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Ben Affleck
Christian Bale
Hayen Christensen
Mark McGrath
Sean Biggerstaff

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July 9, 2003- Pirates of the Caribbean out in theaters
December 17, 2003- Return of the King out in theaters

July 10, 2003
Yesterday I saw Pirates, and it was soooo good! The newspaper in my area only gave it 2 stars (out of 4), but I would give it at least 3. Orlando really fits the Romantic Hero character (uneasy around women, fighting for a greater/noble cause, is a good person. Thanks to Mrs. Ritter and her American Lit. class for that term) and he seems like he could be like that in real life. Just think if he was.....I hate to say this, and please don't hurt me die-hard Orlando fans, but I think that Johnny Depp upstaged Orlando a bit throughout the movie. But overall I loved the movie.

Orlando is the newest member of my list of Beautiful Boys. Like so many, I saw him first in Lord of the Rings, and thought he looked rather beautiful, and fit the part of the elf. And now after watching the movie so many times, I have really noticed the way he talks, the way he carries himself, and his overall appearance and how wonderful he is. I didn't like seeing his head totally shaved in Black Hawk Down, and he was only in the movie for a few scenes (I despised the rest of the movie because it was so graphic, and seemed to be proud of the fact that they showed blood and pain every 5 seconds). But I can't wait until The Two Towers comes out.

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