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College Stories

saddle up cowboy
Getting hit in the junk isn't fun. Reading shitty pages by college students is.

I am the reason God told the human race to go fuck themselves with a rusty bicycle chain.

You probably don't know me. I know who you are. I watch you sleep every night. I mean umm...My name is Andrew. I type with one hand and shoot invading commie bastards with the other.

Anysuchfun, I'm testing out my html skills by putting up meaningless, funny stuff. Feel free to use any four letter word you want on the message board (I like the ones that begin with the letter C).

Weekly poll

This is J.D. Roth. He is my hero. Click on him. I made a page about him because he inspired me to do everything I ever did in my life, which includes reading the same newspapers as him, using the same toothbrush, and watching tv on the same tv as J.D. Just kidding. Stalking is for horse molesters. Anyway, J.D. is awesome. If you see this J.D., highlight the next part to see my secret message for you. I see old people. They're everywhere. Always calling me a "ruffian" and stealing my scooter pies. I punched one and he hit me with his cane. I will never punch old people again.

Partytime Quote:
"I couldn't enjoy the shower scene because I was being yelled at by my mom" -Eric

This many people liked the lesbian scene in Girls Gone Wild Sexy Sorrority Sweethearts
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