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Baptism Surname W
Surname Baptism Date Christian Names Abode Father Mother Profession Parish Notes
Wade 25 June 1837 Benjamin Barrow Causeway Benjamin Elizabeth Labourer Meare
Wade? 25 December 1842 George Giblett - Benjamin Ann Farmer Meare
Wadfield 02 February 1812 Rebecca
William Joanna
Wake? 13 June 1841 John Load in Martock? Benjamin Jane Farmer Meare
Wake? 04 May 1849 Jane Ellen - Benjamin Jane Farmer Godney
Wall 30 August 1816 Willm George Glastonbury St John Robert Maria Labourer Glast. St Benedict
Wall 03 January 1819 John Westhay Edward Elizabeth Farmer Meare
Wall 31 July 1830 George Westhay John Ann Farmer Meare
Wall 09 June 1844 Alfred St Benedict St Glastonbury John Susanna Labourer Glast. St Benedict
Wall? 20 December 1812 John
Bartholomew Sarah
Wall? 01 June 1831 John Hill Head - Elizabeth - Glast. St John
Waller 25 December 1830 Louisa Above Town Eli Rebecca Carrier Glast. St John
Waller 08 June 1836 Sarah Heath? Moor Matthew Sarah Labourer Glast. St John
Waller? 02 February 1831 Charlotte Magdalin Street John Esther Smith Glast. St John
Waller? 21 March 1838 Leah Bear Lane Luke Elizabeth Labourer Glast. St John
Walter 21 November 1831 Mark St John's Build'n Matthew Sarah Labourer Glast. St John
Walter 26 December 1831 Silas Beare Lane Samuel Hannah Labourer Glast. St John
Walter 11 January 1832 Elizabeth Bear Lane Thomas Ann Labourer Glast. St John
Walter 07 December 1832 Benjamin Benedict Street Joseph Maria Pork Butcher Glast. St John
Walter 11 October 1833 Harriet Benedict Street John Esther Black Smith Glast. St John
Walter 28 May 1834 Eli Old Wells Road Luke Elizabeth Labourer Glast. St John
Walter 15 June 1836 Emmanuel Bear Lane Samuel Hannah Labourer Glast. St Benedict
Walter 25 August 1836 Isaac Wallace Benedict St Thomas Ann Labourer Glast. St Benedict
Walter? 19 September 1825 Mark Above Town Eli Rebecca Labourer Glast. St Benedict
Walter? 01 November 1825 George Old Wells rd Samuel Hannah Labourer Glast. St Benedict
Walter? 20 December 1826 Keziah Old Wells Rd Matthew Sarah Labourer Glast. St Benedict
Walter? 13 May 1831 Joseph Wick Joseph Maria Yeoman Glast. St John
Walter? 06 April 1836 Sarah Benedict st John Esther Blacksmith Glast. St Benedict
Walters? 01 January 1830 James Bear Lane Samuel Hannah Labourer Glast. St John
Walton? 02 July 1833 Mary Ann Bear Lane Samuel Hannah Labourer Glast. St Benedict
Ward 22 March 1835 Joseph Barrow Causeway Benjamin Elizabeth Labourer Meare
Warde? 17 March 1816 Charlotte Meare
Warfield 12 September 1790 Charity ~~~~
- Hannah
Warfield 10 November 1793 James
Edmund Mary
Warfield 01 February 1794 Elizabeth
- Mary
Meare BB
Warfield 05 July 1795 Mary
Edmund Mary
Warfield 16 April 1797 Sarah
Edward Mary
Warfield 20 October 1799 Betty
Edmund Mary
Warfield 17 January 1802 Hannah
Edmund Mary
Warfield 12 June 1803 Ann West Pennard? Edmund Mary
Warfield 16 February 1806 Sarah
William Joanna
Warfield 06 April 1806 George
Richard Norris Jenney
Warfield 31 May 1807 George
James Mary
Warfield 11 August 1808 Thomas
Richard Norris Jenney
Warfield 28 August 1808 William
William Joanna
Warfield 09 April 1809 Mary
John Junior Elizabeth
Warfield 10 December 1809 Ann
James Mary
Warfield 24 June 1810 Hannah
Richard ~~~~ Jenny
Warfield 27 October 1811 John
John Jnr Elizabeth
Warfield 10 November 1811 Hannah
Richard Norris Jenney
Warfield 19 April 1812 Elizabeth
James Mary
