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Baptism Surname C
Surname Baptism Date Christian Names Abode Father Mother Profession Parish Notes
Caines/Eaines ? 01 April 1855 Caroline Jane Shapwick William Fanny Labourer Shapwick
Callard 10 January 1858 Mary Jane Westhay Heath George Ellen Labourer Meare
Callow 21 June 1824 Mary Ann Westhay James Elizabeth Labourer Meare
Callow 05 July 1829 Elizabeth Westhay James Elizabeth Labourer Meare
Callow 27 January 1833 William Westhay James Elizabeth Labourer Meare
Callow 23 April 1837 George Westhay James Elizabeth Labourer Meare
Callow 18 September 1853 William ~~ Westhay Heath - Elizabeth Single woman? Meare
Callow 15 January 1854 Ann Westhay William Eliza Labourer Meare
Candy 20 August 1848 Richard - Elijah Maria Yeoman Godney
Cannon 14 May 1826 Silas Catcott Thomas Jane ? Labourer Catcott
Cannon 02 July 1826 John Catcott Charles Eliza Farmer Catcott
Cannon 10 September 1826 Emma Catcott Matthew Sarah Labourer Catcott
Cannon 20 January 1828 Mary Catcott Charles ? Eliza Labourer Catcott
Cannon ? 14 September 1828 Jane ? Catcott ? Jane ? ? Catcott
Canon 20 May 1821 Matilda Catcott Matthew Sarah Labourer Catcott
Canon 05 January 1823 Harriet Catcott Matthew Sarah Labourer Catcott
Canon 10 November 1823 Keziah Catcott Thomas Jane Labourer Catcott
Canon 14 May 1826 Silas Catcott Thomas Jane Labourer Catcott
Canon? 12 March 1820 Tabitha Catcott Matthew Sarah Labourer Catcott
Canon? 11 March 1821 Eliza Catcott Thomas Jane Labourer Catcott
Capel 09 May 1813 Maria Meare John Ann Labourer Meare
Capel 20 December 1818 John Meare John Ann Labourer Meare
Capel 08 July 1821 Ann Meare Heath John Ann Labourer Meare
Capel 01 August 1824 James Westhay~~~~~ John Ann Labourer Meare
Caple 18 February 1816 George Meare John Ann Labourer Meare
Card 19 June 1836 Elizabeth Meare Henry Sarah Servant Meare Age 19 years
Card? 14 April 1833 Mary Meare Henry Susanna Spinster Meare 'Age 19'
Cardwell 11 January 1857 Henry James Meare James Ann Carpenter Meare
Cardwell? 29 August 1854 Albert J~~~ Meare James Ann ? Carpenter Meare
Carey 07 June 1818 Ann Meare William Elizabeth Labourer Meare Age 3
Carey 07 June 1818 Elizabeth Meare William Elizabeth Labourer Meare
Carey 30 June 1837 Amelia Bear Lane - Mary Ann - Glast. St John
Carey 17 June 1849 John Albert Churches - Joseph Mary Farmer Godney
Carey?/Cary? 10 June 1833 Elizabeth Ann Bear Lane William Mary Ann Labourer Glast. St Benedict
Carsons 17 June 1832 Susan Ann Ashcott William Martha Labourer Shapwick
Carsons 19 March 1835 Joseph Drayton Shapwick James Betsy Shoemaker Shapwick
Carter 14 May 1836 Mary Ann Chilkwell Street Thomas Sarah Pig Dealer Glast. St John
Carter 12 August 1836 Mary Ann Chilkwell Street Thomas Sarah Pig Dealer Glast. St John
Carter 12 August 1836 Elizabeth Chilkwell Street Thomas Sarah Pig Dealer Glast. St John
Carter 25 August 1836 Frederic Hilhead James Mary Labourer Glast. St Benedict
Carter 27 January 1837 Uriah North Load Street - Amelia - Glast. St John
Carter 18 April 1838 Elizabeth Chilkwell Street Thomas Sarah Pig Jobber Glast. St John
Carter 26 April 1839 Eliza Ann Bear Lane James Mary Labourer Glast. St John
Carter 04 October 1839 Jane Chilkwell John Hannah Servant Glast. St John
Carter 24 February 1844 Edward Glastonbury Thomas Sarah Labourer Meare
Cary 20 April 1837 John Hill Head Thomas Mary Labourer Glast. St John
Cary 17 August 1838 Frederic Hill Head Thomas Mary Labourer Glast. St John
Cary 17 August 1838 Francis William Cart Lane - Elizabeth - Glast. St John
Casey 30 January 1825 Joseph Godney James Ann Farmer Meare
Casey 09 July 1826 James Godney James Ann Farmer Meare
Casey 28 November 1828 George Godney James Ann Farmer Meare
Casey/Carey 28 November 1847 Celia Ann Meare John Elizabeth Mary Cordwainer Meare
Ch~~~~ 09 March 1835 Henry Bear Lane William Elizabeth Labourer Glast. St John
Ch~~~~~ 22 November 1835 William Barrow Causeway William Charity Labourer Meare
Chacey 28 December 1835 Josiah Northload Street William Martha Labourer Glast. St John
Chacey? 12 October 1831 William Henry North Load Street William Martha Labourer Glast. St John
Chacey? 09 June 1832 Robert Above Town Robert Ann Labourer Glast. St John
Chamberlain 13 January 1832 Samuel Cart Lane Philip Ann Sawyer Glast. St John
Chamberlain 13 January 1832 Eliza High Street William Maria Sawyer Glast. St John
Champion 07 January 1832 Richard High Street Richard Ann Hosier? Glast. St Benedict 'Born May 1830'
Champion 07 January 1832 Sarah High Street Richard Ann Hosier ? Glast. St Benedict
Champion 09 August 1839 William Clark Above Town Edward Ann Labourer Glast. St John
Chandler 22 August 1847 Amelia Ann - George Charlotte Labourer Godney
Chapman 28 December 1831 Elizabeth High Street Richard Elizabeth Carrier Glast. St John
Chapman 08 April 1835 Mary Burgess? High Street Edgar Mary Carrier Glast. St John
Chapman 16 November 1836 Edgar Rufus High Street Edgar Mary Carrier? Glast. St John
