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Baptism Surname S
Surname Baptism Date Christian Names Abode Father Mother Profession Parish Notes
S~~~~~~ine? 24 November 1846 Anna Maria Magdalen St David Eleanor Tyler Glast. St Benedict
Sage? 04 June 1809 Mary Ann
Samuel Mary
Glast. St Benedict
Salmon 22 April 1832 Robert Wiseman Meare John Hester? Farmer Meare
Salmon 04 May 1834 Thomas Meare John Hester Farmer Meare
Salter 13 July 1794 Sarah
William Elizabeth
Salter 29 May 1796 William
William Elizabeth
Salter 29 July 1798 Henry
William Elizabeth
Salter 29 June 1800 Sarah
William Elizabeth
Salter 31 October 1802 Elizabeth
William Elizabeth
Salter 06 January 1805 John
William Elizabeth
Salter 17 May 1807 Ann
William Elizabeth
Salter 13 August 1809 Mary
William Elizabeth
Salter 08 August 1813 ? Southway William Elizabeth Farmer Meare
Salter 19 July 1815 William Southway William Elizabeth Farmer Meare
Salter 23 January 1817 George Meare Henry Salter Ann? Corp
Salter 04 January 1818 Giles Godney William Elizabeth Farmer Meare
Salter 17 February 1830 George Wells Road Henry Elizabeth Labourer Glast. St Benedict
Salter 19 September 1832 Giles Wells Road Henry Elizabeth Labourer Glast. St John
Salter 26 August 1835 Sophia Magdalene St ? Sophia Clergyman Glast. St Benedict
Salter 26 May 1838 Ann Westhay Bridge Henry Elizabeth Labourer Glast. St John
Salter 29 December 1839 Jane Meare John Serena Butcher Meare
Salter 29 August 1841 Mary Meare John Serena Butcher Meare
Salter 14 May 1843 Elizabeth Meare John Serena Butcher Meare
Salter 08 February 1846 Ann Meare John Serena Butcher Meare
Salter 09 July 1848 John Meare John Serena Butcher Meare
Salter 14 November 1852 Ann Stileway George Elizabeth Labourer Meare
Salter 12 January 1854 Samuel Stileway George Elizabeth Labourer Meare
Salter 09 March 1856 Jane Stileway George Elisabeth Labourer Meare
Sam 06 January 1793 Elizabeth
James Rose
Sames 01 November 1801 Simon

Meare 'Now wife of Peter Wills'
Sames? 13 October 1816 Charles Godney James Hannah Labourer Meare
Samm 09 January 1791 James
James Rose
Samp~~~~ 10 January 1821 Rebecca ? Godney Aaron Esther Labourer Meare
Sams 04 April 1819 Amelia Godney James Hannah Labourer Meare
Sams 09 July 1820 Elias Godney James Susanna Labourer Meare
Sams 02 September 1821 Amelia ? Godney James Hannah Labourer Meare
Sams 11 April 1824 Elias Godney James Hannah Labourer Meare
Sams 25 February 1827 Eliza Godney James Hannah Labourer Meare
Sams 15 August 1841 Sarah Gillard Benedict St John Matilda Miller Glast. St Benedict
Sandford 14 April 1861 Mary Jane Meareway Charles Betsy Labourer Meare
Sanford ? 20 October 1865 Mary Jane Meareway Charles Elisabeth Labourer Meare 'PB'
Sanford? 15 November 1863 Walter Thomas Homeway Charles Elizabeth Labourer Meare
Saunders 27 October 1822 Charlotte Edington Moses Sarah Labourer Edington
Saunders 12 December 1824 Mary Edington Moses Sarah Labourer Edington
