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Tool Usage: be the best helper you can

~Under Construction~

screwdrivers-used to unscrew and tighten just about everything.
Phillips head is the X, flat head  has a -, there is also one with a star.
screwbits.JPG (32509 bytes)


  torque wrench two types. measure how much pressure to tighten the bolts to.
  torquewrench.JPG (65538 bytes) torquewrench3.jpg (82937 bytes)

breaker bar- this big, long bar to "break loose" bolts on tires etc.breaker.JPG (66092 bytes)

ratchet-adjusts to turn both ways makes clicking noise. 
push button on back to get socket off/on. ratchetpopdemo.jpg (24046 bytes) 
his is a picture of a "reducer" on the ratchetratchetreducer.JPG (37700 bytes) it helps the smaller sockets fit onto the ratchet.

open end wrench- has a open side and a closed circle side. the measurement is printed on the circled area  openend.JPG (31254 bytes)

Oil Filter Wrench-takes off the oil filter.. its a noose for the oil filter
oilfilterwrench.JPG (25824 bytes)

Tire Pressure Gauge-measures how much air is in the tire. psi = pounds per square inch.  you can find this imprinted on the tire.    

         tirepressure1.JPG (122812 bytes)  

screw- pointy on bottom side (hole on top for screwdriver)

bolt- like a screw but flat on top(6 sides) and bottom (no hole on top for screwdriver)

nut- has a hole with threads

washer- flat metal donut/circle
lock washer
(not pictured)-flat metal donut that looks like a "C"

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