Chapman 28 December 1837 James High Street Richard Elizabeth Carrier Glast. St John
Chapman 09 March 1838 Frederic Strode High Street Edgar Mary Carrier Glast. St John
Chard 22 July 1855 Mary Anne Shapwick William Marth? Yeoman Shapwick
Chasly? 15 April 1846 John Benedict Street John Mary Labourer Glast. St Benedict
Chedzoy 12 October 1832 Maria Benedict Street Charles Mary Labourer Glast. St John
Chedzoy 25 December 1834 Joseph Magdalen Street Charles Mary Labourer Glast. St John
Chedzoy 08 March 1837 Thomas Hill Head Charles Mary Labourer Glast. St John
Chidzoy 31 March 1830 William Frederick Hillhead Charles Mary Labourer Glast. St Benedict
Chiffers ? 15 January 1836 Ann Chilkwell Street John Ann Labourer Glast. St John
Chiffers? 16 November 1836 Mary Ann Hill Head William Elizabeth Labourer Glast. St John
Chiffers? 25 December 1837 Mary Jane Hill Head John Ann Labourer Glast. St John
Chipp~~~~ 28 February 1838 Frederic Above Town John Sarah Ann ~~~~ & Guilder Glast. St John
Chislett 25 December 1833 James Benedict Street James Sarah Labourer Glast. St John
Chislett 25 August 1836 Amelia Benedict St James Sarah Labourer Glast. St Benedict
Chiswick 02 April 1834 Mary Ann Bear Lane - Margaret - Glast. St John
Chiswick 27 February 1849 Jane Anna Hillhead St Benedict William Charlotte Labourer Glast. St Benedict
Churches 27 May 1816 Thomas Godney Jeremiah Betty Labourer Meare
Churches 11 August 1816 Sarah Pitman Godney James Eleanor Farmer Meare
Churches 13 October 1816 Joseph Godney John Ann Farmer Meare
Churches 20 October 1816 Anna Maria Godney Thomas Ann Labourer Meare
Churches 05 April 1818 Robert Godney James Eleanor Farmer Meare
Churches 11 April 1819 Mary Godney Jeremiah Betty Labourer Meare
Churches 22 August 1819 Mary Ann Godney Thomas Ann Farmer Meare
Churches 05 September 1819 Leah Godney John Ann Farmer Meare
Churches 08 January 1822 Phillip Godney Edward Elizabeth Labourer Meare
Churches 09 April 1822 Joseph Godney Jeremiah Elizabeth Farmer Meare
Churches 27 May 1822 Mary Ann Godney Thomas Ann Labourer Meare
Churches 16 September 1822 Hannah Godney James Eleanor Farmer Meare
Churches 05 January 1823 Hannah Godney Robert Sarah Labourer Meare
Churches 03 April 1823 (Daughter) Godney John Ann Farmer Meare
Churches 10 August 1823 John Godney John Sarah Labourer Meare
Churches 29 February 1824 Edward Godney Thomas Mary Farmer Meare
Churches 05 September 1824 Toriano ??? Godney Thomas Ann Labourer Meare
Churches 04 February 1825 Robert Godney Robert Sarah Farmer Meare Born 1813
Churches 04 February 1825 James Godney Robert Sarah Farmer Meare Born 1825
Churches 09 October 1825 Hannah Patience? Godney James Eleanor Farmer Meare
Churches 04 December 1825 Mary Godney John Sarah Labourer Meare
Churches 19 February 1826 Samuel? Godney Robert Sarah Farmer Meare
Churches 23 April 1826 Edward Godney Thomas Mary Farmer Meare
Churches 09 July 1826 Toriano ? Godney Thomas Ann Labourer Meare
Churches 09 April 1827 Eleanor Pitman Godney James Eleanor Farmer Meare
Churches 03 June 1827 Elizabeth Godney John Jnr Charlotte Farmer Meare
Churches 25 December 1827 Eliza Godney Robert Sarah Farmer Meare
Churches 25 December 1827 Lucy Godney Robert Sarah Farmer Meare
Churches 25 December 1827 Edward Godney Robert Sarah Farmer Meare
Churches 25 December 1827 Emma Godney Robert Sarah Farmer Meare
Churches 25 December 1827 John Godney Robert Sarah Farmer Meare
Churches 01 June 1828 Hannah Godney John Sarah Labourer Meare
Churches 25 December 1828 Anna Godney John Charlotte Farmer Meare
Churches 15 November 1829 Rhoda Godney James Eleanor Farmer Meare
Churches 07 November 1830 Amelia Godney John Charlotte Farmer Meare
Churches 30 December 1832 John Sidney Godney John Charlotte Farmer Meare
Churches 30 June 1833 George Godney John Sarah Labourer Meare
Churches 30 June 1833 Sarah Godney John Sarah Labourer Meare
Churches 14 July 1833 John Westhay Samuel Diana Farmer Meare
Churches 02 March 1834 George Godney Jeremiah Joanna Labourer Meare
Churches 17 April 1835 George Hill Godney - Sophia Spinster Meare
Churches 30 September 1835 Anna Godney John Charlotte Farmer Meare
Churches 18 April 1836 Anna Edington Burtle Samuel Diana Farmer Edington
Churches 10 December 1837 Francis Edington Burtle Samuel Diana Farmer Edington
Churches 13 March 1838 Albert Godney John Charlotte Farmer Meare
Churches 27 June 1838 Samuel Godney James Edith Farmer Meare
Churches 24 July 1839 Lavinia Old Road Joseph Ann Labourer Glast. St John
Churches 01 September 1839 Jane Godney Robert Ann Labourer Meare
Churches 13 November 1839 Samuel Edington Burtle Samuel Diana Farmer Edington
Churches 14 February 1840 Elizabeth Godney George Charlotte Labourer Meare
Churches 24 September 1843 Helen? Meare James Edith Farmer Meare
Churches 04 September 1846 Elizabeth Stott Burtle Samuel Diana Farmer Meare
Churches 04 October 1846 Joseph Gilbert - John Sarah Yeoman Godney
Churches 31 March 1850 Mary Leah Edington Burtle Samuel Diana Farmer Meare