Saunders 14 October 1827 Jane Edington Moses Sarah Labourer Edington
Saunders? 15 December 1820 Ann Edington Moses Sarah Labourer Edington
Sawles? 10 August 1832 Sarah Jane Shapwick George Jane Labourer Shapwick 'Privately'
Sawley 29 July 1837 Harriet Shapwick George Jane Labourer Shapwick
Sawley? 18 January 1835 James Shapwick George Jane Labourer Shapwick
Sawtell 28 December 1856 Emily Shapwick John Mary Labourer Shapwick
Sawtell 26 December 1858 Henry Shapwick John Mary Labourer Shapwick
Sawtell? 11 April 1852 George Northload? Shapwick John Mary Labourer Shapwick
Sawtle? 07 July 1850 James Shapwick John Mary Labourer Shapwick
Say 31 August 1836 Alicia? Jane High Street Richard Jane Sp~~~~ Merchant Glast. St John
Say? 22 April 1834 George Frederic High Street Edward(dec'd) Maria Publican Glast. St John
Say? 31 December 1835 Richard High Street Richard Jane ~~~~ Merchant Glast. St John
Scott 23 October 1833 Joseph Beckery Mill Thomas Mary Labourer Glast. St John
Scott 11 October 1835 Mary Ann Benedict St Thomas Mary Labourer Glast. St Benedict
Scott 15 July 1838 George Benedict St Thomas Mary Labourer Glast. St Benedict
Scott 28 February 1841 Thomas The Mill Thomas Mary Labourer Glast. St Benedict
Scott 12 February 1843 Eliza The M~~~ Thoms Mary Waggoner? Glast. St Benedict
Screen? 07 April 1841 Emma Benedict St David Ellen - Glast. St Benedict
Scriven? 05 July 1812 Elizabeth

Meare Illegitimate
Sealey? 30 March 1830 Sarah Cart Lane John Elizabeth Mason Glast. St John
Seward 19 June 1796 Betsy
William Edith
Seward 03 March 1799 Ann
William Edith
Seward 26 April 1801 John
William Edith
Seward 12 February 1804 Edith
William Edith
Seward 09 November 1806 Robert
William Edith
Seward 19 July 1835 Elizabeth Meare Robert Ann Cooper Meare
Seward 11 April 1840 Mary Ann Meare Robert Ann Cooper Meare
Seward 11 January 1842 Jane Meare Robert Ann Cooper Meare
Seymour 10 June 1798 Ann
William Ann
Seymour 21 March 1802 Esau
William Ann
Seymour 23 March 1817 Elizabeth Westhay James Winifred Farmer Meare
Seymour 25 December 1818 John Meare James Winifred Labourer Meare
Seymour 31 December 1820 Nancy Westhay John Elizabeth Labourer Meare
Seymour 14 February 1821 Thomas Hayes Westhay James ? Farmer Meare
Seymour 07 April 1822 John Westhay James Winifred Carpenter Meare
Seymour 05 March 1823 William Westhay John Elizabeth Cordwainer Meare
Seymour 08 August 1824 James Westhay James Winifred Carpenter Meare
Seymour 24 May 1826 John Westhay John Elizabeth Cordwainer Meare
Seymour 04 February 1827 Elizabeth Westhay James Elizabeth Carpenter Meare
Seymour 02 May 1830 James Westhay John Elizabeth Cordwainer Meare
Seymour 16 May 1830 John Rushmead? James Elizabeth Carpenter Meare
Seymour 29 April 1832 Elizabeth Westhay John Elizabeth Cordwainer Meare
Seymour 17 August 1834 Samuel Westhay John Ann Cordwainer Meare
Seymour 30 October 1836 Mary Ann Westhay John - Cordwainer Meare
