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Baptism Date Birth Date
Surname Christian Names Father Mother Abode Profession Notes No.

14 July 1834 Rowley Robert John Charlotte Shapwick Mason 294

27 July 1834 Whitcombe Elizabeth James Charlotte Shapwick Labourer 295

10 August 1834 Attwell Maria Anne George Priscilla Shapwick Labourer 296

09 October 1834 Warry Georgina Sophia George Isabella Shapwick Esquire 297

09 October 1834 Haines John Guy Allen? Robert Mitchell Ann Allen Shapwick Shopkeeper 'Privately' 298

25 December 1834 Isaacs Charles William Honor Shapwick Labourer 299

04 January 1835 Sydenham William George Hannah Shapwick Labourer 300

18 January 1835 Sawley? James George Jane Shapwick Labourer 301

15 February 1835 Beard Sarah Anne William Henry Fanny Shapwick Labourer 302

15 March 1835 Williams Richard John Mary Shapwick Labourer 303

19 March 1835 Carsons Joseph Drayton James Betsy Shapwick Shoemaker 304

12 July 1835 Rowley James George Jane Shapwick Mason 305

12 July 1835 Pollett John Thomas Elizabeth Shapwick Labourer 306

25 September 1835 Martin Elisabeth Robert Mary Anne Shapwick Cabinet maker 307

04 October 1835 Godwin William Thomas Maria Shapwick Labourer 308

15 October 1835 Strangeways Edmund Ludton? Henry Bull Sophia Jane Shapwick Esquire 309

01 January 1836 Warry Emily Susanna George Isabella Shapwick Esquire 310

09 January 1836 Bobbett Amelia John Joanna Shapwick Cordwainer 311

12 February 1836 Hucker Eliza Henry Maria Shapwick Labourer 312

28 February 1836 Yard Louisa Anne Eli Isabella Pedwell Labourer 313

06 March 1836 Pole William Richard Mary Anne Shapwick Butcher 314

13 March 1836 How Anne Samuel Maria Shapwick Labourer 315

29 March 1836 Williams Richard James Elizabeth Shapwick Servant 316

02 April 1836 Taylor Eliza Jane John Anne Shapwick Labourer 317

06 May 1836 Diamond? James - Sarah Shapwick A Whore 'This ~~~~~ since hung for 318

murder of children'

10 July 1836 Axon Sarah William Mary Shapwick Labourer 319

16 July 1836 Whitcombe William James Charlotte Shapwick Labourer 320

12 September 1836 Beard Elizabeth Jane William Henry Fanny Shapwick Labourer 321

27 September 1836 Vearing Rhoda - Maria Shapwick Spinster 322

18 November 1836 Rowley Giles John Charlotte Shapwick Mason 323

07 January 1837 Strangeways William Henry Bull Sophia Jane Shapwick Esquire 324

29 January 1837 Warry William Taylor George Isabella Shapwick Esquire 325

05 February 1837 Sydenham Louisa George Hannah Shapwick Labourer 326

16 May 1837 Harvey Thomas ~~~~~ Richard Jane Shapwick Gardner 327

22 June 1837 Franks Ellen Susan Robert Mary Shapwick Labourer 328

24 June 1837 Durston Mary Jane Charles Jane Shapwick Tailor 329

09 July 1837 Rowley Jane George Jane Shapwick Mason 330

24 July 1837 Pole William Thomas Jane Shapwick Labourer 331

29 July 1837 Sawley Harriet George Jane Shapwick Labourer 332

29 October 1837 Morse Mary Ann Charles Sarah Shapwick Labourer 333

29 October 1837 Norris James James Joanna Shapwick Labourer 334

09 November 1837 Edmonds William Joseph Mary Ann Shapwick Baker 335

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