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So posterity may witness the making of the universe's greatest person

    I went to add in a new archive page for September, and I realized that I have been doing this for almost a year... and only one person reads it! So, today's entry is devoted to you, Amanda.
    If you don't remember, we met on the first day of freshman year, at lunch. Both you and I were new to the school, and it was pretty overwhelming, not knowing anyone there. Then I got my scedule changed, and we didn't see each other untill... sophmore year, where we had math together. Oy! Math class was one big party hour, wasn't it? Looking back,I think math kept me from going out of my mind. Of course, that year was more important for another reason: The Buche. *Choir sings*. Ahh, yes. I have yet to make my buche teapot. It's next on my list. It can be your birthday gift.     Now we come to this year, where once again we have no classes together. :o( Next year... At least we see each other.     In conclusion, I can honestly say that you are the best friend I have named Amanda. Bask in the glory of this distinction. You deserve it.

    I have been inspired to clean up the mess that has accumulated on my site, and start things off in the right foot for the coming year (heaven knows it will take that long for me to get it all done...). So, without further ado, I leave you to improve my humble abode.

    Ye Gods, I need a new layout! Lately there have been so many things I NEED to do, but haven't. Well, now it's time to whip my sorry bottom into shape. And what better way yo start than with this place. I wil try (key word) to write something here every day except Sundays, which are usually filled with such mind numbing things as homework. I will also try to make this space more interesting. As I look back, I see how unutterably dull I've been (probably because my heart was just not in it), and when I redo the layout, I will try my hardest to bury all those archives under a pile of rubble.
    I did not think it was possible to get hypothermia in September in your own home under the thickest blanket in the house, but I'm coming mighty close.
    I wrote a journal entry for french at lunch this afternoon, and to my astonishment, It was actually good! I think a lot of the humor really has to do with the fact taht Itook the trouble to as translate all these thoughts into a foreign language. As JoAnne says "It's 90 time funnier in french, because it's... so nonFrench!"
    Speaking of french, I was in class today, and noticed some german on the chalkboard (there's a german class before us) and I actually understood what it said! (it was really elementary german, but considering I took german for 9 weeks in 7th grade, that's pretty good). I also rediscovered one of the cooler words in the german language (which is saying something. German is a very cool language in itself): Radiergummi (Rah-deer-gom-mi)(eraser). It reminds me of those ruthless eraser pirates, who roamed the seven seas in search of ships laden with erasers, and plundering them. Ah! those were the days, when men were men, and women were women, and erasers were worth their weight in gold.
    I shall get on with my homework now...ugh. and perhaps later I will amaze you with my witty comments. Much later. Possibly after I eat and sleep, too.

    This is quite possibly the busiest, most tiring week I've had in a long time. yesterday I had all of an hour between all my stuff to do homework and eat. Today, not only did I have a million and one thing s to do for tomorrow, but amma also asked me to make a spreadsheet for her... which took me clase to two hours. Now it's 9:00, and there are four physics problems on my internet homework that I cannot solve, I have upwards of 35 "proof" problems in trig (it's as bad as it sounds. We have to show all work.), I need to read an entire chapter on aegean art in art history, and start the greek chapter (my book is thicker than the ap euro and us history books combined). Did I mention that I have all of these classes in the morning, so there is no way of doing any of this tomorrow. Oh yes, and I have a headache the size of Texas. Ye Gods! How I hate school!