Warfield 17 January 1813 George Meare John Edith Labourer Meare
Warfield 06 March 1814 Elizabeth Meare John Elizabeth Farmer Meare
Warfield 20 November 1814 Mary Meare James Mary Labourer Meare
Warfield 29 December 1816 Robert Glastonbury John Elizabeth Labourer Meare
Warfield 11 May 1822 Robert Oxenpill John Elizabeth Labourer Meare
Warfield 29 November 1824 Joseph Meare John Elizabeth Farmer Meare
Warfield 10 March 1839 John Newport in Monmouth John Biddy Inn keeper? Meare
Warfield 23 August 1840 Elizabeth Newport in Monmouthshire John Biddy Innkeeper Meare
Warr 24 August 1834 Thomas Westhay Moor Joseph Mary Labourer Meare
Warr? 08 July 1865 Edward Tincknell Westhay North Moor - Mary Elizabeth Single Woman Meare 'PB'
Warr? 02 May 1868 John? William Westhay ~~~ Heath George Eliza Labourer Meare
Warren? 14 March 1824 John Catcott William Susan? Labourer Catcott
Warry 26 October 1831 George D~~~~ Shapwick George Isabella Esquire Shapwick
Warry 26 August 1833 Isabella Catherine Shapwick George Isabella Esquire Shapwick
Warry 09 October 1834 Georgina Sophia Shapwick George Isabella Esquire Shapwick
Warry 01 January 1836 Emily Susanna Shapwick George Isabella Esquire Shapwick
Warry 29 January 1837 William Taylor Shapwick George Isabella Esquire Shapwick
Warry 02 October 1839 Anna Maria Shapwick George Isabella Esquire Shapwick
Warry 01 March 1848 Rose Alice Shapwick George Isabelle Esquire Shapwick
Watch 12 November 1809 Ann
John Ann
Watch 18 August 1811 Oliver
John Ann
Watch 08 October 1815 Elizabeth Godney John Ann Labourer Meare
Watch 07 September 1817 Charlotte Godney John Ann Farmer Meare Illegitimate
Watting 24 August 1833 Thomas Lammes? Above Town Thomas Sarah Painter Glast. St John
Watts 13 June 1790 Jenny?
Isaiah Mariah
Watts 14 June 1801 George
John Susanna
Watts 12 June 1803 Sarah
Isaiah Maria
Watts 04 January 1807 John
John Susannah
Watts 03 July 1811 Susanna
John Susanna
Watts 27 January 1815 Robert Westhay John Susanna Farmer Meare
Watts 26 May 1817 George Meare Charles Mary Labourer Meare
Watts 19 October 1817 James Westhay John Susanna Farmer Meare
Watts 13 August 1821 Samuel Sturminster ? John Susanna Farmer Meare
Watts 07 April 1822 Frederic Edington Benjamin Maria Farmer? Edington
Watts 26 April 1823 Jane ~~~~~ House
Mary Labourer Meare Base born
Watts 27 June 1824 George Godney George Elizabeth Farmer Meare
Watts 26 February 1826 Elizabeth Godney George Elizabeth Farmer Meare
Watts 21 May 1826 Rosanna Meare John Hannah Labourer Meare
Watts 21 October 1827 Smuel Meare John Hannah Labourer Meare
Watts 15 January 1828 Susan Godney George Elizabeth Farmer Meare
Watts 13 April 1828 Ann Patch Westhay
Mary Spinster Meare Illegitimate
Watts 24 May 1829 John Godney George Elizabeth Farmer Meare
Watts 21 June 1829 George Meare Charles Eliza Labourer Meare
Watts 28 June 1829 Ann Oxenpill John Hannah Labourer Meare
Watts 25 September 1831 Ann Godney George Elizabeth Farmer Meare 'Baptized at Godney Chapel'
Watts 04 December 1831 Charles Meare Charles Eliza Labourer Meare
Watts 24 February 1832 Jane Meare John Hannah Labourer Meare
Watts 07 July 1833 Elizabeth Meare
Mary Spinster Meare Illegitimate
Watts 15 September 1833 Jane Godney George Jane Labourer Meare
Watts 04 May 1834 Ellen? Catcott Thomas Elizabeth Labourer Edington
Watts 16 October 1836 Frederic Godney George Jane Labourer Meare
Watts 01 September 1837 Martha Godney George Elizabeth Farmer Meare Unreadable notes in margin.