Seymour 04 November 1838 George Westhay John Elizabeth Cordwainer Meare
Seymour 13 June 1841 Maria Westhay John Elizabeth Cordwainer Meare
Seymour 25 May 1845 Ann Westhay William Eliza Cordwainer Meare
Seymour 03 January 1847 John Westhay William Eliza Shoemaker Meare
Seymour 18 November 1849 William Westhay William Eliza Cordwainer Meare
Seymour 29 July 1854 Elizabeth Westhay William Ann ? Shoemaker Meare
Seymour 04 September 1859 Sarah Jane Homeway John Hannah? Labourer Meare
Seymour 08 January 1860 Maria Westhay William Eliza? Labourer Meare
Seymour 06 July 1862 George? Westhay William Eliza Labourer Meare
Seymour 29 May 1864 Samuel Westhay William Eliza Labourer Meare
Shakel 28 March 1824 Elizabeth Meare Stephen Joanna Labourer Meare
Shakel 21 March 1854 Joseph Ashcott Lane Robert Sarah Labourer Meare
Shakel 30 July 1856 Mary Jane Ashcott Lane Robert Sarah Labourer Meare
Shakel 28 March 1858 Sam? Meare Robert Sarah Labourer Meare
Shakel 01 September 1859 Ann Ashcott Lane Robert Sarah Labourer Meare
Shakel 06 May 1862 Samuel Oxenpylle Robert Sarah Labourer Meare
Shakel 04 August 1864 Eliza Meare Robert Sarah Labourer Meare
Shakel? 23 December 1860 Anne? ? Robert? Sarah Labourer Meare
Shekel 10 April 1826 Robert Meare Stephen Joanna Labourer Meare
Shekel 26 May 1828 John Meare Stephen Joanna Labourer Meare
Shekel 05 September 1830 Mary Ann Meare Stephen Joanna Labourer Meare
Shekel 24 March 1833 Mercy Meare Stephen Joanna Labourer Meare
Shekel 31 August 1834 Stephen Meare Stephen Joanna Labourer Meare
Shekle 03 June 1838 John Meare Heathway Stephen Joanna Labourer Meare
Shenba? 02 January 1832 Charles Pedwell Richard Sophia Carpenter Shapwick
Shepherd 25 August 1820 William Westhay
Mary Servant Meare Base born
Shepherd 10 August 1823 Samuel Above Town Martin Mary Whitesmith Glast. St Benedict
Shepherd 09 May 1831 George Magdalin Street Robert Ann Cordwainer Glast. St John
Shepherd 16 July 1848 Mary Ann Benedict street William Ann Blacksmith? Glast. St Benedict
Shepherd? 01 March 1822 Joseph Meare
Meare Base born
Sheppard 19 September 1825 Thomas Above Town Martin Mary Whitesmith Glast. St Benedict
Sheppard 11 October 1825 Ann Hillhead Robert Mary Cordwainer Glast. St Benedict
Sheppard 12 September 1831 Thomas Above Town Martin Mary White Smith Glast. St John
Sheppard 28 June 1839 Sarah Benedict St William Ann Blacksmith Glast. St Benedict
Sheppard 27 February 1842 Robert - John Lucy Yeoman Godney
Sidbell? 22 March 1857 Thomas George Meare Thomas Ann Farmer Meare
Simmonds 28 June 1817 George Catcott Robert Maria Labourer Catcott
Simmonds 29 April 1823 Eliza Catcott Robert Ann Labourer Catcott
Simmonds 28 August 1833 Eliza Cart Lane John Mary Labourer Glast. St John
Simmonds 18 September 1870 George Meare George Anne Labourer Meare fm3
Simmonds 08 February 1874 Bernice Meare Frank Martha Labourer Meare
Simmonds 01 July 1883 Beatrice Mary Meare Frank Martha Labourer Meare Grandmother.
