Wrath of The FlameThis adventure is designed for a group of superheroes that consists of four to five members. The Avengers, The New Warriors, The Thunderbolts, The Fantastic Four, or The Slingers are a few suggestions. The scenes below are presented in a way to further the development of the plot. Of course, it may not always be possible to follow such a linear sequence of situations, due to player ingenuity. In such a case, it is necessary for the Narrator to have an overall sense of the story, so that the "lost" players can be redirected towards the main plot goal. Part One: Warming UpSynopsisThe heroes respond to a distress call: a burning warehouse. They rescue an unexpected visitor.PlayersFreyr Willik ActionThe call for the heroes can come at any time seen fit by the Narrator. The heroes may even be near the warehouse when the fire starts. If not, the heroes will get a call from the local Fire Department, looking for help contain the blaze, while another fire department is called for support.The building is Finnery's Furniture Warehouse. Unfortunately, Finnery sells wooden furniture. The structure has two floors. Each floor has numerous windows, through which flames can be seen billowing out. The roar of fire is loud and ominous. The heat can be felt from across the street. The police department wants the heroes to enter the building and search for anyone trapped within. The main fire started on the first floor and quickly spread to the second floor. Visibility is restricted to Striking Distance within. The fire is at 10 intensity, but the heroes need to worry about other dangers. First, the smoke is thick. Any hero not protected against this, must make an Average (8) Strength action each exchange or lose one card due to smoke inhalation. Second, rafters are falling due to fire damage. Each exchange, the Narrator should make an aura check for each hero. Negative aura means that they must dodge falling debris. This requires a Challenging (12) Agility action, of the hero receives 17 points of damage (10 from fire, 7 from the falling rafter). Searching the entire building takes 12 exchanges. Each floor can be divided into three sections: front, middle, and back, in reference to the front door of the building. Searching each section takes two exchanges. In the middle section of the 1st floor is Freyr Willik. He is unconscious, yet miraculously untouched. However, the flames seem to be advancing upon him ever so slowly. When the heroes find him, tell the heroes that the hear a loud, tired groan. The building is getting ready to collapse. The heroes have one exchange to make it out. They can use the windows or make their own exit. They could also use their powers to protect themselves. Those not out of the building or not protected will receive 30 points of damage during the first exchange (10 from fire and 20 from the collapsing building) and 10 points each exchange after, due to the still burning fire. This continues until they are dug out. AftermathOnce the building collapses, the heroes can do no more, unless the have to dig someone out. The fire department can now contain the fire, since the second department has arrived.Freyr Willik will need some medical attention for a gash on his forehead. He is a little dazed, but asks where he is. If the heroes tell him, he seems slightly relieved, but then becomes agitated. He says, "You must help me! Asgard is burning!!"
Part Two: Freyr's StorySynopsisFreyr fills the heroes in on the situation.PlayersActionMost likely, this part will take place back at the heroes base. This could also take place at a hospital, where Freyr's injuries are being treated. Wherever they are, Freyr tells his tale."My name is Freyr Willik. I am from the fabled land known as Asgard. Up until 3 moon cycles ago, I was a layabout who frequented the Asgardian court. I slept until the sun was high in the sky and I made merry into the late night. All this changed one night. I had returned from an evening at the bottom of a mead cup and had fallen asleep in my bed.Freyr finishes his tale and asks the heroes if they'd help him. He knows of a rune that can counter the Rune of Fire. The rune is called Laguz, the Rune of Water. While doing research, he came across an obscure reference to Laguz. Freyr believes that he knows where to find the rune. Freyr believes that the heroes are the mortals of which the Norns spoke in his dream. He tells them that if they don't help, The Flame will consume Asgard in fire, and then come to Midgard. He must be stopped and Freyr needs the heroes' help. If the heroes still do not agree, Freyr invokes Raido and takes them to Asgard against their will. The heroes can dodge this by making an Average (8) Agility action vs. the power of Raido. Assuming the heroes agree, they can prepare for the trip to Asgard as they see fit. When everyone is ready, Freyr grasps Raido in his hands and calls upon the power of the rune. AftermathThere will be a rushing sensation as the eldritch power seizes the heroes and whisks them away. However, mid-transport the heroes experience a "wrongness" and sudden sense of "helplessness." The heroes suddenly feel jerked off in another direction. A bright light opens up in front the heroes as they spill out into normal space... high above the ground!!!