Watts 28 September 1839 Eliza Godney George Jane Labourer Meare
Watts 25 December 1842 Anne Godney George Jane Labourer Meare
Watts 25 January 1846 Elizabeth - George Jane Labourer Godney
Watts? 29 November 1812 Bithia
Charles Mary
Watts? 18 July 1813 Samuel Meare
Meare Illegitimate
Way 01 February 1833 William Edington Thomas Susanna Labourer Edington
Way 16 June 1847 George John Magdalen Street George Elizabeth Baker Glast. St Benedict
Way? 20 March 1814 John Edington James Joanna Labourer Edington
Way? 04 May 1817 Ann Edington Thomas Susanna Labourer Edington
Webber 25 December 1830 Mary From Taunton George Mary Carpenter Glast. St John
Webber 09 March 1832 John Above Town George Mary Carpenter Glast. St John
Webber 16 April 1854 Mary Hannah Francis Hockey Shapwick Charles Louisa Carpenter Shapwick
Webber 26 December 1857 Emma Shapwick? Charles Louisa Carpenter Shapwick Entered in margin.
Welchman 22 March 1835 John Benedict St John Hester Labourer Glast. St Benedict
Welchman 19 June 1836 Thomas ~~~~~ The Mills? John Esther Labourer Glast. St Benedict
Wells 22 July 1792 George
Isaiah Mary
Wells 22 June 1794 Matilda
Isaiah Mariah
Wells 26 March 1797 Matthew
Isaiah Maria
Wells 08 April 1798 Matthew
Isaiah Maria
Wells 08 February 1801 Ann
Isaiah Maria
Wells 31 August 1806 Isaiah
Isaiah Maria
Wells 12 July 1829 Henry Godney John Ann Labourer Meare
Wells 22 December 1833 Edward Godney John Ann Labourer Meare
West 16 April 1790 Levi
Walter Elizabeth
West 14 January 1807 Ann
Josiah Lucretia
West 14 January 1807 Hannah
Josiah Lucretia
West 14 January 1807 John
Josiah Lucretia
West 13 September 1809 Ann
Josiah Lucretia
West 13 September 1809 Robert Churchouse
Josiah Lucretia
West 03 July 1811 Josiah
Josiah Lucretia
West 20 November 1814 Mary Meare Samuel Ann Farmer Meare
West 29 October 1815 Ann Meare Samuel Ann Farmer Meare
West 19 November 1815 Ann Meare Samuel Ann Farmer Meare
West 18 January 1816 Nehemiah Godney Josiah Lucretia Farmer Meare
West 18 January 1816 Elizabeth Godney Josiah Lucretia Farmer Meare
West 10 August 1817 Samuel Gulliver Meare Samuel Ann Farmer Meare
West 01 March 1818 Thomas Meare Bartholomew Sarah Labourer Meare
West 01 March 1818 John Meare Bartholomew Sarah Labourer Meare
West 05 April 1818 Lucretia Godney Josiah Lucretia Farmer Meare
West 12 November 1818 Samuel Gulliver Meare Samuel Ann Farmer Meare
West 05 March 1823 Levi Meare Samuel Mary Farmer Meare
West 27 December 1829 Ann Maria? Meare Samuel Mary Farmer Meare
West 23 May 1830 Elizabeth Sand Bartholomew Sarah Pensioner Meare
West 30 December 1832 John Gulliford Meare Samuel Mary Farmer Meare
West 26 April 1835 Jane Meare Samuel Mary Yeoman Meare
West 06 August 1837 Elizabeth Meare Samuel Mary Labourer Meare
West 16 July 1845 Mary Matilda Meare Levi Matilda Labourer Meare
West 30 September 1849 Sarah Stileway Levi Maria Labourer Meare
West 27 April 1856 Walter John Gulliver Stileway Levi Maria Labourer Meare
West 28 October 1866 John Edward Stileway Walter Martha Labourer Meare
West 05 April 1868 Matilda Jane Stileway Walter Martha? Labourer Meare
West 28 November 1869 Agnes Mary Meare Walter Martha Labourer Meare
Westlake 01 December 1793 Elizabeth
- Hannah
Meare BB
Westlake 23 August 1801 William
John Ann
Westlake 14 October 1804 Jane
John Ann
Westlake 31 May 1807 Ann
John Ann
Westlake 12 November 1809 Jane
John Ann
Westlake 06 September 1812 John
John Ann
Westlake 02 July 1815 James Godney John Ann Farmer Meare
Westlake 25 December 1822 Betsy Catcott James Ann Labourer Catcott
Westlake 12 February 1825 Joseph Catcott James Ann Labourer Catcott
Westlake ? 04 November 1827 Betsy Catcott Burtle James Ann Labourer Catcott
Wheeler 25 December 1824 Eliza Meare James Edith Carpenter Meare
Wheeler 26 November 1826 James Westhay James Edith Carpenter Meare
Wheeler 10 December 1826 Elizabeth Catcott Robert Ann Farmer Catcott
Wheller 10 May 1828 Edith Westhay James Edith Labourer Meare
Wheller 04 September 1831 Mary Westhay James Mary Carpenter Meare
Wheller 21 April 1833 James Westhay James Sarah Carpenter Meare
Wheller 20 July 1834 Mary Westhay James Sarah Carpenter Meare
Wheller 12 June 1836 Jane Westhay James Sarah Carpenter Meare
Wheller 11 November 1838 Ann Westhay James Sarah Carpenter Meare
Wheller 09 August 1842 Henry Westhay James Sarah Carpenter Meare
Wheller 01 August 1869 Florence Mary Meare Richard Fanny Farmer Meare Entered in margin.