Churchill 19 March 1834 Harriet Benedict Street Henry Sarah Blacksmith Glast. St John
Churchill 07 September 1836 George North Load Street Henry Sarah Blacksmith Glast. St John
Churchouse 14 November 1790 Hannah
John Mary
Churchouse 02 June 1793 Mary`
John Mary
Churchouse 29 April 1798 John
John Mary
Churchouse 03 January 1802 Ann
John Ann
Churchouse 09 October 1803 Elizabeth
John Junior Ann
Churchouse 09 October 1803 Ann
John Junior Ann
Meare 'Age 5'
Churchouse 06 January 1805 Ann
John Mary Labourer Meare
Churchouse 15 December 1805 Hannah

Meare Illegitimate
Churchouse 01 January 1809 Jeremiah
Jeremiah Betty
Churchouse 15 January 1809 Frederick
Edward Elizabeth
Churchouse 15 January 1809 Harriott
Edward Elizabeth
Churchouse 24 June 1810 Samuel
John Jnr Ann
Churchouse 02 June 1811 George
Jeremiah Betty
Churchouse 11 August 1811 Robert
Thomas Ann
Churchouse 10 November 1811 Friendly Francis
Edward Elizabeth
Meare Son
Churchouse 31 March 1813 James Godney James Eleanor Farmer Meare
Churchouse 31 March 1813 John Godney James Eleanor Farmer Meare
Churchouse 05 December 1813 Sarah Godney Jeremiah Betty Labourer Meare
Churchouse 02 January 1814 Ann Godney John Ann Farmer Meare
Churchouse 20 February 1814 Susanna Godney Tho? Ann Labourer Meare
Churchouse 25 October 1814 James Godney John Ann Farmer Meare
Churchouse 28 April 1815 Elizabeth Godney James Eleanor Farmer Meare
Churchouse 21 April 1816 Charlotte Godney Edward Elizabeth Labourer Meare
Churchouse 24 January 1836 Hannah Godney Jeremiah Joanna Labourer Meare
Churchouse 06 May 1838 Nehemiah Godney Friendly Maria Labourer Meare
Churchouse 13 February 1842 Samuel - Jeremiah Joanna Labourer Godney
Clare 02 February 1830 Charlotte High Street Samuel Rachel Draper Glast. St John
Clare ? 25 December 1826 Louisa Glastonbury Samuel ? Rachel Haberdasher Catcott
Clare? 17 June 1820 Mary Eliza Glastonbury Samuel Ratchel? Draper Catcott
Clark 14 November 1827 Harriet Bear Lane John ? Labourer Glast. St Benedict
Clark 14 November 1827 Eliza Above Town Joseph Mary Labourer Glast. St Benedict
Clark 16 December 1829 Ann Magdalene Street James Amelia Labourer Glast. St Benedict
Clark 12 January 1830 Jane Chilkwell Street George Sarah Drover Glast. St John
Clark 29 July 1832 John Barrow Causeway George Elizabeth Labourer Meare
Clark 07 May 1833 Eliza North Load Bridge John Elizabeth Labourer Glast. St John
Clark 11 October 1833 John Bear Lane John Martha Labourer Glast. St John
Clark 15 November 1833 Elizabeth North Load Street James (Dec'd) Elizabeth Labourer Glast. St John
Clark 15 November 1833 James North Load Street James (Dec'd) Elizabeth Labourer Glast. St John
Clark 15 November 1833 William North Load Street James (Dec'd) Elizabeth Labourer Glast. St John
Clark 09 May 1834 Eli Northload Bridge John Elizabeth Labourer Glast. St John
Clark 03 September 1834 Mary Ann Chilkwell Street Thomas Maria Labourer Glast. St John
Clark 17 February 1837 Hannah Chilkwell Street John Susannah Labourer Glast. St John
Clark 17 February 1837 James Chilkwell Street John Susannah Labourer Glast. St John
Clark 21 June 1837 Richard Chilkwell Street Joseph Maria Labourer Glast. St John
Clark 21 June 1837 Emma Chilkwell Street Joseph Marie Labourer Glast. St John
Clark 06 February 1839 Alfred North Load Bridge John Elizabeth Labourer Glast. St John
Clark 08 February 1839 Frederic North Load Bridge John Elizabeth Labourer Glast. St John
Clark 25 September 1839 Jane Adams Bear Lane John Susannah Labourer Glast. St John
Clark 07 November 1841 Louisa Meare Thomas Sarah Dairyman Meare
Clark 20 April 1856 Mary jane Oxenpylle Charles Ann Labourer Meare
Clark 25 October 1857 George Meareway George Ann Labourer Meare
Clark? 02 November 1790 Jane
Robert Betty
Clarke 01 January 1815 Martha Meare John Elizabeth Labourer Meare
Clarke 24 July 1822 John Godney James Elizabeth Farmer Meare
Clarke 02 January 1824 John Bladney James Elizabeth Farmer Meare
Clarke 08 March 1826 Jane Godney James Elizabeth Farmer Meare
Clarke 25 March 1826 George Glastonbury George Sarah ? Farmer Meare
Clarke 30 December 1831 Isabella Chilkwell Street George Sarah Jobber Glast. St John
Clarke 12 October 1832 Harriet Eliza Hill Head George Rebekah Labourer Glast. St John
Clarke 01 June 1835 Sarah Godney Moor Nr Bleadney James Elizabeth Farmer Meare
Clarke 04 September 1836 George Barrow Causeway George Elizabeth Labourer Meare
Clear 16 May 1858 Emma Shapwick William Fanny Labourer Shapwick
Cleare 08 July 1849 Albert Shapwick William Frances Labourer Shapwick
Cleare? 19 April 1846 Sarah Jane Shapwick William Frances Labourer Shapwick
Cleer 22 July 1855 Adolphus William Shapwick William Fanny Labourer Shapwick
Cleer? 04 September 1851 Anna Maria Shapwick William Francis Labourer Shapwick
Clements 26 September 1816 Rachel Glastonbury St John William Betty Labourer Glast. St Benedict
Clements 21 November 1824 John Clements Catcott Father unknown Sarah Servant Catcott 'BC'
Clements 20 January 1837 John Edgarley Thomas Elizabeth Labourer Glast. St John