Simmons 03 February 1876 Frederick William Meare Frank Martha Labourer Meare
Simmons 20 April 1902 Stanley Herbert Westhay, Meare Caleb Edward Beatrice Mary Labourer Meare
Skerrin? 10 May 1846 Job Shapwick John Anne Butcher Shapwick
Skerrin? 03 September 1854 Anne Shapwick Henry Anne Gardiner Shapwick
Skinner 10 October 1833 Sally Edington William mary Labourer Edington
Skinner 22 November 1835 Jane Edington Burtle William Mary Dairyman? Edington
Slocombe 09 December 1848 Ellen Mill Lane, St Benedict Thomas Matraver? Mary Ann Labourer Glast. St Benedict
Small 16 July 1832 Eliza Benedict Street John Rachel Carpenter Glast. St John
Small 13 June 1834 John Benedict Street John Rachel Carpenter Glast. St John
Small 20 April 1836 Henry Benedict St John Rachel Carpenter Glast. St Benedict
Smart 18 April 1790 William
John Mary
Smart 05 January 1806 John
John Martha
Smart 25 December 1808 Mary Ann
John Martha
Smart 05 June 1818 Henry Northload St Joseph Ann Carpenter Glast. St Benedict
Smart 05 July 1818 Edgar Meare John Betsy Labourer Meare
Smart 25 December 1818 Joseph Godney
Smart 19 July 1820 Elizabeth Meare John Elizabeth Labourer Meare
Smart 08 July 1821 John Oxenpill
Elizabeth Servant Meare Base born
Smart 28 March 1824 Eliza Meare John Betsy Labourer Meare
Smart 02 April 1826 Robert Meare John Betsy Labourer Meare
Smart 28 December 1828 Mary Ann Oxenpill John Betsy Labourer Meare
Smart 19 April 1831 Alfred High Street John Harriet Carpenter Glast. St John
Smart 05 June 1831 Jane Meare John Elizabeth Labourer Meare
Smart 19 September 1831 Edwin High street Joseph Ann Carpenter Glast. St John
Smart 19 September 1831 William High Street Joseph Ann Carpenter Glast. St John B. 3 Mar 1828
Smart 16 November 1832 Sarah High Street John Harriet Carpenter Glast. St John
Smart 04 July 1833 Alfred High Street John Harriet Carpenter Glast. St Benedict
Smart 03 October 1836 Elizabeth High Street John Harriet Carpenter Glast. St John
Smart 11 October 1839 Sophia High Street John Harriet Carpenter Glast. St John
Smith 25 December 1796 Esau
Robert Mary
Smith 25 December 1798 Jacob
Robert Mary
Smith 08 March 1801 Mary
Robert Mary
Smith 06 May 1804 John
Robert Mary
Smith 14 September 1806 Elizabeth
Robert Mary
Smith 19 November 1809 Ann
Robert Mary
Smith 22 December 1811 Susanna
Robert Mary
Smith 14 July 1826 Esau Oxenpill Esau Ann Labourer Meare
Smith 27 December 1827 Ann Oxenpill Esau Ann Labourer Meare
Smith 13 April 1828 John Meare Jacob Mary Labourer Meare
Smith 18 July 1830 Elizabeth Meare Jacob Mary Labourer Meare
Smith 30 December 1832 Ann Meare Jacob Mary Labourer Meare
Smith 22 February 1833 William Catcott Burtle Henry Elizabeth Labourer Meare
Smith 06 August 1837 Robert Oxenpill Jacob Mary labourer Meare
Smith 01 April 1838 James Edington Burtle Henry Elizabeth Labourer Edington
Smith 12 February 1843 Elizabeth Oxenpill Jacob Mary Labourer Meare
Smith? 04 August 1853 Samuel Westhay Richard? Elizabeth Labourer Meare
Soemas? 20 October 1793 Thomas
William Ann
Somers 02 February 1831 Frederic Payne ? James Sarah Yeoman Glast. St John
Somers 11 February 1838 Betsy Meare Charles Anna Cordwainer Meare
Somers 15 March 1840 Augusta - Joseph Somers Charlotte Hayes Farmer Godney Base born
