To home school my grandson was not an easy
decision. My daughter and I thought about it for over two years
and it weighed heavy on our hearts. We struggled with all the
reasons we should home school him and all the reasons that we
shouldn't. Although many choose to home school because of
religious reasons, we did not. We chose to home school because of
medical reasons.
My grandson's last two years in public school were the
hardest of all his young years of public education. He had been
sick since the day he was born but the harsh impact of just how serious
his medical problems had become did not surface until he began fifth
Along with birth defects to both his feet my grandson
suffers from severe asthma, allergies and acute acid reflux. He had been
teased, humiliated and shunned by the children in his grade, from his
early school years until we pulled him out of public school at the end
of his fifth grade year.
He would fall without any apparent reason and had a very
severe limp. When we called upon an orthopedic specialist to
examine him we were informed that his ankle had separated from the heel
and he was actually walking on the ankle bone, not his foot. This
was the cause of his falling and the pain he suffered. He was
scheduled for surgery one week after public school dismissed for the
In September of 2000 he became deathly ill.
There were countless sleepless nights and many days missed from Public
school. Much of his time was spent in the doctor's office or the
hospital and many tests were run. This is when we were told of his
asthma, allergies and acid reflux condition. Due to the fact
that he had missed over the allotted time that public school excuses
absences, we were informed that he was in danger of failing the fifth
Many people have these conditions, but his are so severe
that it's almost second nature for him to go into anaphylactic
shock. Top that off with his stomach problems and it's a very
deadly situation. We were informed that he will not get better and
that we can expect many more trips to the hospital. He will also
need further surgery on both feet within the next two - three
We decided that it would be in his best interest to home
school because he was constantly developing upper respiratory infections
from sick classmates and teachers. Although it is difficult for
him, he is a very strong and courageous little man. He is a joy to
teach and we have developed a learning style that works for both of us.
His illness and endurance is the basis for our school
name and logo. The phoenix is our reminder that we faced
many hardships and challenges but we came back stronger than ever.
Our home school name Rising Phoenix Academy tells us
the Phoenix rose from the ashes, So shall we rise.
The 2002 - 2003 school year will be our second year of
home schooling and we are looking forward to seventh grade with high
expectations and a strong constitution. Home schooling has been the best
decision we could of ever made for him and for us.
Many Blessings to all of you