Clements 20 January 1837 Matilda Chilkwell Street - Esther - Glast. St John
Clements 17 April 1839 Elizabeth Edgarley Thomas Elizabeth Labourer Glast. St John
Clere 26 December 1853 John Shapwick William Fanny Labourer Shapwick 'Private'
Close 05 February 1809 Sarah
John Mary
Cock 25 August 1845 Rufus - Mark Rufus Elizabeth Yeoman Godney 'privately'
Cock? 05 January 1812 Stephen
James Margaret
Cogins? 15 May 1822 Elizabeth Benedict Street John Ann ? Glast. St Benedict
Col~~~ 11 February 1837 Jane North Load Street William Ann Sawyer Glast. St John
Cole 13 February 1842 Mary Ann Benedict St Thomas Hannah Labourer Glast. St Benedict
Coleman 01 July 1832 James Ashcott Samuel Mary Labourer Shapwick
Coles 16 February 1821 Alfred Benedict St George Hannah Labourer Glast. St Benedict
Coles 11 October 1825 Anna Benedict Street George Hannah Labourer Glast. St Benedict
Coles 25 April 1832 George Benedict Street George Hannah Labourer Glast. St John
Colhorp ? 05 April 1830 Rhoda Traveller upon the road John Amy Tinker Glast. St John
Colings 30 September 1821 Jemima Meare William Letitia Labourer Meare
Colipriest 09 March 1817 Mary Ann Godney Henry Ann Labourer Meare
Collings 06 May 1798 Thomas
John Ann
Collings 28 February 1808 Ann
William Relata
Collings 12 November 1809 Hannah
Esau Hannah
Collings 12 November 1809 Esau
Esau Hannah
Collings 21 May 1810 Hannah
William Relata
Collings 14 February 1830 William Nicholas Godney William Nicholas Rachel Farmer Meare
Collings 02 June 1836 Betsy Meare William Rachel Farmer Meare
Collingwood 30 August 1829 Richard Edington Benjamin Mary Cordwainer Edington
Collingwood 09 September 1832 Jane Edington Benjamin Mary Shoemaker Edington
Collins 15 May 1791 John
John Ann
Collins 15 December 1793 William Nicolas
John Ann
Collins 18 October 1795 Nancy
John Ann
Collins 28 March 1813 Elizabeth Meare William Relata Labourer Meare
Collins 12 June 1814 Esau Godney Esau Hannah Labourer Meare
Collins 18 January 1816 Martha Meare William Letitia Labourer Meare
Collins 19 April 1818 Hannah Godney Esau Hannah Labourer Meare
Collins 19 April 1818 Mary Ann Godney Esau Hannah Labourer Meare
Collins 28 July 1820 Giles Godney Esau Hannah Labourer Meare
Collins 26 March 1822 Thomas? Giles Godney Esau Hannah Labourer Meare
Collins 04 May 1823 William Masters? Benedict Street Thomas Jane Glazier Glast. St Benedict
Collins 04 June 1826 Stephen Godney Esau Hannah Labourer Meare
Collins 22 April 1827 William Meare William Letitia Labourer Meare
Collins 21 September 1828 John Patch Westhay
Hannah Labourer Meare Illegitimate
Collins 30 November 1828 Samuel Oxenpill
Ann Spinster Meare Illegitimate
Collins 23 March 1831 Sarah North Load Street John Sarah Labourer Glast. St John
Collins 29 May 1831 John Meare
Ann Spinster Meare
Collins 17 July 1831 Thomas Godney William Rachel Dairyman Meare
Collins 11 January 1832 Thomas Market Place Thomas Jane Plumber & Glazier Glast. St John
Collins 20 January 1833 John Godney William Rachel Farmer Meare
Collins 19 March 1834 Edgar ~~~~ Place Thomas Jane Glazier Glast. St John
Collins 14 December 1834 Anne Godney William Rachel Farmer Meare
Collins 12 October 1836 Sidney Market Place Thomas Jane Glazier Glast. St John
Collins 18 April 1838 Sidney Robert North Load Street Thomas Jane Glazier Glast. St John
Collins 24 May 1857 William Adolphus? Meare - Betsy Single Woman Meare
Collipriest 19 December 1809 Edward
Henry Junior Mary
Collipriest 16 August 1812 Harry
Henry Ann
Collipriest 07 January 1816 Priscilla Godney Henry Ann Labourer Meare
Collipriest 19 March 1820 George Godney Henry Ann Farmer Meare
Collipriest 25 July 1821 Thomas Godney Henry Ann Farmer Meare
Collipriest 15 June 1823 (son) Godney Henry Nancy Labourer Meare
Collipriest 08 October 1826 Harriet Godney Henry Ann Farmer Meare
Colmer 25 January 1804 Ann
Thomas Mary
Comer 04 November 1804 John
Charles Ann
Glast. St Benedict
Comer 01 March 1807 Ann
Charles Ann
Glast. St Benedict
Comer 09 March 1817 Mary Ann Godney John Mary Farmer Meare
Comer 23 March 1817 Benjamin Godney Thomas Mary Farmer Meare
Comer 14 June 1818 John Godney John Mary Farmer Meare
Comer 30 September 1818 Mary Meare Thomas Mary Farmer Meare
Comer 22 August 1819 Thomas Godney John Mary Farmer Meare
Comer 07 June 1820 Ann Meare Thomas Mary Farmer Meare
Comer 13 December 1822 Benjamin Meare Thomas Mary Farmer Meare
Comer 13 April 1823 Edward Godney John Mary Farmer Meare
Commbs 02 December 1818 Eliza Edington William Johanna Farmer Edington
Coo~~~ 02 July 1809 Charles Russel
George Elizabeth
Glast. St Benedict
Cook 16 August 1795 William
Thomas Mary
Cook 13 February 1819 Margaret Ann Meare James Margaret Farmer Meare
Cook 21 February 1821 James Martinshay Farm George Elizabeth Farmer Meare
Cook 21 December 1828 Joseph ~~~~~ Farm, Meare Edward Sarah Farmer Meare
Cook 17 March 1830 Ann The Rice Farm John Hannah Yeoman Glast. St Benedict
Cook 08 January 1832 Arthur North Load Street John Hannah Dairyman Glast. St John