Part Three: Clinging to LifeSynopsisThe heroes are lost somewhere in Asgard. They encounter a man on the run from the fabled Valkyries of Asgard.PlayersGunnar Olsson Typical Valkyrie Pegasus Steeds ActionThe rush of wind past the heroes as they fall towards the ground must be both exhilarating and terrifying. The heroes have 4 exchanges to think of something, or they will striking the ground as a contingent action in that third exchange. If this happens, then they will suffer 40 points of damage. Each hero can make an Unfathomable (28) Strength action to avoid all damage, if they wish to.Once the crisis has passed and the heroes are on the ground, it is up to them to decided what to do. They are in the middle of a grassy plain. In the distance a mountain range can be seen, but other than that, there is no discernible features, other than sky and ground. Let the heroes stew a little and let them make a decision about a course of action. After they've traveled for half of a day, spring the next encounter on them. Read this: Suddenly, in the distance you see a lone figure half-stumbling, half-running in your direction. He seems to be yelling at you. As he comes closer, you can see that he's been in a battle. He's clothes are torn and bloody. His face is pale and gray. He limps drastically on his left leg, from which a terrible claw mark can be seen. His nicked, blood-crusted sword swings at his hip. Finally, you are able to make out his words, "I doth require thy help, noble warriors! I am injured and I cannot fight them all off!" If asked who he can't fight off, he simply points behind. Descending at an alarming rate is a pack of pegasi with warrior women riding on back. They carry bows, aimed at the party!Here's what's going on. Gunnar Olsson was a brave warrior who defended Asgard to the best of his abilities. During a recent raid by a band of Rock Trolls, Gunnar was slain. The Valkyries, who seek out valiant heroes who have died in battle and escort them to Valhalla, came for Gunnar's spirit. Unfortunately, Gunnar refused to let go of his previous life. His ghost form, somewhat substantial since he's been dead for only a short while, fled into the mountains and out onto the plains, where he found the heroes. The heroes should think that the Valkyries were harassing the warrior and come to his aid. If there is a hero versed in Norse mythology, they may make an Average (8) Intellect action to recognize the Valkyries and their purpose. This still may not clear up the confusion, so a battle may still erupt. During the battle, the heroes may hear some Valkyries talk to Gunnar saying stuff like, "Gunnar, it is your time. You've served Asgard faithfully. Take your place at Odin's feast table. Your seat in Valhalla awaits." If the heroes attack, at first the Valkyries will say to them, "Thou know not what thoust do. Thou are interfering in something thou cannot comprehend. Step aside, or we will injure thee." If the heroes still persist, the Valkyries will treat them as enemies, using as much force as necessary to achieve their goal, capturing Gunnar. There will be one Valkyrie for each hero. If the heroes wish to communicate with one of the Valkyries, they need to make an Average (8) Intellect action vs. the Valkyries Intellect. Success means that the hero has succeeded in starting a conversation with a Valkyrie during the fight and can piece together the mix-up by combining info. Failure means the Valkyrie doesn't trust the hero and will not return the attempts at friendship. The Valkyries tactics will be to surround the heroes, fly around, and shoot arrows at the heroes until they submit and give over Gunnar. The heroes must figure a way to bring the fight to the air or bring the Valkyries to the ground. Gunnar will do his best to ward off attack, but he will be weakened from his battle with the Trolls (which he doesn't remember...) The fight will continue until one side is vanquished or the heroes are able to figure out what's going on. AftermathHopefully, the confusion will be sorted out. If this occurs, Gunnar will finally accept his fate and his form will become more like a ghost. A Valkyrie will help him onto the back of her pegasus and they both will fly away, to Valhalla. The remaining Valkyries will be impressed by the courage and fighting skills of the heroes. They will invite the heroes to rest and revitalize at their home, called The Aerie. The Valkyries give any hero, who cannot fly, a ride on a pegasus.If the confusion is not settled and the heroes succeed in defeating the Valkyries, Gunnar will thank the heroes and accompany them on their quest. However, an even larger contingent of Valkyries will arrive the next day, looking for Gunnar. There will be two Valkyries for each hero. The size of the contingent of Valkyries will increase until Gunnar is reclaimed. If the Valkyries defeat the heroes, they will take Gunnar and still be impressed with the heroes' courage and fighting skills. The heroes will wake up in the Aerie.
