Vegan News, a catalog of t-shirts, stickers, magazines, cookbooks, and information on joining the latest vegan campaign.

Vegetarian Central
This site offers lots of information and links regarding vegetarianism.

Vegan Outreach
This is an organization that works to end animal exploitation . They distribute a booklet called, Why Vegan? This shows people how to better the world through the daily choices they make. The site also provides essays, newletters, resources and links.

Vegan Society
This charitable organization is located in the U.K. and stands to promote "ways of living which avoid the use of animal products - for the benefit of people, animals and the environment." You can also find links to other vegan sites, products, books, information sheets and news.

The Vegetarian Society UK
This is the location of the Vegetarian Society of the United Kingdom. Here you will find, recipes, health and nutrition, local directory, animal rights, books, and lots more. A comprehensive site.

The Vegetarian Union of North America
This site promotes the vegetarian movement in Canada and the U.S. They have links to many other vegetarian sites on the World Wide Web.

The Vegetarian Youth Network
The Vegetarian Youth Network is a grass-roots organization run entirely for and by teenagers who support vegetarian living. The group sponsors a help line for information, products, and directories of information.

VivaVegie Society
VivaVegie Society is a vegetarian advocacy group to further the cause of vegetarianism. They have published over 40,000 copies of "101 Reasons Why I'm a Vegetarian" which has convinced many people to follow a vegetarian lifestyle.

    For New Vegetarians
    This is of specific interest to those who are interested in becoming vegetarians,or those who have just become vegetarians. You can see "How to be a Vegetarian in 10 Easy Steps," how to cope with Vegan Dating problems, the lyrics to "Meat is Murder" by Morissey, and one family's story of being vegan, .

    The Vegetarian Pages
    This site states they are the"definitive guide to what is available on the Internet for vegetarians, vegans, and others." Many links to vegetarian resources are found here.

    The Vegetarian Resource Group
    A large site with information on vegetarianism. Here you can find the basic facts on how to become vegetarian. There are also lists of vegetarian literature and teaching materials, recipes and vegetarian-food replacements. There is a vegetarian search engine and a feedback page for comments. Other topics include feeding vegan children, a guide to non-leather goods, a lesson plan for teachers, investing for vegetarians, and vegetarians links to finding vegetarian things on AOL, CompuServe, MSN, & other service providers.

    Veggie Heaven
    This site gives a lot of information of vegetarian sites on the web. You can find over 230 vegetarian and vegan recipes, UK vegetarian restaurant guide, facts and nutritional information.

    Veggies Unite!
    A guide to online vegetarianism, including a number of bulletin boards on topics from animal rights to parenting. There is also information available on meal planning, composting and book reviews.

    This site provides over a dozen message boards to choose from, an online magazine and recipes.

    Veg Paradise
    Veg Paradise has a monthly newsletter,information on the basics of the vegetarian lifestyle, as well as information on vegetarian restaurants in Los Angeles. is a nutritional search engine. You can easily calculate the nutritional value of a specific food, a meal, or even a whole day's menu. You can find out whether or not you are getting the proper amount of vitamins, minerals, protein and other important nutrients. It also also provides links to the websites of food manufacturers listed.

    This site has a searchable database of restaurants. More than a dozen U.S. cities are listed. Pick a city and you can search for whatever vegetarian food you're interested in.You can add other elements to your search, such as what meals the restaurants serve, like breakfast, and whether or not they accept credit cards. Also included are Cafe, Digest and Market. In the Cafe section, you can read informative articles. The Digest provides all kinds of items, like what people eat for breakfast in countries around the world. In the Market area you can order food items.

    FATFREE: The Low Fat Vegetarian Archive
    This site provides lots of strict low fat vegetarian recipes. You can search the archive, check out newly submitted recipes and access the USDA nutrient database. In addition you can submit recipes for posting.

    Food Web
    This is a general food site with a Virtual Cookbook for vegetarian recipes.

    Vegetarian Times
    Vegetarian Times provides its readers with all the information needed to live a more healthful lifestyle. Every month the magazine provides over 20 delicious meat-free recipes, cooking tips, entertainment suggestions, and comprehensive coverage of the latest research on alternative health, fitness, nutrition and supplements.