Cook 12 October 1832 Edward Behind St Benedict Church George Elizabeth Labourer Glast. St John
Cook 08 January 1835 Margaret Ann Rice Farm John Hannah Yeoman Glast. St John
Cook 08 January 1835 Sidney Rice Farm John Hannah Yeoman Glast. St John
Cook 02 December 1835 William George Mar~~~~ Farm George Elizabeth Farmer Meare
Cook 02 December 1835 Mary Mar~~~~ Farm George Elizabeth Farmer Meare
Cook 12 March 1837 George ~~~~ Farm George Elizabeth Farmer Meare
Cook 30 March 1845 Frances Jane Meare John Charity Labourer Meare
Cook? 22 July 1827 Jane Edington James Sarah Labourer Edington
Cooke 07 February 1820 Elizabeth Northload St Thomas Ann Labourer Glast. St Benedict
Cooling? 26 August 1832 Elizabeth Ashcott Thomas Ann Labourer Shapwick
Coombe 23 November 1806 John
Robert Younger Hester
Coombe 03 March 1850 Jane Meare Henry Deborah Labourer Meare
Coombes 19 April 1818 Henry Meare Charles Elizabeth Labourer Meare
Coombes 26 September 1822 Ann Westhay Henry Sarah Farmer Meare
Coombes 13 May 1827 John Catcott John Elizabeth Labourer Catcott
Coombes 30 June 1853 Walter Coldharbour James ? Single woman? Meare
Coombes 13 May 1866 Mary ~~~~ Meare Frank Mary Masters Inn keeper Meare
Coombs 27 June 1813 Mary Ann Edington William Joannah Farmer Edington
Coombs 16 April 1815 Benjamin Edington William Joanna Farmer Edington
Coombs 12 May 1816 Rob~~~~ Burtle John Elizabeth Labourer Meare Daughter
Coombs 19 May 1817 Samuel & Eliza Edington William Johanna Farmer Edington
Coombs 01 February 1818 Elizabeth Westmore John Elizabeth Labourer Meare
Coombs 06 February 1820 Francis Catcott Benjamin Hannah Farmer Catcott
Coombs 07 April 1820 Sarah Edington William Johanna Farmer Edington
Coombs 27 April 1820 Ann Catcott Burtle John Elizabeth Labourer Meare
Coombs 21 May 1820 Sara? Westhay Charles Elizabeth Labourer Meare
Coombs 25 December 1821 Eliza Catcott John Elizabeth Labourer Catcott
Coombs 04 February 1822 Samuel Catcott Benjamin Hannah Labourer Catcott
Coombs 30 August 1822 William Edington William Johanna Farmer Edington
Coombs 23 November 1823 Jane Catcott William Mary Farmer Catcott
Coombs 07 December 1823 Elizabeth Catcott Benjamin Hannah Labourer Catcott
Coombs 15 February 1824 Sarah Meare John Martha Mason Meare
Coombs 02 May 1824 Samuel Catcott Samuel Francis Labourer Catcott
Coombs 30 May 1824 Henry Catcott John Elizabeth Labourer Catcott
Coombs 27 June 1824 James Edington James Rebecca Labourer Edington
Coombs 15 September 1825 Ann Meare John Martha Mason? Meare
Coombs 08 January 1826 Elizabeth Catcott Benjamin Hannah Labourer Catcott
Coombs 08 January 1826 Elizabeth Catcott Benjamin Hannah Labourer Catcott
Coombs 28 May 1826 Caroline Edington James Rebecca Labourer Edington
Coombs 14 September 1828 ? Catcott Benjamin Hannah Labourer Catcott
Coombs 25 December 1828 Harriett Edington William Johanne Farmer Edington
Coombs 26 April 1829 Frederic Edington James Rebecca Labourer Edington
Coombs 15 June 1829 William Oxenpill John Martha Mason Meare
Coombs 14 November 1841 Ann Westhay Henry Sabarah Labourer Meare
Coombs 08 August 1847 Samuel Westhay Henry Deborah Labourer Meare
Coome 24 October 1790 Hannah
George Hannah
Coome 27 February 1791 Joseph
Charles Sarah
Coome 22 July 1792 Robert
Charles Sarah
Coome 05 July 1795 Mary
Robert Mary
Coome 10 June 1798 George
Robert Mary
Coome 25 December 1798 Ann
George Hannah
Coome 24 June 1810 Henry
Robert Jnr Hester
Coome 05 July 1812 Mary
Robert Jnr Esther
Coome 26 December 1813 Richard Meare Charles Elizabeth Labourer Meare
Coome 26 March 1815 Samuel Westhay Robert Hester Farmer Meare
Coome 19 January 1828 Mary Oxenpill John Martha Mason Meare
Coome 25 May 1831 Elizabeth Oxenpill John Martha Labourer Meare
Coome 12 February 1833 John Oxenpill John Martha Mason Meare
Coome 30 December 1834 Elizabeth Meare John Martha Mason Meare
Coome 04 June 1837 - Oxenpill John Martha Mason Meare
Coome 08 January 1838 George Westhay Henry Serena Labourer Meare
Coome 07 July 1839 Robert Meare John Martha Mason Meare
Coome 06 October 1839 Mary Ann Meare Henry Serena Labourer Meare
Coome 15 August 1841 Henry/Harry? Meare Henry Sophia? Bernice? Labourer Meare
Coome 08 July 1849 Elizabeth - Joseph Susanna Labourer Godney
Cooms 10 January 1790 George
Robert Mary
Cooper 14 October 1849 Edward St Benedict John Sarah Painter Glast. St Benedict
Cooperman 08 April 1830 George Shapwick Joseph Mary Anne Carpenter Shapwick
Corfe 03 March 1843 Ellen Esther Shapwick William Bartlett Eliza Plumber & Glazier Shapwick
Corfield 12 August 1809 John Cheverley, Salop John Mary
Corp 15 March 1801 Sarah
James Mary
Corp 25 December 1802 James
James Mary
Corp 19 August 1804 Mary
James Mary
Corp 08 December 1805 Ann
James Mary
Corp 31 January 1808 John
James Mary
Corp 11 April 1808 William
John Junior Elizabeth
Corp 07 May 1809 Michael
James Dinah
Corp 03 December 1809 William
James Mary Carpenter Meare
Corp 30 June 1811 William
James Jnr Dinah
Corp 12 January 1812 Richard
James Mary
Corp 10 May 1812 Jesse?