Sommers 16 November 1828 Caroline Norris? Edington Robert Betsy Labourer Edington
Sparkes 23 November 1845 John - John Tamar Labourer Godney
Sparkes 09 July 1848 James - Robert Louise Yeoman Godney
Sparkes? 15 October 1834 Mary Ann Wick? John Tamar Labourer Glast. St John
Sparrow 01 January 1792 Benjamin
William Grace
Sparrow 01 January 1792 Nancy
William Grace
Sparrow 19 August 1804 William
John Mary
Sparrow 19 August 1804 Joseph
John Mary
Meare 'Age 2 yrs'
Sparrow 05 June 1807 Benjamin
John Mary
Sparrow 31 October 1816 Mary Meare John Mary Labourer Meare
Spencer 27 April 1814 Edwin Glastonbury Samuel Sarah Yeoman Glast. St Benedict
Spencer 27 February 1818 Elizabeth Benedict St Samuel Sarah ? Glast. St Benedict
Spencer 28 June 1823 Henry High St William Frances Surgeon Glast. St Benedict
Spencer? 09 April 1816 Frederic Glastonbury Samuel Sarah Yeoman Glast. St Benedict
Spragg 12 February 1837 Samuel Benedict St Thomas Ann Labourer Glast. St Benedict
Spragg 08 May 1839 Edwin North Load Street Thomas Ann Labourer Glast. St John
Spragg 22 July 1849 Louisa Grope Lane Joseph Elizabeth Labourer Glast. St Benedict
Sprigg 04 June 1838 Ann North Load Street Thomas Ann Labourer Glast. St John
Spriggs 25 April 1841 Mary Benedict St Joseph Elizabeth S~~~~~p Glast. St Benedict
Spriggs 13 June 1847 Henry Benedict Street Joseph Elizabeth Sweep Glast. St Benedict
Spry 12 July 1829 Emily Stuart Walcott Bath George Ellen Esther Surgeon Meare
Spurlock 30 May 1824 James Fry? Benedict Street James ~~~~~ Jane Carpenter Glast. St Benedict
Squire 01 June 1851 Mary Westhay William Edith Labourer Meare
Squires 03 October 1852 ? Westhay William Edith Labourer Meare
Stagg 29 September 1825 Ruth Church Lane William Ann Leather ~~~~~er Glast. St Benedict
Star? 27 May 1866 Maria Westhay Moor George Eliza Labourer Meare
Starr? 07 June 1863 John Westhay North Heath George Eliza Labourer Meare
Stephens 14 February 1813 John Meare Abraham Sarah Labourer Meare
Stephens 10 October 1835 Henry High Street William Mary Exciseman Glast. St John
Stephens 05 August 1836 Eliza Above Town William Mary Exciseman Glast. St John
Stoate 06 March 1836 Rebecca Bristol William Anne Labourer Meare
Stock 26 September 1841 Eliza Susan Ashcott John Elizabeth Farmer Shapwick
Stole? 16 November 1834 Jesse Bristol William Ann Cordwainer Meare
Stone 27 June 1823 Mary Northload Street William Mary Yeoman Glast. St Benedict
Stone 30 April 1830 Matilda North Load Street William Mary Labourer Glast. St John
Stone 23 February 1833 Sarah Smart Above Town John (Dec'd) Eliza Tallow? Handler? Glast. St John
Stone 02 April 1847 Eliza Ann Hillhead John Elizabeth Labourer Glast. St Benedict
Stone 10 June 1849 James Hillhead St Benedict John Elizabeth Labourer Glast. St Benedict
Stone? 10 February 1830 James Hillhead James Charlotte Labourer Glast. St Benedict
Stone? 08 March 1831 Ann Above Town John Eliza ~~~~ Auctioneer Glast. St John
Stott 06 January 1791 George
James Frances
Meare 'of Wells'
Stott 15 February 1814 Maria Godney George Hannah Farmer Meare
Stott 10 November 1816 Mary Godney George Hannah Farmer Meare
Stott 31 May 1818 Mary Godney James Frances Farmer Meare
