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Many years have gone by since I first built this page. I think it was on 2001. I was then practically a teenager, with a lot of free time and ideas! I am now a working woman with a small child, which means time is not really something I have to spare! Anyway, lately I have been thinking about redrafting and restructuring the website, in order to include new information and correct old ones.
I'm starting on the "Purpose" page because there is some stuff I've written here that is not necessarily true. At the time, I had very few sources and the "world wide web" was not as WIDE as it is today. Luckily, there's always time to correct oneself! I'm leaving the original text here anyway, because I think it's part of this page's history and for that it should not be erased.
I actually managed to get in contact with Denny on 2005. He even joined the mailing list I ran then (the list on Coollist, which is not active anymore). He corrected this information about the interview he supposedly gave to Geoffrey Giulianno. Denny said that he first met Giulianno to see if the writer could help him write his autobiography, but soon realized he was not the right person to do it. Denny agreed, then, to write the introduction to his book. According to him, he did not give that interview and Geoffrey managed to make it look like he said this or that.
(I actually used to have some interview audios [I even mention it on my original text for this page], and I certainly heard them, but I don't have those anymore and memory can be a tricky thing. If anyone has those, please share.)
Anyway, if you have ever read or seen any interviews with Denny, you certainly have seen that he is very fair, caring... he never speaks with an acid tone. There are actually no sides to take. (written in April 2015)


Hi everyone. Thanks for visiting my site.
Well, I would like to tell you why I decided to build a page on Denny Laine. I've been a fan of the Beatles since 1994, or since I was 11. After all these years, my love for their music has increased a lot. My first homepage was a Beatles one. My second was a Paul McCartney one.
Then, in 1998, after having learned many things about the Beatles' lives, music, recordings, I started to be curious about Paul's second songwriting partner: Denny Laine. Of course I knew him before and had seen him on the album covers and had listened to his Wings songs, but I started to pay more attention to songs like Children Children and Again & Again & Again. I thought "Where the hell is Denny Laine?". So, I connected to the web and began my search for any info I could find. The best thing I found was a web board on, where 2 great Denny Laine fans used to talk to each other. I started talking to them and asking for any info they could provide. I learned a lot with them!
Of course, I became a fan. But I didn't have any of his albums, so my next step was to go to and buy some of his solo stuff. When my CDs arrived, I was thrilled! I just loved his music, it was as great as his Wings stuff, or even better!
Since then, I've been trying to find info on him, homepages, anything, but it's really difficult. I noticed there isn't one single page that is only about him. That's why I decided to build this one. There are a thousand sites on the Beatles or Paul McCartney, mine included. By making this page, I feel like I'm doing something more useful, something that will help other Denny Laine fans that, like me, are always trying to follow his steps and are always frustrated for not finding him anywhere!
I know some Paul McCartney fans don't like Denny, most of them, actually, and they probably won't like this page. I'll be sincere: I don't understand why some people don't like him. The majority thinks Laine shouldn't have given that interview to Geoffrey Giulliano, cause he talked about his and Paul's personal stuff, and said bad things about both Paul and Linda. Well, to anyone who has listened to the interview, it wasn't quite like that. Denny was just expressing his feelings. Paul isn't a saint, he makes mistakes, he's like any of us. So is Denny. He makes mistakes too, and he may have made one when he got interviewed back in the 80's. But come on, that happened ages ago. I think Paul should've forgiven him. John Lennon said worse things about Paul and Linda, he sent horrible letters to them, and even then Paul still has good words to say about him. Why can't the same happen with Denny? That's something I'll never understand. Denny isn't a saint too, but I know people who knew Denny and they all say he's very sweet, and funny, and caring, they say that when you're talking to him he gives you all the attention in the world.
Anyway, if you still think that what Denny did was terrible, horrible, that Paul is right in not forgiving him, that's OK. Everyone has the right to have opinions. But even then, I have an argument: instead of thinking about their personal life, think about their music. That's what really matters. The MUSIC. And Denny's music is DAMN good, he is a WONDERFUL guitarist, singer, songwriter, he's good in everything he does. Most people who criticize him haven't heard any of his solo songs, like the great Anyone Can Fly, the beautiful In Time, among others. I'll try to put some of his songs available in this site.
Well, that's it by now. I really hope you like this page, cause I made it with all my heart. Please sign my guestbook or e-mail me. Give me positive or negative feedback, but give me something! :)

Best wishes,
Mariana Sanmartin de Mello


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