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Joining Information:

X-Con: The event for all X Enthusiasts!





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All traders are welcome to join the Space Engineering Guild. If you enjoy the challenge of engineering and have a good mind for architecture and construction, and are willing to co-operate with others whilst building and maintaining are stations then please read below:


All that we ask is:

You show your allegiance to SEG by repainting your current vessels logos with the SEG logo.t(until the release of X-online)

You sign in at the first discussion terminal you find in one of our space stations, and participate in the distribution of knowledge to all SEG members.

That you log in to the discussion terminal with the "[SEG]" tag before your name. So if your login is "Member" it would thus become "[SEG]Member. If you forget you will be prompted by via terminal mail.



After joining the discussion terminal and displaying the SEG logos proudly on your vessel you will be accepted as a member of SEG.

Why should I join?

Here at SEG we believe firmly developing the highest quality stations in the universe.

Here at SEG we take pride in the fact that most of our members now have superior knowledge than most in the engineering/construction business, and we use this reputation to attract potential buyers.

Joining our large team will allow you to learn more about the fine art of engineering, business strategy, make new friends, and above all we will provide you with free habitation for the 1st year of your stay with us. After that you may either leave or you can stay, and pay a small annual fee of 100 credits to live in a luxurious habitation module wit a view to die for.