10 volumes of hardback children's classics. Excellent condition! No rips, scribbles or soil! Price: $10.00/set

THE SECRET TEACHINGS OF THE AGES 1978, Golden Anniversary Edition by Manly P. Hall. Soft cover.
“An encyclopedic outline of Masonic, Hermetic, Qabbalistic and Rosicrucian symbolic philosophy.” Black and white illustrations are by J. Augustus Knapp. Published by The Philosophical Research Society, Inc., Los Angeles, California. “This book is dedicated to the rational souls of the world”. Hundreds of full page illustrations and detailed explanations.
Our society is based on symbols and the beginnings of our symbols are explained within this treasure book of hidden mysteries! The mysteries were almost lost until this philosophical society researched and published for the benefit of all mankind.
This volume weighs 3-4 lbs. It’s 14” high X 11” wide and 1” thick. The cover needs about an inch of mending tape on the back corner but other than that the book is in great shape.
This book retails for $100 in the hardback form. Because this edition is soft cover, you can save a lot of money! Price: $40.00. Shipping and handling: $9.00

The Art of Electronic Publishing by Sandy Ressler. Pub. Prentice Hall. 450 pages. Paper back. CD-Rom is package in back. Includes techniques for integrating sound, image and video. New Price: $40.00. Asking Price: $10.00

STORY OF CIVILIZATION By Will Durant. 4 Volumes. I think these are out of print, but they're classics. Durant writes a very enjoyable history. The volumes are not easily photographed. Price: $40.00


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