Part Four: Fire in the SkySynopsisThe Valkyries learn of Asgard's fate. The Flame sends his minions in an attack against the Valkyor. The heroes take to the sky to help with the fight.PlayersTypical Fire Devil Nightmare Steeds Typical Valkyrie Pegasus Steeds The Oldest Valkyrie ActionThe Aerie is a fortress built on the top of a plateau in the middle of the plains, half of a days flight from where the heroes encountered Gunnar. Several other Valkyries, riding pegasi, fly in the air around the Valkyrie base. The pegasi carrying the heroes land near a huge stable, where other pegasi are resting and feeding. The Valkyries who accompany the heroes say goodbye to their steed and escort the heroes to a great hall, in the middle of the plateau.The Assembly Hall is constructed with a vaulted ceiling, with crystal windows that allow the sunlight and moonlight to flow in. Open windows allow birds to fly in and out. Solid columns of marble hold it all up. Giant murals of Valkyrie victories adorned the walls. The floor is made from dull, gray granite. At one end of the hall, opposite the giant oak doors leading into the room, is an ivory throne carved into the shape of a pegasus with its wings spread out. Sitting on that throne is another Valkyrie. She is larger and more muscled than most Valkyries. She wears numerous scars on her body, yet she maintains her natural beauty. Her hair is deep brown, but her eyes are shining, green beacons. She regards the heroes with half curiosity, half suspicion. "My name is Danse. What brings thee to our hall, noble warriors?" she asks.If the heroes explain that they accompanied Freyr to Asgard to help defeat The Flame, Danse will be shocked. She and the Valkryies were not aware that Asgard was under seige. She asks the heroes whether they have any proof. Most likely, they will not, unless a character has ESP or some similar power. In either case, Danse will announce that the Valkyries will ride to Asgard tomorrow morning to verify the heroes' tale. "Tomorrow we ride in glory and in defense of fabled Asgard. Tonight we feast and prepare for the coming journey..."The Valkyries begin to prepare, some by setting up for the banquet, some by sharpening their swords. Even Danse leaves, going to check on her steed, Snow. It seems as if the heroes have been forgotten, for now. Only one Valkyrie doesn't leave. She sits in a shadowed corner of the hall, staring at the heroes. In a low whisper, she calls, "I have seen you before, young ones. Your grand quest has been written in the stars above and in the rock below."If the heroes approach, they will see a very old woman sitting on a pile of pillows and pelts. Her hair is winter white and her eyes are a steel gray. Her skin is wrinkled, but still has a healthy cream color to it. She is dressed in light gray and gold robes. Her hands are folded in front of her. She stares, not directly at the heroes, but above and behind the heroes. Her gaze is steady and inquisitive. "I am the oldest Valkyrie. My true name is of no importance. However, my tale is. You have come seeking Laguz, the Water Rune. You are braver than I first thought. But what should I expect of the Norns' agents?" She pauses and her eyes seemed to unfocus. "Listen carefully. The history of Laguz is tied to the earliest ages of Asgard. Back then, there were many more races of elven folk living in the land of Asgard. More than the light and dark elves of today. There were the Sky Elves, the Ether Elves, and alas, there were the Water Elves. The Water Elves were a gentle, private people who lived in the Sea of Fear, on the far side of the continent of Asgard. There, they met Loki, disguised as a water elf explorer. The foul Trickster (she makes a sign with her hands to ward off evil) convinced the docile water elves that Odin planned to decimate the realm of the Water Elves, enslaving their race.The oldest Valkyrie ends her tale and all is quiet. She asks that they accompany her to her quarters, where she may rest a bit, before the feast. If the heroes ask her how they can breach the Cyclone, she will say that she must meditate and that there may be a way. The feast is a wonder to behold. Many types of foods, from fruits to meats, are available to eat. While there, Danse will ask the heroes to tell of their life before they came to Asgard. It is a ritual among the Valkyries to tell a story during the banquet before a battle. The dinner continues into the late night, as tale after tale is told. The oldest Valkyrie remains silent throughout the feast, not even eating anything. Evidently, since she will not be accompanying the Valkyries, she is not a part of the ritual. If the