    The Regional Vegetarian Network
    On this site you can learn more about vegetarian interests in your local area, or a place to which you are moving, going to college, or traveling. You can also join area-specific vegetarian mailing lists to keep up-to-date on all vegetarian issues, as well as read reviews on vegetarian restaurants, stores, and events.

    Time Magazine Cover Story
    Veggie Tales: Can we really help ourselves, and our planet, by shunning meat and embracing our roots and vegetables?

    Maharishi Ayur-Ved
    Information about Ayurvedic herbs, recipes and dietary supplements.

In a Vegetarian Kitchen with Nava Atlas
Nava Atlas' virtual vegetarian kitchen has recipes from Everyday meals to Seasonal Delights. In between there are recipes for special occasions and holidays and discussions of current topics relevant to vegetarian cooking.

Living Foods
This site serves to educate people of the power of living and raw foods. It provides background information, recipes, articles, message boards, chat, resources, a marketplace and a search engine.

Moosewood Restaurant
The Moosewood Restaurant in Ithaca, NY is one of the oldest vegetarian restaurants in the United States. Their site has free vegetarian recipes, online ordering for their cookbooks, and information about their consulting work and cooking lessons.

    Alternative Farming System Information Center
    This information center is one of several in the USDA's National Agricultural Library. It provides information related to alternative farming including sustainable, organic, low-input, biodynamic and regenerative agriculture. The web site features a search engine to locate articles, links to related sites and a page currently under construction where information related to current topics will be available.

    FDA Homepage
    This online source to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration includes topics such as news, foods, human drugs, animal drugs and cosmetics--all of which are relevant to vegetarians .

      American Botanical Council
      The American Botanical Council is a nonprofit, educational and research organization whose site is a resource for all things herbal: books, tours, programs, links and information about the Commission E monographs, translations of German medical briefs that document the safe use of herbal medicine.

      Brightstar Farm (featuring Animals as Teachers and Healers)
      Author Susan Chernak McElroy has written about our connection with animals and this site serves as a "virtual community for those eager to explore the bond between us and the "others"---animals--- more deeply." Here you can share your stories of experiences with animals. And, you can also find out where you can see Susan Chernak McElroy speak and how to get books and tapes.

      The Ecomall
      Dedicated to teaching how to live your life ecologically, the site features a national guide to "green" restaurants (the list includes many vegetarian places). You can also find the daily eco-news, a business-to-business directory, and a guide to environmentally safe products.

      Fun With Feng Shui!
      This site features Feng Shui, from its origins to its practical application around your home and environment. Here you will find the basics and can get started on your own designs. There are also many graphics.

      This comprehensive site is sponsored by the Herb Growing and Marketing Network and states "everything herbal can be found here!" Here you will find information on herbs, herb products, remedies and herb publications. You can also find out how to get seeds, the names of herb associations and where you can take classes.

      Stretch Central
      Carole Dickman is a certified yoga instructor and on this page she offers 21 stretches that you can incorporate into your daily routine as well as stretches submitted by users.

      Alternative Health News Online
      On this site you can find information on alternative medicine. As it states,"As journalists, we wish to provide you with news and information that will keep you up-to-date on the latest happenings in this rapidly growing field." There are also links and a search for health news.

      American Holistic Health Association
      The AHHA is an information resource. This non-profit organization promotes a holistic approach to health through literature, lectures, resource lists and the media. Here you will find a searchable database of practitioners, local groups as well as an educational booklet on good health.

      Ask Dr. Weil
      Read up on all the questions fellow surfers have asked in the Archive or submit your own question. There's a searchable database for home remedies and you can participate in several bulletin boards.

      HealthWorld Online
      Health World Online offers health-related information. There is a HealthWorld Village, where you can select a place to visit. From Home Health and Self-Care to the Wellness Center to the Library, much information is available on all that's happening in the area of healthy living.

      North American Vegetarian Society
      This non-profit educational organization works to promote the health, nutritional, environmental and compassionate benefits of a meatless diet. They organize the annual Vegetarian Summerfest.

      Vegetarian Times
      Vegetarian Times provides its readers with all the information needed to live a more healthful lifestyle. Every month the magazine provides over 20 delicious meat-free recipes, cooking tips, entertainment suggestions, and comprehensive coverage of the latest research on alternative health, fitness, nutrition and supplements.