The above is a picture of Cloud and Aeris together somewhere, somehow, getting married. Now we know this is anyhow impossible and not going to happen, even in a sequel of FF7, this will likely not happen, so what's the point? The other thing is that sword Cloud is holding. In the game, in CD 1, this is symbolic for Cloud almost completely have taken in Zack's identity. Another thing is, who is he thinking of? Tifa? Because she is the one he is suppose to be protecting and looking out for, as he promised. "After all.. I promised" Cloud even says there himself that he has intentions of keeping the promise, when he is fully himself again, post-lifestream in CD 2.
Firstly, let's get some myths (or lies) out of the way. Such as, "Aeris and Cloud are the official couple, there's proof even by the producers, themselves! Wah! Why can't they see?" Okay, what's wrong with this? A couple should be a couple, needs to be a couple, when they fully love each other. That's right, love each other. And I don't mean love as in "care for their well being" as is what I see Aeris' true feelings for (the real) Cloud and would be, even though I'm sure she is still attracted to him, because he is nearly identical to Zack. Zack. Aeris' boyfriend or couple-type feelings came here, up to the point of the unromantic, nothing happen (no kiss, hug) date. She was attracted to Cloud because he looked so much like the last hunk she fell in love with and still was and missed. That is the only reason she asked him on a date. Did she love the Zack in Cloud (pretty much CLOUD himself in disc 1), the answer is simple. It's a yes, if she loved Cloud. Your first *love* is the one you never forget and never get over. And I believed she loved Cloud, then. She never knew or got to meet Cloud as himself (unlike Tifa in the lifestream) and never got to find out the complete truth about him, now that I think about it. There are 2 Clouds. The one she cares for like a brother-Cloud, and the one she wasinterested in as a couple-"Zack." The one she was interested as a couple lived throughout disc 1. After her death, "I'm Cloud, an ex-SOLDIER" Cloud's words after her death. She was bringing out the real Cloud? Or making him worst. Giving Cloud an (big) option, to be more like that he dreamed/wanted to be. But who was deep in his heart all along, it was revealed when he fell into the lifestream? Tifa. That's who he really wanted all along in disc 1, just never believed he was good enough for her, and she was always out of his reach.
#1- In Tactics FF, Why was Aeris there? WITH CLOUD! No. Aeris wasn't with Cloud. She ran away from him. He went back to the future without her. Cloud came in from the future-disc 1 of ff7-timeline, with his hands in his head from those headaches/seizures again. He saw Aeris being ganged up on by thugs, a little innocent, helpless, poor flower girl. He tried to help and protect her, then later them. He has no sword. In Tactics gang comes saves the day, and you obtained Cloud and HURRAY!. You ditched Aeris...oh, they make her runa away. It's called use of a popular flower girl we know. A cameo. They did nothing 'couple-like' here either, so they weren't a couple.
#2- Amano Art! YEAH! SUCH BEAUTIFUL WORK! BY MR. AMANO. SOMEONE WHO HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE PRODUCTION OR DIRECTING OR CHRACTER DEVELOPEMENT OR STORY LINE OF FF7. SOMEONE WHO WAS JUST CALLED IN AS AN IMAGE-ILLUSTRATOR SINCE 1997 FOR THE FF SERIES. He is not the character designer of FF7. Nomura is. As well, Nomura is the story writer. As well, this memoriable quote by Nomura, "Actually, we only had Aerith at the beginning, and Tifa did not exist.But on a Sunday evening, I phoned the director Mr. Kitase and suggested 'Let's kill Aerith and put in Tifa' (laughs). .. So now we have two heroines .." So you all should be mad at Nomura. HE decided to KILL Aeris. Tifa would have NEVER EXISTED. So sorry, I don't hold Amano's lovely art creditible for telling the story of FF7...especially after seeing one pic. of Aeris and Sephi standing together like good friends. Everyone remember, first Aeris and Cloud were meant to be the couple. And Tifa never existed. A little bit later in production, was when THAT CHANGED. Amano's art if proof of that. OH! There is one of Tifa later on, however. But she is painted with the color pink all over. That is Aeris' color in the game, changed later on. The color is blue ^^. Everytime Tifa wore a dress that is. In FF8, Rinoa was blue...Oh yeah, Quistis was pink.
#3 - Kingdom Hearts. *Not Canon to the FF series. PERIOD. sorry. And Cloud never sold his soul PERIOD. To NO ONE, for nothing. Aeris was NOT ressurected..except by Nomura to put/for this game. Her chaarcter is alive again. Cloud's personality and appearanced are altered in KH to fit Nomura's character want in it. So is Aeris. She is the perfect fit for something 'divine' and 'holy' a dark man like Vincent, oops, I mean Cloud, is looking for. *Selphie=13/Squall=25 (alone/dumped Rinoa??!!)/Yuffie=16 (no age)/Aeris=22/Cloud=22/Leon, Yuffie and Aerith started talking about Hollow Bastion being where they grew up?? And right, KH is Nomura's game, yes, helped with the production of Squaresoft's FF people of course, but Not Kitase's, or Sakaguchi's.