Wheller? 23 August 1840 Jesse Westhay James Ann Carpenter Meare
Whitcomb 09 October 1814 George Meare James Hannah Mason Meare
Whitcomb 16 June 1816 Sarah Westhay Samuel Elizabeth Labourer Meare
Whitcomb 16 May 1819 Robert Meare Samuel Elizabeth Labourer Meare
Whitcomb 13 June 1819 Robert Meare Samuel Elizabeth Labourer Meare
Whitcomb 28 November 1819 Harriett Meare James Hannah Labourer Meare
Whitcomb 28 March 1827 John Westhay John Hannah Labourer Meare
Whitcomb 05 July 1829 Betsy Westhay James Hannah Labourer Meare
Whitcomb 08 August 1830 Anna Westhay James Hannah Labourer Meare
Whitcomb 17 April 1835 Anna Maria Westhay - Ann Spinster Meare
Whitcomb 09 August 1846 John Glastonbury Heath Samuel Mary Mason Meare
Whitcomb 04 May 1856 Mary Ann Shapwick Joseph Jane Labourer Shapwick
Whitcomb 09 September 1860 J~~~~ Westhay Charles Elizabeth Labourer Meare
Whitcombe 15 June 1817 John Westhay James Hannah Labourer Meare
Whitcombe 17 June 1822 Charles Westhay James Hannah Labourer Meare
Whitcombe 24 October 1824 Joseph Westhay James Hannah Labourer Meare
Whitcombe 13 January 1826 Ann Westhay Samuel Elizabeth Labourer Meare
Whitcombe 05 August 1832 Charles Westhay James Hannah Labourer Meare
Whitcombe 27 July 1834 Elizabeth Shapwick James Charlotte Labourer Shapwick
Whitcombe 28 September 1834 Anna Westhay James Hannah Labourer Meare
Whitcombe 16 July 1836 William Shapwick James Charlotte Labourer Shapwick
Whitcombe 09 April 1848 Albin Westhay George Jane Labourer Meare
Whitcombe 24 February 1850 James Glastonbury Heath Samuel Mary Mason & small farmer Meare
Whitcombe 19 July 1868 Mary Jane Meare William Alice? Labourer Meare
Whitcombe 13 October 1869 Ernest Hayes Langport - - Vetinary Surgeon Meare
Whitcombe 17 October 1869 Elizabeth Meare William Alice Labourer Meare
White 12 November 1826 Eliza Oxenpill
Martha Spinster? Meare Illegitimate - Age 5 years.