Stott 31 May 1818 Matthew Godney James Frances Farmer Meare
Stott 31 May 1818 Mark Godney James Frances Farmer Meare
Stott 31 May 1818 George Godney George Hannah Farmer Meare
Stott 30 March 1820 James ? George Hannah Farmer Meare 'Omitted from register'
Stott 25 December 1825 William Godney Thomas Sarah Farmer Meare
Stott 10 January 1829 Sarah Godney Thomas Sarah Farmer Meare
Stott 20 March 1831 Thomas Godney Thomas Sarah Farmer Meare
Stott 10 March 1833 James Godney Thomas Sarah Farmer Meare
Stott 25 December 1850 Sarah Ann Meare David Maria Dairyman Meare
Stott 18 April 1852 Jane Westhay Thomas ~~~cken Matilda Yeoman Meare
Stott 30 January 1854 George Rushmead? Thomas Matilda Farmer Meare
Stott 04 March 1855 Albert Rushmead Thomas Matilda Farmer Meare
Stott? 05 March 1853 Sarah Westhay Moor Edward Sarah Labourer Meare
Stowe 28 February 1813 Stephen Rees Meare William Elizabeth Farmer Meare
Stower 01 January 1798 Sarah
William Elizabeth
Stower 12 May 1799 William
William Elizabeth
Stower 12 July 1801 John
William Elizabeth
Stower 12 October 1803 Elizabeth
William Elizabeth
Stower 30 June 1805 Ann
William Elizabeth
Stower 27 March 1808 Thomas
William Elizabeth
Stower 28 February 1810 Joseph Rood
William Elizabeth
Stower 25 July 1819 Margaret Meare
Meare Illegitimate
Stower 10 February 1834 William Edington Thomas Mary Gardiner Edington
Strangeways 15 September 1831 Helen Maria Shapwick Henry Bull Sophia Jane ? Shapwick
Strangeways 16 December 1832 Henry Bull Timplen Shapwick Henry Bull Sophia Jane Esquire Shapwick
Strangeways 26 June 1834 Cordelia Elisabeth Shapwick Henry Bull Sophia Jane Esquire Shapwick
Strangeways 15 October 1835 Edmund Ludton? Shapwick Henry Bull Sophia Jane Esquire Shapwick
Strangeways 07 January 1837 William Shapwick Henry Bull Sophia Jane Esquire Shapwick
Strangeways 30 July 1842 Edward Lawrence Shapwick Henry Bull Harriet Esquire Shapwick 'Private'
Street ? 27 May 1818 Ann Church Lane - Elizabeth - Glast. St Benedict
Stringer 12 October 1832 Stephen Benedict Street Stephen Elizabeth Labourer Glast. St John
Stringer 30 September 1835 William ~~~~ Above Town John Elizabeth Mason Glast. St John
Strode 15 April 1830 Elizabeth ~~~~ Glastonbury - Elizabeth - Glast. St John
Strode? 03 October 1818 Harriet Jane? Magdalene St Nathaniel ~~~~~ ~~~~~ Mary Captain ~~~~~~~ Glast. St Benedict
Strong? 29 January 1832 Tom? Gordon? Ashcott Thomas Elizabeth Labourer Shapwick
Style? 23 April 1843 Sam? Shapwick Thomas Sarah Servant Shapwick
Styles 25 December 1846 ~~~~~ Anna Shapwick Thomas Sarah Servant Shapwick
Sugg 21 December 1853 Anne Shapwick Thomas Jane ? Shapwick 'St Thomas'
Sugg 07 March 1856 Emma Shapwick Thomas Jane Labourer Shapwick
Sugg 15 May 1859 Thomas Shapwick Thomas Jane Keeper Shapwick
Summers 20 October 1822 George Norris Catcott Robert Betsy Labourer Catcott
Swanton 16 February 1821 Jane Northload Street John Ann Yeoman Glast. St Benedict
Swanton 11 October 1825 Edward From ~~~~~ Wells Jospeh Charlotte Mason Glast. St Benedict
Swanton 11 May 1830 Jane High Street William Mary Anne Labourer Glast. St John
Swanton 25 December 1832 Emily Magdalin Street William Mary Ann Labourer Glast. St John
