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My Space
Prayer Requests
Nicki, Joel and Kayden
Rene Partida

Do you have a relationship with Jesus? If not, take the time now and ask Him, the Living God, to forgive you and live in you. He will. There is nothing you can do to keep Him from loving you, hoever, unless you surrender to Him, you are going to Hell. He loves us so much, He made made a way to keep us from Hell by dying on the cross. You have to accept this on faith, and give your life totally to Him. What have you got to lose? An eternity in Heaven with Him. If you need prayer, please send an email to me. 

Joshua is my second-born. He is the most handsome young man around. He loves Jesus, and baseball, and adores his baby sister Tessa. She can get him to do anything for her.

Josh playing with Landon


Josh and Dustin, his cousin 
Josh and Kayden
 Title letters from Whateverlife Word Generator!