#4- THE PROMISED LAND=THE LIFESTREAM=FOR ANCIENTS ONLY. Sorry. It is a place of supreme happiness for the Ancients, planet people, to return to the planet (lifestream) in death (when their souls return to it, become one with it) It's supreme happiness for them ...ONLY. Cloud did say he good meet her there, right? Right. Meant they may/were going to die...and ALL meet her in the lifestream. This is death, still. Bugenhagen said, [go to for complete FF7 script and find it yourself] in ff7-when we die-our sould return to the planet ONLY. Not our BODIES, or our HEARTS. Sorry. So this is death, anyhoo. Please also not Tifa's look of pain from the heart. If they were just best friends, or Cloud rejected her 7 nights ago, ect. She should have just smiled broadly. Instead she pains ands tears and stalled with emotioned, before doing whatever Cloud wanted. Another thing..Cloud bought his OWN Villa in Costa Del Sol...I would have been THERE 7 days before meteor..not with Tifa wherever she was/wanted to be. Clear this as well, Tifa doesn't know anything about the Promised Land in the game...sorry. She doesn't know what he's talking about. She most likely thinks Aeris is back alive, again, and WE'RE going to see her, sadly. Most important thing [again, got to for script] Cloud called "PROMISED LAND!" while Tifa's theme was being felt/played. "It's not a place, you have to FEEL it first..then you know, this is the Promised Land." Yep..this was said by AERIS, herself. And it was Tifa's hand that was intended in reality calling Cloud out of that stream that was filling him up, in the lifestream. This happened in actuality, said by Cloud himself under the highwind, in disc 2 end. We're in the lifestream folks. Aeris' is there now, freed her soul. She is in her Promised Land, her theme needs to play.."Aeris' memories...OUR memories" Cloud asked for the answer to this in, "an answer from the planet," remmeber. And Memories...that sounds like a theme leaning on Cloud x Tifa's side, hmm.
#5- Cait Sith is not a fortune teller. He is really Reeve and deceived you many times in the game before..and after. Also, that fortune fitted, because it went well with Cloud's attitude (Zack) in disc 1, of the game. That was Zack and Aeris' fortune.
In conclusion, Aeris never met the real Cloud, never had those type of feelings for him, and DIED before she could ever meet him. the romantic theme leaned more on Cloud x Tifa, and "protecting" her, and "a promise", being alone, and *stars*, and being alone, and only ahving each other (from the same town, everyone's dead, FAMILY all dead), *THOSE* feelings Cloud had for her, and their relationship more of a developing one. They meet up again years later. But wait! Aeris had a happy ending, too! Supreme happiness, one... But, she's DEAD. They'll ('cloaeris') never be together. "A love that will never be.." said the commercials by Square. Zack is dead too. They are together. Let's celebrate/dedication to this couple. Also, I personally don't believe they ALL died in the end, either. It's up to the player (this was even said by Sakaguchi, and's US site on FF7's summary;"the player to decide the fate of humanity"...Well, Meteor is done for one thing. What about HOLY now? and remember that the "the good ones, or the bad ones" of humans, said by Bugenhagen, quote?There is also now talk/even mention(!) of an FF7 sequel, now..but later.
~P.S.: I just came to notice, that out of the entire lifestream scene in disc 2, nothing about Cloud's feelings for Tifa were said in the past tense. You can review the script. As for the game, the Cloud's in different ages, especially Cloud himself (writhing above) participate in this. The most important thing is that that Cloud himself (or present Cloud) is the one that first echos "You...", when Tifa askes why did he try to join SOLDIER, and the one that actually says, "tender memories..a secret wish..".
*** BONUSES ***
1) Tifa vs. Aeris...I think we all know who's better for Cloud..and if you look in the script, all the love and caring and being with Cloud script belong to Tifa. None from Aeris-->click here<--
2) Best editorial on Cloud-Aeris-Tifa debate(must read!!!!!!!!!)
Complete analysis of FF7
4)MYTH: "Aerith was created because of the pain that the writer underwent when his mother died. He wanted the world to feel his pain, so Aerith/Aeris came to life."
ME: Sakaguchi's mom didn't die during the making of FF7, but during the making of FF4. He said he started to begin to think about TIME for a future projct of FF(7). In FF7, for ex; 5,000 years ago, 1,000 years ago, 7 years ago, 5 years ago. [QUOTE TO REMEMBER: "Actually, we only had Aerith at the beginning, and Tifa did not exist.But on a Sunday evening, I phoned the director Mr. Kitase and suggested 'Let's kill Aerith and put in Tifa' (laughs)." - Tetsuya Nomura, character designer and story writer of FF7]
5)Links: Eternal Love(make sure to check the webring)KIZNA: Cloud x Tifa ONLY.
#2 - 'Aeris and Sephiroth'