White 18 May 1831 John North Load Street George Elizabeth Labourer Glast. St John
White 10 April 1833 William North Load Street William Sarah Labourer Glast. St John
White 20 September 1833 Joshua Rood Northover Joshua Harriet Farmer Glast. St John
White 19 March 1834 Thomas Northload Street George Elizabeth Drover Glast. St John
White 08 November 1835 Esther Ann Northload St Thomas Mary Drover Glast. St Benedict
White 27 November 1835 William North Ld Street William Sarah Labourer Glast. St John
White 07 September 1836 Frederic North Load Street George Elizabeth Labourer Glast. St John
White 16 November 1836 Frederic James Magdalin Street James Hannah Baker Glast. St John
White 01 October 1837 Frederic Henry Benedict St Thomas Mary Labourer Glast. St Benedict
White 14 March 1838 George Magdalin Street James Hannah Baker Glast. St John
White 24 October 1838 Mary North Load Street William Sarah Drover Glast. St John
White 29 October 1839 George Benedict Street George Elizabeth Drover Glast. St John
White 17 November 1839 George Benedict St George Elizabeth Butcher Glast. St Benedict
White 15 December 1841 Sarah Meare - Eliza Servant Meare Illegitimate
White 17 December 1848 Sarah St Benedict Street George Betsey Drover Glast. St Benedict
White 15 October 1854 ~~~~ ~~~~ Eliza Godfrey Meare Frederick William Cordelia Toogood-H Clerk Meare
White 13 April 1856 Frederick George William Henry ~~~ Meare Frederick William Cordelia ~~~~ Clerk Meare
White 21 February 1858 Cynthia Gertrude ~~~~ Howard Meare Frederick William Cordelia ~~~~ ~~~~ Clerk Meare
White ? 04 April 1824 Mary Ann Catcott Robert Ann Farmer Catcott
White ?? 23 February 1853 Anna? Cordelia? meare Frederick William Cordelia? Clerk Meare
Whitehead 08 May 1823 Jane ? John Martha Carpenter Glast. St Benedict
Whitnell 09 February 1826 Caroline Catcott William Mary Labourer Catcott
Whitnell ? 09 February 1826 Caroline Catcott William Mary Labourer Catcott
Whittle 25 November 1842 Annie Shapwick James Jasmine? Farmer Shapwick
Whittle 26 May 1844 William Shapwick James Jemima? Farmer Shapwick 'Private'
Whittle 27 September 1846 John Shapwick James Jasmine? Farmer Shapwick
Whittle/White? 11 December 1831 William Ashcott Thomas Sarah Labourer Shapwick
Widcombe 19 April 1846 James? Shapwick James Charlotte Labourer Shapwick
Wilcox 07 February 1790 James
James Hannah
Wilcox 21 June 1812 Robert
Joseph Betty
Meare Baptised at Godney Church
Wilcox 06 December 1812 James
William Elizabeth
Wilcox 14 November 1813 Eliza Godney John Elizabeth Labourer Meare
Wilcox 14 November 1813 John Godney John Elizabeth Labourer Meare
Wilcox 09 April 1815 John Godney William Elizabeth Thatcher Meare
Wilcox 07 May 1815 George Godney James Maria Labourer Meare
Wilcox 15 September 1815 Alfred Meare Edward? Elizabeth Yeoman? Meare
Wilcox 05 October 1817 George Godney William Elizabeth Thatcher Meare
Wilcox 05 October 1817 Charlotte Godney
Meare Illegitimate
Wilcox 14 June 1818 William Meare Edward Elizabeth Farmer Meare
Wilcox 28 June 1818 Joseph Godney John Elizabeth Labourer Meare
Wilcox 04 October 1818 Joseph Godney James Maria Labourer Meare
Wilcox 24 January 1819 Thomas Godney John Elizabeth Labourer Meare
Wilcox 24 January 1819 Joseph Godney John Elizabeth Labourer Meare
Wilcox 13 June 1819 Mary Ann Meare Thomas Sarah Farmer Meare
Wilcox 09 December 1821 John Godney John Ann Labourer Meare
Wilcox 03 March 1822 Mary Godney John Elizabeth Labourer Meare
Wilcox 25 January 1824 James Godney John Ann Labourer Meare
Wilcox 25 December 1824 Elizabeth ~~~~~ Godney Edward ? Mary Farmer Meare
