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What's New


Pentagon Bans Ephedra Products

Web Sites Promote Anorexia and Bulimia as 'Lifestyle

From Fat Chance to Fat Chic by Ellen Goodman
Ellen Goodman explores the controversy: Can a Jazzercise instructor be fit and fat?
March 31, 2002

Letters Sent to Fat Kids' Parents

Some schools have sent letters in an effort to "encourage parents to change their children`s eating habits and help them get more excercise." March 21, 2002

IRS Recognizes Obesity as a Disease

In a groundbreaking decision, the IRS has recognized "obesity as a disease" and will allow "taxpayers to claim weight loss expenses as a medical deduction." April 2, 2002

Facts About Eating Disorders
Pauline Powers, MD provides recent statistics about eating disorders and a compares US funding for eating disorders with funding for other mental health issues.


Recent Clinical Findings
Research laboratories are busily studying a number of animal models of anorexia nervosa that may ultimately help us prevent these disorders and better treat individuals who succumb to them.


Did You See Us On Oprah?
Holly Hoff, Director of Programs at the National Eating Disorders Association, was featured as a guest expert on the Oprah Winfrey Show on Thursday, October 4, 2001.

