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Week Four Project Assignments

Part 1 - Layers

Chicago008_1 Chicago008_4
I created an image 415 x 326 with a white background and saved it as a PSP image. I then made the above image on the left active, hit ctrl-C copying it to the clipboard. I than made the PSP image active and I selected Edit | Paste | Paste as New Layer. I repeated my actions for the above image on the right. I named the left image layer West1 and the right image layer East1. I merged the two layers into the image below


Part 2 - Filters

I have applied four different effects to my orignal image. The first two were achieved by clicking Effects | Art Media Effects | Charcoal and Black Pencil, respectively.

The third was achieved by clicking Effects | Texture Effects | Straw-Wall.

The final effect was achieved by clicking Effects | Geometric Effects | Circle.


go4_pencil_border tlclogo4_strawBorder

Link to PSP8 Review4