heroes inquire about the oldest Valkyrie, they will be told that she has been around longer than any Valkyrie alive. It is rumored that at one time, she lead the Valkyries and was a consort of Odin. At some point, she "fell from grace" and disappeared for many cycles. She reappeared, looking as the heroes see her now, and took a role as counselor to the Valkyries. She developed eldritch powers, which no Valkyrie had ever displayed. It is not known why she left or what happened to her during her absence, but since then she has proved to be a valuable ally of the Valkyor. Read this passage when it is the next day: In the morning, before the sun rises, the Valkyries line the edge of the plateau, ready to leave for Asgard. Even the oldest Valkyrie is present, though not mounted. Danse, on Snow and in full battle dress, trots up to the front. Suddenly, another Valkyrie points to the horizon, as the sun's bright light makes its appearance. Though it is hard to make out in the fiery halo of the sun, figures are approaching the Aerie! As your eyes adjust, you can make out the forms of jet black horses, galloping on flames of blue fire. Riding on the backs of these nightmares, fire devils raise their flaming swords in challenge...The Flame has sent a horde of fire devils, riding on nightmares, to destroy the Valkyries and prevent them from interfering with his plans. The Valkyries take to the air to intercept the devils. Any heroes who can fly, can join the battle. Heroes who cannot fly and who want to help, will ride along with a Valkyrie into battle. Lastly, Danse asks one hero to remain behind to protect the oldest Valkyrie. The main contigent of fire devils will attack the Valkyries. They will try to launch fire balls from their swords at the Valkyries and their steeds. If the devils get close enough, they will swipe at the Valkyries with their swords, while the nightmares will attempt to kick their pegasus counterparts. The Valkyries will try to avoid close combat, preferring to shoot arrows at the devils. However, it would be fun if one of the Valkyries, carrying a hero, likes the danger and charges a fire devil/nightmare, forcing close combat. Or maybe the Valkyrie will jump from pegasus to nightmare, leaving the hero to handle an ornery pegasus caught up in the rush of battle. In this case, the hero must make an Average (8) Willpower action vs. the pegasus' Willpower to maintain control. Another contingent of fire devils will bypass the main fight and head for the Aerie, where they will attempt to burn the Valkyrie's base. While most Valkyries are in the air, some remained behind as reinforcements, and now meet the descending devils. The hero guarding the oldest Valkyrie will have their hands full, as the old woman decides to defend the Aerie with her magic. This makes her a potential target. If the oldest Valkyrie falls, she will be mortally injured, but will survive until the end of this scenario. She has something important to say... The fight should last until each hero has had one or two opportunities to fight the fire devils, whether in the air or on the ground. The Narrator should try to make the battle fast-paced and intense. It should also seem as if the odds are overwhelming and heroes may have to battle more than one devil at the same time. AftermathHopefully, the heroes and the Valkyries drive the devils off. If all the heroes are defeated, they will wake to find that the Valkyries finished the job, though casualties were heavy. Danse decides that the Valkyries will still ride to Asgard. She thanks the heroes for their help and wishes them luck on their quest. With that, they leave.If the oldest Valkyrie is dying, the Valkyries will postpone their leave to attend to her. She has something to tell the heroes. She knows how to retrieve Laguz. The heroes must ride Sleipnir through the Cyclone, for he's the only living thing that can breach the watery prison. If she is dying, she presses something into a hero's hand and fades away. That thing is a golden dagger with this symbol engraved on the blade: . The Valkyries hold a short but solemn ceremony to honor the oldest Valkyrie and entomb her within the bowels of their stronhold. This take most of the day, then the warrior women leave for Asgard. If she is not dying, she doesn't give the heroes the dagger until after they meet Sleipnir. She says that she will accompany them to "Sleipnir's range." When the Valkyries leave, a shimmering portal opens up and Freyr appears before the heroes. He has finally found them, having asked an oracle to divine the heroes' whereabouts. He knows why the teleport originally went wrong... The Runes are cursed!!