John Elizabeth
Corp 04 December 1814 Robert Meare James Mary Carpenter Meare
Corp 21 July 1823 Nathan? Meare John Elizabeth Labourer Meare
Corp 05 December 1827 Teku ! Meare John Elizabeth Sawyer Meare
Corp 30 May 1830 William John Meare John Mary Sawyer Meare
Court 22 May 1803 George
William Elizabeth
Court 07 October 1804 Betty
Benjamin Elizabeth
Meare 'Age 2 yr 8 mo'
Court 07 October 1804 John
Benjamin Elizabeth
Court 06 April 1806 Benjamin
Benjamin Elizabeth
Court 30 August 1807 John
John Mary
Court 21 August 1808 Jospeh
Benjamin Elizabeth
Court 12 October 1811 Mary Ann
Benjamin Mary
Glast. St Benedict
Court 26 July 1812 Sarah
John Mary
Court 13 April 1814 Maria Anna Glastonbury St John Charles Ann Butcher Glast. St Benedict
Court 15 April 1818 Eliza ? Charles Ann Butcher Glast. St Benedict
Court 14 June 1818 Elias Meare Benjamin Elizabeth Labourer Meare
Court 20 October 1818 Elizabeth B~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Benjamin Mary Yeo Glast. St Benedict
Court 01 November 1818 Mary Meare Thomas Mary Farmer Meare
Court 11 September 1825 James Oxenpill Benjamin Elizabeth Farmer Meare
Court 15 November 1825 Arthur Northload Street Charles Ann Butcher Glast. St Benedict
Court 25 March 1827 Phillip Godney John Hannah Labourer Meare
Court 14 September 1827 Thomas Stileway Thomas Mary Farmer Meare
Court 02 November 1828 Betsy Godney John Harriet Labourer Meare
Court 28 October 1829 Ann Stileway Thomas Mary Farmer Meare
Court 08 April 1830 Mercy? Hill Head Joseph Ann Labourer Glast. St John
Court 09 April 1830 Mary Godney John Harriet Labourer Meare
Court 04 February 1831 Harriet Hill Head - Charlotte - Glast. St John
Court 27 September 1833 Thomas Stileway Thomas Mary Farmer Meare
Court 12 April 1837 Frances Elizabeth Magdalen Street Robert Maria Farmer Glast. St John
Court 14 March 1838 Elizabeth Ann North Load Street - Esther - Glast. St John
Court 11 July 1839 Elizabeth Benedict St - Rebecca Spinster Glast. St Benedict 'age 2 years'
Court 11 July 1839 Sarah Benedict St - Rebecca Spinster Glast. St Benedict 'age 3 years'
Court 08 April 1849 Betsy ~~~~ Bridge William Sarah Farmer Meare
Court 01 September 1850 William Shapwick William Susan Labourer Shapwick
Court 22 August 1852 Benjamin Shapwick Bridge William Sarah Labourer Meare
Court 18 November 1855 Elizabeth Westhay William Sarah Publican Meare
Court 06 December 1861 George Westhay William Sarah ~~~keeper Meare 'PB'
Court? 24 June 1831 Ann ? Stephen Ann Butcher Glast. St John
Cove 18 August 1805 Thomas
James Younger Sarah
Cox 18 July 1790 Charles Knight
William Betty
Cox 23 January 1791 Nancy
Thomas Sarah
Cox 22 May 1791 Hannah
Thomas Elizabeth
Cox 07 August 1791 John
Nehemiah Mary
Cox 01 April 1792 William
William Betty
Cox 06 January 1793 Praxy
Thomas Sarah
Cox 03 November 1793 John
William Betty
Cox 16 March 1794 George
Thomas Betty
Cox 30 October 1796 Mary
William Betty
Cox 26 March 1797 George
Thomas Sarah
Cox 15 April 1804 Mary
James Younger Sarah
Cox 20 February 1805 Harriett
James Grace
Cox 18 January 1807 Samuel
Samuel Ann
Cox 22 February 1807 William
James Younger Sarah
Cox 12 April 1807 Elizabeth

Meare Illegitimate
Cox 04 September 1808 Elizabeth
James Junior Sarah
Cox 02 October 1808 Charles
James Sarah
Glast. St Benedict
Cox 05 February 1809 Thomas West
Joseph Rachel
Glast. St Benedict
Cox 04 June 1809 Elizabeth
Thomas Sarah Cordwainer Meare
Cox 05 November 1809 Ann
Samuel Ann
Cox 27 October 1811 Praxey
James Jnr Sarah
Cox 16 August 1812 Elizabeth
Samuel Ann
Cox 02 January 1814 Mary Meare
Meare Illegitimate
Cox 28 May 1815 John Meare Samuel Ann Labourer Meare
Cox 12 November 1815 William Meare James Sarah Labourer Meare
Cox 09 June 1816 James Edington Joseph Hester Labourer Edington
Cox 08 March 1818 James Meare James Sarah Labourer Meare
Cox 19 July 1818 George Meare Samuel Ann Labourer Meare
Cox 25 December 1818 Ann Catcott John Jane Labourer Meare
Cox 03 October 1819 Betsy Edington Joseph Hester Labourer Edington
Cox 13 February 1820 Grace Catcott William Mary Farmer Catcott
Cox 18 March 1820 Sarah Meare George Ann Labourer Meare
Cox 31 January 1821 Jane Catcott Charles Maria Labourer Catcott
Cox 04 May 1821 Eleanor Meare James Sarah Labourer Meare
Cox 22 July 1821 Robert Catcott John Jane Labourer Catcott
Cox 18 December 1821 John Catcott William Mary Farmer Catcott
Cox 10 March 1822 Maria Edington Joseph Hester Labourer Edington
Cox 13 March 1822 Edith Meare George Ann Labourer Meare