Swanton 16 October 1833 Sidney Fry? Cart Lane Joseph Charlotte Mason Glast. St John
Swanton 16 October 1833 Hugh Fry Cart Lane Joseph Charlotte Mason Glast. St John
Swanton 27 August 1834 ? Magdalen Street William Ann Publican Glast. St John
Swanton 11 October 1834 James High Street Thomas Elizabeth Carpenter Glast. St John
Swanton 17 June 1835 William Northload Street Alfred Ann Labourer Glast. St John
Swanton 30 December 1835 Sebra? North Ld Street Edmund Mary-Maria? Farmer Glast. St John
Swanton 24 June 1836 William North Load Street Alfred Ann Carpenter Glast. St John
Swanton 23 November 1836 Emma Cart Lane Joseph Charlotte Mason Glast. St John
Swanton 25 April 1838 Elizabeth Ann North Load Street Edmund Maria Farmer Glast. St John
Sweet 14 October 1835 Elizabeth Jane Old Wells Road John Hannah Labourer Glast. St John
Sweet 01 August 1838 John Henry Old Wells Road John Hannah Labourer Glast. St John
Sydenham 06 June 1830 Edmond Shapwick George Hannah Labourer Shapwick
Sydenham 14 October 1832 Sarah Jane Shapwick George Hannah Labourer Shapwick
Sydenham 04 January 1835 William Shapwick George Hannah Labourer Shapwick
Sydenham 05 February 1837 Louisa Shapwick George Hannah Labourer Shapwick
Sydenham 27 May 1839 ? Shapwick George Hannah Labourer Shapwick
Symes 07 April 1867 William Stileway George Sarah Labourer Meare
Symmonds 03 September 1848 George Meare William Sarah Labourer Meare
Symmonds 04 June 1882 Minnie May Meare Frank Martha Labourer Meare
Symmons 27 June 1813 Robert Edington Robert Ann Turf Dealer Edington
Symmons 13 November 1814 Joanna? ~~~~~~ Robert Ann ~~~~~~ Edington
Symmons 21 January 1816 Louisa Edington Robert Ann Turf Dealer Edington
Symmons 01 May 1842 Robert Catcott Burtle George Eliza Labourer Burtle
Symmons 06 August 1843 Ellen Catcott Burtle George Eliza Labourer Burtle
Symmons 23 May 1847 Robert Westhay Heath George Eliza Labourer Burtle
Symmons 17 March 1849 Margaret Westhay Heath George Eliza Labourer Burtle
Symmons 12 August 1849 Frank Westhay Heath George Eliza Labourer Burtle G grandfather
Symmons 06 June 1852 Frances Chilton Heath George Eliza Labourer Burtle Female
Symmons 09 September 1855 Anne Harriet Meare George Eliza Labourer Burtle
Symmons 22 November 1857 Lewis George Meare George Eliza Labourer Burtle
Symmons 30 October 1859 Herbert Catcott Heath George Eliza Labourer Burtle
Symmons 22 September 1861 Emily Catcott Heath George Eliza Labourer Burtle
Symmons 09 August 1863 Anna Harriet Catcott Heath George Eliza Labourer Burtle
Symmons 05 February 1865 Louisa Jane Catcott Burtle George Eliza Labourer Burtle
Symmons 20 May 1866 Oliver George Catcott Burtle George Eliza Labourer Burtle
Symmons ? 07 November 1828 William Catcott Burtle Robert Ann ? Labourer Catcott
Symonds 24 February 1831 Emma Magdalin Street John Mary Labourer Glast. St John
Symonds 20 May 1851 Ann Westhay Heath William Sarah Labourer Meare
Symonds 01 February 1880 Edith Emily Meare Frank Martha Labourer Meare
Symons 19 June 1821 Ann Catcott Robert Ann Labourer Catcott
Symons 03 October 1852 Mary Ann Westhay William Eliza ?? Shoemaker Meare
Symons 19 April 1857 James Westhay William Eliza Labourer Meare
Symons 03 March 1878 Albert Edward Meare Frank Martha Labourer Meare