Strength 19X
Agility 6X
Intellect 3X
Willpower 3X
Edge: 2
Hand: 4 (25)
Calling: Soldier
Hindrance: Triggered Powerless -- Quantum's power relies on the closest star, so darkness negates Quantum's hyper-teleportation power and forces Quantum to make a Desparate (20) Strength action vs. the intensity of the darkness, or fall unconscious for an aura duration.
Personality: From the Dakkam Fatherworld where Aquarian also originated, looking for missing members of his platoon, they were sent to orbit Earth's sun in an experiment to see if they would develop super-powers, has unyielding determination, has been labeled as a villain since he was tricked by Graviton into helping attack the West Coast Avengers, but Quantum is not motivated by villainous intent
None known.
Body Armor +7
Flight 20
Space Flight 26
Flame Sheath 12
Limit: Only when flying
Teleportation 16
Limit: Can only teleport a maximum of 6 inches away
Stunt: By "hyper-teleporting," Quantum can make an observer think they are seeing Quantum in several different spatial positions. While doing this, an attacker must make an Easy (4) action vs. the intensity of this power for the attack to succeed. Failure means the attacker assaulted the wrong Quantum.
Resistance to Heat and Gravity Force +12
Life Support 22
(Food, Water, and Air)