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Ben Affleck
Christian Bale
Orlando Bloom
Hayen Christensen
Mark McGrath
Sean Biggerstaff

Read / Sign my guestbook

I just wanted everyone to know that this is merely a fan site. I have no connections with any of the guys featured on this web site (though I wished I did). I have no way of forwarding emails, letters, or messages to them because I do not know them, their agents, or anyone remotely near them. I am just trying to show off who I believe are the hottest guys around. I also do not take any credit for these pictures. They have come from various other sites, who I'm sure have taken them from even more various other sites. Thought some people have taken screen caps, the images themselves belong to the company that produced/made/distributed the film, and I do not claim ownership over any of these pictures, including the screen caps. Same goes for the pictures from magazines and other copyright protected places/people. If there is something on this site that is yours, and I did not give you credit for it on the links page, please email me and let me know. Pictures from the official websites are credited on the individual filmography pages.

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