Cox 06 October 1822 Charles Catcott Charles Maria Labourer Catcott
Cox 13 October 1822 James East? Lane William Ann Labourer Glast. St Benedict
Cox 15 May 1823 Eliza Catcott George Mary Labourer Catcott
Cox 28 May 1823 Eliza Catcott George Mary Labourer Catcott
Cox 25 January 1824 Giles Difford Meare James Sarah Labourer Meare
Cox 28 March 1824 Sophia Catcott John Jane Labourer Catcott
Cox 30 May 1824 Mary Ann Catcott William Mary Labourer Catcott
Cox 11 July 1824 Joseph Edington Joseph Hester Labourer Edington
Cox 09 January 1825 Alice Catcott Charles Maria Labourer Catcott
Cox 01 November 1825 Harriett Northload Street James Sarah Labourer Glast. St Benedict
Cox 01 November 1825 Emanuel Northload Street John Mary Labourer Glast. St Benedict
Cox 01 January 1826 Charlotte Meare
Meare Illegitimate
Cox 12 March 1826 Harriet Catcott George Mary Labourer Catcott
Cox 12 March 1826 Harriet Catcott George Mary Labourer Catcott
Cox 11 June 1826 Albert Catcott William Mary Labourer Catcott
Cox 26 August 1826 ? Catcott John Jane Farmer Catcott
Cox 24 September 1826 Sarah Meare James Sarah Labourer Meare
Cox 11 March 1827 Hester ? Catcott Charles ? Maria ? Labourer Catcott
Cox 24 June 1827 George Meare George Ann Labourer Meare
Cox 14 October 1827 Jesse Edington Joseph Hester Labourer Edington
Cox 07 December 1827 Henry Richard High Street Richard Ann Baker Glast. St Benedict
Cox 11 May 1828 ~y~~~~~~~ Burtle John Jane Shopkeeper Catcott
Cox 07 December 1828 Mary Meare James Ann Labourer Meare
Cox 05 July 1829 ? Catcott ? Maria ? Labourer Catcott
Cox 21 February 1830 William Spearing Edington Joseph Hester Labourer Edington
Cox 11 March 1830 Eliza Westhay - Elizabeth Labourer Meare Illegitimate
Cox 28 March 1830 Sarah Meare George Ann Labourer Meare
Cox 31 March 1830 Harriet? Caroline Northload St Henry Harriet Labourer Glast. St Benedict
Cox 03 April 1830 Caroline North Load Street John Mary Labourer Glast. St John
Cox 04 November 1830 Harriet North Load Street John Mary Labourer Glast. St John
Cox 12 January 1831 Rhoda Gane? Lambrooke Street Samuel Ann Labourer Glast. St John
Cox 11 September 1831 John Meare James Ann Labourer Meare
Cox 13 January 1832 Edwin North Load Street James Sarah Labourer Glast. St John
Cox 11 March 1832 Benjamin Bear Lane - Sarah - Glast. St John
Cox 29 July 1832 Edwin? Ashcott William Cecilia Labourer Shapwick
Cox 17 October 1832 Alfred Henry Cart Lane Henry Harriet Labourer Glast. St John
Cox 01 February 1833 Elizabeth Meare - Ann - Meare
Cox 24 March 1833 Mary Edington Burtle Joseph Hester Labourer Edington
Cox 24 March 1833 Elizabeth Stileway James Ann Labourer Meare
Cox 14 August 1833 George North Load Street John Mary Labourer Glast. St John
Cox 28 August 1833 Samuel Lambrook Street Samuel (dec'd) Ann Labourer Glast. St John
Cox 28 August 1833 Benjamin North Load Street Benjamin Leah Labourer Glast. St John
Cox 23 October 1833 Hugh James Beckery Mill Hugh Mary Labourer Glast. St John
Cox 23 October 1833 Sarah Meare - Proxey - Meare Illegitimate
Cox 06 November 1833 John North Load Street John Mary Labourer Glast. St John
Cox 23 August 1834 Leah Northload Street James Sarah Labourer Glast. St John
Cox 29 August 1834 Frederic Northload Street William Ann Labourer Glast. St John
Cox 31 October 1834 James Northload Street John Mary Labourer Glast. St John
Cox 15 August 1835 William Westhay James Ann Labourer Meare
Cox 23 August 1835 Samuel Edington Burtle Joseph Hester Labourer Edington
Cox 09 June 1836 Mary Ann North Load Street Benjamin Leah Labourer Glast. St John
Cox 07 September 1836 Robert Henry Hill Head Robert Susannah Labourer Glast. St John
Cox 28 March 1837 Salina North Load Street John Mary Labourer Glast. St John
Cox 19 May 1839 Ann ~~~~~~ Bridge James Ann Labourer Meare
Cox 07 July 1839 Sarah Glaston Heath Thomas Jane Labourer Meare
Cox 06 September 1839 Emily North Load Street William Ann Labourer Glast. St John 'Aged 7 yrs'
Cox 02 October 1839 Albert George Vicarage John Cooke Rosanna Harriett Curate Meare
Cox 02 October 1839 Elizabeth Mary Vicarage John Cooke Rosanna Harriett Curate Meare
Cox 04 July 1840 Rosine Margaret Meare John Cooke Rosine Hariett C~~~~~~ Meare
Cox 20 September 1840 Martha Lower Parish John? Mary Labourer Glast. St Benedict
Cox 22 August 1841 William Vicarage John Cooke Rosanna Harriett Curate Meare
Cox 22 August 1841 Mary Ann? Vicarage John Cooke Rosanna Harriett Curate Meare
Cox 22 August 1841 Mary Vicarage John Cooke Rosanna Harriett Curate Meare