Wilcox 13 April 1825 Robert Godney James Maria? Labourer Meare
Wilcox 17 November 1825 Edmund Godney Edmund Mary Farmer Meare
Wilcox 19 March 1826 Jane Godney John Elizabeth Labourer Meare
Wilcox 25 March 1827 Ann Godney John Ann Farmer Meare
Wilcox 19 June 1827 John Godney Edmund Mary Farmer Meare
Wilcox 15 August 1827 Thomas Meare Thomas Sarah Butcher Meare
Wilcox 25 December 1827 Ann Godney John Ann Farmer Meare
Wilcox 31 August 1828 George Godney John Elizabeth Labourer Meare
Wilcox 05 February 1829 James Godney James Maria Labourer Meare
Wilcox 22 February 1829 John Godney Edmund Mary Farmer Meare
Wilcox 24 May 1829 Hannah Godney John Ann Farmer Meare
Wilcox 20 February 1831 Hannah Godney James Maria Labourer Meare
Wilcox 19 May 1833 Joseph Godney Edmond Mary Farmer Meare
Wilcox 04 May 1834 Mary Godney Edmund Mary Farmer Meare
Wilcox 01 May 1836 William Godney Edmund Mary Farmer Meare
Wilcox 29 July 1838 Thomas Godney Edmund Mary Farmer Meare
Wilcox 23 July 1843 Edward Homeway? William Elizabeth Labourer Meare
Wilcox 07 January 1846 Alfred Meare Alfred Ann Farmer Meare
Wilcox 28 September 1847 Sarah Ann Meare Alfred? Ann Farmer Meare
Wilcox 20 January 1850 Albert Meare Alfred Ann Farmer Meare
Wilcox 28 September 1851 Hannah Maria Oxenpill William Elizabeth Labourer Meare
Wilcox 18 January 1852 James Godney Eli Hannah Labourer Meare
Wilcox 10 April 1853 William James Meare John Mary Ann Labourer Meare
Wilcox 09 December 1855 Sarah Ann Oxenpylle William Elizabeth Labourer Meare
Wilcox 12 May 1858 William Alfred Oxenpylle William Betsy Labourer Meare
Wilcox 03 June 1860 James Meare William Betsy Labourer Meare
Wilcox 03 April 1863 James Sidney? Meare Edmund Jane Farmer Meare
Wilcox 22 January 1865 Edmund Meare Edmund Jane Farmer Meare
Wilcox 26 March 1865 John Westhay Charles Elisabeth Labourer Meare
Wilcox ? 25 March 1810 John
William Elizabeth
Wilcox? 05 October 1823 Susan? Godney William Elizabeth Labourer Meare
Wilcox? 09 December 1838 Elizabeth Meare William Elizabeth Farmer Meare
Wilkins 11 October 1825 Eliza Labourer James Sarah
Glast. St Benedict
Wilkins 11 October 1830 George Meare John Sarah Labourer Meare
Wilkins 24 June 1832 William Meare John Sarah Labourer Meare
Wilkins 21 July 1833 William Parsons Meare
Ann Wilkins Spinster Meare Illegitimate
Wilkins 14 February 1834 Elizabeth Meare John Sarah Labourer Meare
Wilkins 21 August 1834 John Hartley? Bridge Daniel Ann Labourer Glast. St John
Wilkins 16 March 1837 James St Johns Building David Ann Labourer Glast. St John
Wilkins 20 August 1837 Marianne? Meare John Sarah Labourer Meare
Wilkins 26 March 1843 Robert Meare John Sarah Labourer Meare
Wilkins 25 July 1854 Lucy Ann Long Ashton Edward Matilda Labourer Meare
Wilkins 24 May 1857 Henry Shapwick James Mary Labourer Shapwick
Wilkins 24 May 1857 William Shapwick James Mary Labourer Shapwick
Wilkins 24 May 1857 Sarah Jane Shapwick James Mary Labourer Shapwick
Wilkins? 12 June 1843 Jesse Shapwick James Mary Labourer Shapwick
Willcox 27 November 1791 John
James Hannah
Willcox 22 June 1794 Jenny
Edmund Hannah
Willcox 07 June 1795 Hannah
James Hannah
Willcox 05 June 1796 Jane
William Elizabeth
Meare Baptised in Godney Chapel
Willcox 01 April 1798 Maria
William Elizabeth
Willcox 25 December 1798 Edward
Edward Betty
Willcox 25 December 1798 Thomas
Edward Betty
Willcox 17 May 1801 Sarah
Edward Betty
Willcox 29 November 1801 Maria
William Elizabeth
Willcox 11 January 1803 Elizabeth
Edward Betty
Willcox 06 March 1804 William
Edward Betty
Willcox 02 June 1805 Betsey
William Elizabeth
