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This endeavor first came about when a friend of ours submitted an idea for a movie.  The idea was good and with a little help came the premise for our first script.  Chris and I had watched Star Wars fanfilms for awhile and decided to try our hand at it.  We wanted to develop a character driven script with more going for it than just FX. To date, we have been working on it for a year and are about to be finished.  We were lucky enough to find several locations to shoot including a local Laser Blaze for out Coruscant scenes.

The Premise of the movie is simple:

With the breakdown of the Trade Federation, and the recent election of Senator Palpatine as Chancellor,
a new age for the Republic has begun.  In hopes of finding new planetary resources, the Senate has sent out probes to search for new worlds to join the republic. 
The Queen of the planet Aloofin, set on the outskirts of the galaxy, realizes that her planet may be discovered.  The atmosphere of her planet is one that provides the inhabitants with the ability to communicate through telepathy.  Agents from her planet frequent Coruscant  and are able to obtain information while erasing the memories of those with whom they have came in contact.  The Queen fears that once her planet is discovered, it's resources will be diminished and her people exploited for their abilities.  She sends two of her best agents to Coruscant to gather information.

Meanwhile, the Sith Lord, Darth Raze has been instructed by his master, Darth Shadow, to meet their contact  on Coruscant.  They too have discovered information that may be beneficial to the Sith, for the atmosphere of Aloofin provides the Force sensitive being with altered powers.

From here the movie ensues.

Cast and Crew