Part Five: Home on the RangeSynopsisThe heroes learn of the Rune Curse. They find Sleipnir, but getting him to cooperate is a different matter.PlayersSleipnir The Oldest Valkyrie ActionAccording to the oldest Valkyrie, Sleipnir's range is a days journey to the north, near a small cluster of mountains. Despite her age, the oldest Valkyrie keeps up with the heroes. Along the way, Freyr fills the heroes in on the curses. The tale goes that after Ve forges the runes, he feared that they might someday be used for evil, so he made each rune "imperfect." Freyr is not aware of all the curses, but he was able to divine the curses for the two runes that he carries. Algiz's protection, if used too often, will fail its master when it's needed the most. Raido will fail to arrive at its destination every so often, dropping the travelers it carries in a random location. Kenaz will eventually consume its wielder's mind and body in fire, driving the victim mad first, then burning them from inside out. Freyr believes that they have even less time now, since The Flame will grow more insane with each use of Kenaz. Freyr doesn't know Laguz's curse.The group of heroes will arrive at Sleipnir's range near sunset. The day's light is just starting to fail. Reds and oranges begin to color the horizon. The range seems to be an endless grassland, with a group of three mountains clustered at one end. Suddenly, the ground starts to shake and rumble. Near the mountains in the distance, the heroes can see a cloud of dust and dirt move towards them, yet off to an angle. After a minute of so, the heroes see this: The sight is certainly one to behold. A gigantic, eight-legged horse speeds across the plain, throwing up rock and earth behind as it runs. The horse is a creamy brown color with spots of darker brown all over its body. Its hooves are crowned with deep brown tufts of hair. A shaggy, silky mane of dark brown hair ripples behind the regal head as it thunders before the heroes. Clouds of steam billow out from its flaring nostrils. Sleipnir whinnies with unbridled, natural instinct as he disappears into the opposite horizon.The oldest Valkyries smiles as she watches the form disappear and feels the shaking stop. She turns to the heroes and says, "That is Sleipnir. To breach the Cyclone you must first tame and ride that beautiful beast." If asked the oldest Valkyrie explains that Sleipnir is Odin's greatest steed. Sleipnir can go anywhere he chooses. He is the fastest equine in Asgard and possibly the most beautiful. However, the horse's temper is legendary. Only Odin and Thor have been able to mount Sleipnir. They did it by staying on Sleipnir's back until Sleipnir relented. A hero must get on and stay on Sleipnir for a certain amount of time. However, Sleipnir is no dummy, as far as horses go. He's had potential riders before and he knows how to handle them. The first thing a hero must do is get onto Sleipnir's back. Sleipnir is over 10' tall and twice as long from head to tail. To get on, a hero must make an Average (8) Agility action vs. Sleipnir's Agility. A hero can also land on Sleipnir by making an Average (8) power action vs. Sleipnir's Agility. Once on, the hero must hold on tight by making an Average (8) Strength action vs. Sleipnir's Strength, per exchange for 5 exchanges. Of course, it's not going to be that easy. During the second, fourth, and fifth exchange, Sleipnir tries to dislodge his rider. On the second exchange, Sleipnir rides underneath an tree. The rider must make a Daunting (16) Agility action to avoid the tree bough or be knocked off. On the fourth exchange, Sleipnir changes his tactics. He suddenly speeds off into the void surrounding Asgard. The hero must make a Challenging (12) Strength action or pass out from lack of oxygen and the coldness of the void. If the rider is still on, during the fifth exchange, Sleipnir flys back to where everyone else is but flies directly down at the ground, increasing speed exponentially. This will test the heroes bravery. If the hero jumps off, they will hit the ground, while Sleipnir phases. They will take 30 points of damage when they hit. If they stay on, Sleipnir will phase with the hero into the rock, saving both from impact. After that, Sleipnir will concede and agree to carry the heroes. If the hero does jump and a hero tries again, Sleipnir will skip this last test, because it won't be a surprise anymore. He will just try to shake the hero off in the fifth exchange. If it seems that none of the heroes are strong enough or skilled enough to ride Sleipnir, there is another way to gain Sleipnir's trust. Sleipnir is a sucker for silver apples. On top of the highest mountain in the trio of mountains where Sleipnir lives, there is a silver apple tree. The oldest Valkyrie could remember that Sleipnir this and suggest it to the heroes (if she's dead, Freyr