Willcox 15 March 1807 Mary
Edward Betty
Willcox 15 March 1807 William
Edward Betty
Willcox 27 March 1808 Elisa
William Elizabeth
Meare 'Age 8 months'
Willcox 05 March 1809 Edna
John Elizabeth
Willcox 16 June 1816 Elizabeth Meare Thomas Sarah Farmer Meare
Willcox 19 July 1820 John Godney Samuel Maria Labourer Meare
Willcox 03 January 1821 Edward Meare Edward Elizabeth Farmer Meare
Willcox 15 May 1824 Elizabeth Godney John Elizabeth Labourer Meare
Willcox 04 June 1843 Edward - Edmund Mary Yeoman Godney
Willcox 24 July 1853 Ellen? Oxenpylle William Betsy Labourer Meare
Willcox ? 22 January 1823 Sarah Godney James Maria Labourer Meare
Williams 14 May 1815 Joseph? Edington John Deborah Labourer Edington
Williams 08 April 1817 William Edington John Deborah Labourer Edington
Williams 25 December 1831 Jane Shapwick John Mary Labourer Shapwick
Williams 29 May 1832 Ellen Ashcott James Elizabeth ~~~ Servant Shapwick
Williams 15 October 1832 Frederic Shapwick George Sarah Labourer Shapwick
Williams 15 March 1835 Richard Shapwick John Mary Labourer Shapwick
Williams 29 March 1836 Richard Shapwick James Elizabeth Servant Shapwick
Williams 09 July 1848 Anne Shapwick - Fanny - Shapwick
Williams 24 September 1854 Anne Norris? Westhay north? Heath Charles Mary Labourer Meare
Williams 04 May 1859 Susan? Westhay Heath Charles Mary Labourer Meare 'PB'
Williams 03 June 1860 Edith Annie Meare George Annie 'Master ~~~ ~~~ school'? Meare
Williams 12 January 1862 John Thomas Westhay ~~~ Heath Charles Mary Labourer Meare
Williams 08 November 1863 Matilda? Annie Meare George Annie Clerk & ~~~~ ~~~~ Meare
Williams 08 May 1864 Hannah Westhay Small Heath Charles Mary Labourer Meare
Williams? 13 July 1862 Louisa Meare George Emma? National? School Master Meare
Williams? 19 July 1868 William Meare Charles Mary Labourer Meare
Willis 06 August 1815 William Meare
Willis 20 December 1823 Joseph Catcott James Harriet? Pedlar? Catcott 'Catcott for the time being'
Willis 18 January 1824 Joseph Richard Meare Solomon Elizabeth Labourer Meare
Willis 29 May 1825 Ann Westhay Moor Solomon Elizabeth Labourer Meare
Willis 29 November 1826 Esther Northload Street James Hannah Publican Glast. St Benedict
Willis 30 May 1858 Maria Westhay ~~~~~ John Ann Labourer Meare
Willis? 31 August 1831 William North Load Street William Jane Labourer Glast. St John
Willis? 16 September 1860 George Westhay John Anne? Labourer Meare
Willow? 15 August 1837 Levi Staveatt Glaston? Richard Eliza Labourer Glast. St John
Wills 06 January 1800 Mary
Richard Jane
Wills 06 January 1800 Peter Wills

Meare 'Illegitimate - now wife of Peter Wills'
Wills 12 April 1803 George
Peter Rose
Wills 23 February 1806 Hannah
Peter Rose
Meare 'Age 1 year ½'
Wills 22 March 1807 George
Peter Rose
Wills 30 July 1815 Charles Godney Richard Ann Carpenter Meare Age 10
Wills 09 March 1817 John Meare
Meare Illegitimate
Wills 19 June 1831 Fanny Godney John Ann Labourer Meare
Wills 10 February 1833 George Godney George Mary Labourer Meare
Wills 11 October 1833 George North Load Street William Jane Labourer Glast. St John
Wills 08 March 1835 Jane Godney George Mary Labourer Meare
Wills 25 March 1836 Caroline Norhh Load Street William Jane Labourer Glast. St John
Wills 04 May 1849 Mary - George Mary Labourer Godney
Wills 02 November 1851 Elizabeth Martins lane Thomas Charlotte Carpenter Meare
Wills 12 February 1854 Eliza Martins Lane Thomas Charlotte Carpenter Meare
Wills 09 November 1856 William Oxenpylle Thomas Charlotte Carpenter Meare
Wilson? 24 October 1836 Henry Charles North Ld Street Henry Shrimpton? Elizabeth Baker Glast. St John