Cox 05 September 1841 Mary Ann Meare Thomas Jane Labourer Meare
Cox 21 August 1842 Henry Hillhead - - Shoemaker Glast. St Benedict 'an adult'
Cox 09 October 1842 Mary Jane Edington John Ann Labourer Edington
Cox 26 March 1843 Louisa Meare James Ann Labourer Meare
Cox 11 June 1843 Elizabeth Hillhead Abel Jane Carpenter Glast. St Benedict
Cox 14 December 1845 Mary Jane Benedict St Henry Jane Shoemaker Glast. St Benedict
Cox 17 January 1846 Mary Hilhead Abel Jane Labourer Glast. St Benedict
Cox 16 February 1846 Elizabeth Benedict Street John Mary Labourer Glast. St Benedict
Cox 10 May 1846 Elizabeth Benedict Street William Anna Labourer Glast. St Benedict
Cox 12 July 1846 Elizabeth Fishers Court John Mary Labourer Glast. St Benedict
Cox 19 July 1846 Joseph Edington John Ann Labourer Edington
Cox 31 October 1847 John Westhay Robert Margaret Labourer Meare
Cox 01 October 1851 Charles Edington John Ann Labourer Edington
Cox 12 March 1855 Jane West Ironbridge - Elizabeth Single woman Meare
Cox ? 25 December 1810 Eliza Jane
John Elizabeth Mary
Cox ? 01 January 1829 ? Catcott Burtle ? Mary ? Labourer Catcott
Cox? 02 August 1812 Sarah
Thomas Sarah Cordwainer Meare
Cozens 21 May 1843 Edmund - Robert Maria Yeoman Godney
Cozens 25 April 1847 Mary Westhay Robert Maria Farmer Meare
Cozens 25 April 1847 George Westhay Robert Maria Farmer Meare
Cozens 31 March 1850 Hannah Westhay Robert Maria Farmer Meare
Cozens 10 June 1852 Maria Westhay Robert Maria Farmer Meare
Crane 27 December 1791 Thomas
William Mary
Crane 20 June 1802 Mary
William Mary
Meare Age 1
Crane 20 June 1802 William
William Mary
Meare Age 4
Crane 20 June 1802 John
William Mary
Meare Age 6
Crane 31 March 1816 Charlotte Meare Joseph Jane Labourer Meare
Crane 13 October 1816 Thomas Meare Thomas Jemima Labourer Meare
Crane 01 March 1818 Emma Meare Joseph Jane Labourer Meare
Crane 27 December 1818 William Meare Thomas Jemima Labourer Meare
Crane 09 June 1821 Samuel Oxenpill Joseph Jane Labourer Meare
Crane 09 June 1821 Eliza Oxenpill Thomas Jemima Labourer Meare
Crane 01 March 1823 Emma Oxenpill Joseph Jane Labourer Meare
Crane 11 April 1824 Ann Meare Thomas Jemima Labourer Meare
Crane 28 August 1825 Ann Oxenpill Thomas Jemima Labourer Meare
Crane 13 October 1826 Mary Oxenpill Thomas Jemima Labourer Meare
Crane 04 June 1827 Samuel Westhay Joseph Jane Labourer Meare
Crane 08 May 1832 Joseph Westhay Heathway
Jane Labourer Meare
Crane 19 November 1843 Ellen ~~~~~ Meare William Clara Smith Meare
Crane 05 April 1846 Jemima Meare William Clara Blacksmith Meare
Crane 25 June 1848 Thomas Meare William Clara Blacksmith Meare
Crane 26 January 1851 William Westhay Samuel Margaret Labourer Meare
Crane 28 March 1853 John Westhay Heath Samuel Margaret Labourer Meare
Crane 15 April 1855 James Westhay South Heath Samuel Margaret Labourer Meare
Crane 03 August 1857 Eliza Meare William Ann Blacksmith Meare
Crane 05 May 1858 John Westhay South Heath Samuel Margaret Labourer Meare
Crane 28 August 1859 Thomas Westhay Joseph Charlotte Labourer Meare
Crane 24 March 1861 Samuel Westhay Heath Samuel Margaret Labourer Meare
Crane 27 April 1862 Sarah Jane Westhay Heath Joseph Charlotte Labourer Meare
Crane 29 March 1863 Frederick Westhay South Heath Samuel Margaret? Labourer Meare
Crane 17 June 1866 Henry Westhay South Heath Samuel Margaret Labourer Meare
Creed 29 June 1816 John Glastonbury William Maria Yeoman Glast. St Benedict
Cripe? 26 March 1797 Hannah
- Betty
Meare BB
Cripse 11 October 1801 Samuel
- Elizabeth
Meare 'Now wife of Samuel Hayes'
Croker? 22 September 1830 Joseph Collins Chilkwell Street James Martha Publican Glast. St John
Cull? 21 July 1837 Sarah Ann High Street William Mary Chair Driver Glast. St John
Cull? 01 August 1838 William Magdalen Street William Mary Post Boy Glast. St John
Cullen 10 June 1832 Ann Westhay William Ann Labourer Meare
Cullen 12 September 1841 Albert Ashcott Samuel Ann Carpenter Shapwick
Cullen 21 October 1849 Ann Heath Moor in this Parish of St Benedict John Hannah Labourer Glast. St Benedict
Cullen? 22 December 1858 Emma Westhay William Eliza Labourer Meare 'PB' - Double entry
Cullen? 22 December 1858 James Westhay William Eliza Labourer Meare 'PB' - Double entry
Cullon 22 June 1823 William Westhay William Ann Labourer Meare
Curl 18 September 1864 Elizabeth Meareway Frederick Ellen Labourer Meare
Curl 05 August 1866 Frederick Oxenpill Frederick Ellen Labourer Meare
Curl 25 October 1868 William Meare Frederick Ellen Labourer Meare