Windmill 08 April 1830 Joseph Benedict Street Thomas Sarah Cordwainer Glast. St John
Windmill 15 August 1832 David Theodore High Street Joseph Amelia Cordwainer Glast. St John
Windmill 11 December 1835 Mary Ellen High Street Joseph Amelia Cordwainer Glast. St John
Windmill 15 November 1837 Emily - Benjamin Ann Labourer Glast. St Benedict
Windmill 01 March 1843 Jane Hillhead Benjamin Ann Labourer Glast. St Benedict
Windmill 01 March 1843 Mary Hillhead Benjamin Ann Labourer Glast. St Benedict
Wine? 25 December 1833 Elizabeth Northload St - Jane Spinster Glast. St Benedict
Winman? 12 May 1833 Ann Hanover Square - Mary Ann - Glast. St John
Winters? 25 July 1837 Mary Benedict St George Elizabeth Labourer Glast. St Benedict
Witcomb 11 March 1853 Mary Glastonbury Heath Samuel Mary Labourer Meare
Witcomb 23 June 1867 James Westhay Charles Elizabeth Labourer Meare
Witcombe 19 July 1812 Samuel
James Hannah
Witcombe 31 July 1831 Sophia Shapwick James Charlotte Labourer Shapwick
Witcombe 18 April 1840 James Tadham Moor, Wedmore George - Labourer Meare
Witcombe 10 April 1841 John Sparrow Godney Samuel Mary Mason Meare
Witcombe 22 January 1843 Maria Shapwick James Charlotte Labourer Shapwick
Witcombe 23 April 1843 William Westhay George Jane Labourer Meare
Witcombe 17 December 1843 Julia/John? Glaston Heath Samuel Mary Mason Meare
Witcombe 07 December 1845 George Westhay George Ann Labourer Meare
Witcombe 06 April 1851 Reuben Westhay George Jane Labourer Meare
Witcombe 05 May 1857 James Westhay Samuel Mary Mason Meare
Witcombe 23 May 1858 George Shapwick Joseph Jane Labourer Shapwick
Witcombe 05 September 1858 William Shapwick William Anna Maria Labourer Shapwick
Witcombe 27 February 1859 George Westhay Charles Elisabeth Labourer Meare
Witcombe 28 December 1862 Eliza Westhay Charles Elisabeth Labourer Meare
Withell? 15 October 1820 Jane Catcott William Mary Labourer Catcott
Withey 25 July 1837 Ann Elizabeth Benedict St John Mary Ann Labourer Glast. St Benedict
Witnel? 02 February 1823 Charles Jeans Catcott William Mary Labourer Catcott
Woddriffe 01 June 1828 Robert Catcott John Rebekah Labourer Catcott
Wood 04 October 1844 Jane Shapwick John Ann Carpenter Shapwick
Wood 31 January 1847 William Shapwick John Ann Carpenter Shapwick
Woodburn 29 April 1792 Mary
Benjamin Mary
Woodford 23 August 1833 John North Load Street - Mary - Glast. St John
Woodland 29 January 1815 Jacob Meare John Mary Labourer Meare
Woods 20 March 1852 Edward Meareway Thomas Ann Labourer Meare
Woods 18 December 1853 Betsy Ann Westhay Thomas Ann Labourer Meare
Woods 16 September 1855 Emma Westhay Thomas Ann Labourer Meare
Woods 25 October 1857 Thomas Westhay Thomas Ann Labourer Meare
Woods 09 April 1865 George Thomas? Westhay Thomas Ann Labourer Meare
Woods? 27 October 1861 Jane Westhay Thomas Ann Labourer Meare
Woods? 27 December 1863 Elizabeth Ann Westhay Thomas Ann Labourer Meare
Woolford 05 November 1854 Elizabeth? Meare John Ann Publican Meare
Wright 21 January 1831 William Henry High Street John Eliza Ann Smith & Engineer Glast. St John
Wright 25 December 1832 Frances Sarah High Street John Eliza White Smith Glast. St John
Wright 21 November 1834 Emma Ann High Street John Eliza Ann Smith Glast. St John
Wright 07 September 1836 Charles Frederic High Street John Eliza Ann Smith Glast. St John
Wyer ? 24 February 1836 John Above Town John Sarah Brick Maker Glast. St John
Wyer? 06 October 1830 John Chilkwell Street Thomas Sarah Brick maker Glast. St John
Wyer? 24 February 1836 James Above Town John Sarah Brick maker Glast. St John