can). Unfortunately, to pick an apple, a person must first answer a riddle. Since Sleipnir cannot speak, he cannot pick one himself. The tree is surrounded by an impenetrable shield, unless a hero answers the riddle. The riddle is: "What can run but never walks,The answer is "A RIVER." If a hero answers this, they may pick a silver apple. When Sleipnir is presented with the apple, he will take the apple and bow his head in acceptance. Brains over brawn... who knew? AftermathThe heroes are now ready to seek Laguz in the Sea of Fear. The oldest Valkyrie bids the heroes farewell and good luck (assuming she's still alive). She must return to the Aerie and wait for her fellow Valkyries to return. Before they leave, she gives the heroes the golden dagger with this symbol engraved on the blade: . Freyr recognizes it as Tyr's Rune, called Tiwaz. The oldest Valkyrie explains that she knew what it was, but she never had the courage to use it. She feared it's power. She doesn't know its powers, but she is certain there is a curse attached to it. Freyr has heard that when invoked, Tiwaz will summon the spirit of Tyr to fight for the rune's master.Tiwaz the Warrior 19 When invoked, Tiwaz transforms its wielder into a ferocious warrior. Their Strength raises to 19. The dagger becomes a Golden Sword +6 and Golden Armor +5 covers the hero. Furthermore, the hero gains the ability to Detect Evil at intensity 19. However, there is a curse. Each time the rune is used, the player must draw a card. If the card is Doom, the hero gains the Frenzied Hinderance. Each transformation lasts until a threat has been removed. The wielder will then return to normal. Tiwaz is a golden dagger with this symbol, , engraved on the blade.
Part Six: Getting WetSynopsisIt's into the Sea of Fear. There, the heroes meet the undersea wildlife and meet the Water Elves.PlayersFreyr Willik Giant Jellyfish ActionThe ride on the back of Sleipnir passes by quickly, but it is not less breath-taking. Below, the heroes can see the plains, the mountains, the rivers, all the majesty of Asgard, flying by. Sleipnir passes through billowy clouds. Rain splashes the heroes. Suddenly, in the far corner, on the edge of Asgard, the heroes see the Sea of Fear. From afar, it looks like any body of water, but as Sleipnir nears the heroes can see that the surface is rough, frequently marred by vicious whitecaps and towering waves. There is a chill in the air as Sleipnir descends towards the water's surface.Surprisingly, the eight-legged horse slides into the water, hardly creating any noise. None of the heroes are affected by being underwater. Sleipnir extends his Adaptation power to his master, so all the heroes can breathe underwater now, within Shooting Distance of the eight-legged horse. The underwater landscape is eerily beautiful. Schools of fish swim by the heroes, unconcerned with the gravity of their quest. Floating forests of seaweed blot out the rays of sunlight slanting down from the surface. The sights are so distracting that the heroes might miss movement from above. Each hero should make an Average (8) Intellect action vs. the Jellyfish's Agility. If all miss the Giant Jellyfish gets a surprise attack. If one hero makes the action, they spot the Jellyfish trying attack from above, using its transparent body and the sunlight to camoflage its approach. The first thing the Jellyfish does is charge Sleipnir, knocking the steed aside. Each hero must make an Daunting (16) Strength action or be dislodged into the water, and be at the mercy of the Jellyfish. However, the Jelly fish is more concerned with its prey, Sleipnir. Sleipnir has been stunned by the charge and is now helpless against the advancing Jellyfish. The heroes need to stop the Jellyfish from devouring Sleipnir. During the first exchange after the charge, the Jellyfish will sting Sleipnir. On the next exchange, it will wrap one of its tentacles around the horse. On the third exchange, it will begin to absorb the horse. It will take ten exchanges to totally engulf Sleipnir. Once the heroes attack, the Jellyfish will use its other tentacle to ward off attacks. If more than half of its Health is lost, the Jellyfish will leave, choosing to live over a meal. If the heroes fail and Sleipnir dies, they will immediately lose their ability to breath water and must make it to the surface. Also, they won't be able to conquer the Cyclone. The adventure will be essentially over at this point. Hopefully, the heroes will fight off the Jellyfish. Sleipnir will regain consciousness and they can resume their trek towards the Cyclone. The horse delves deeper into the depths. The light rapidly begins to fade, while a roaring sound starts to build. Despite Sleipnir's adaptive abilities the heroes can feel a bone-chilling cold. Eventually, the heroes reach their destination. The Cyclone isn't hard to miss. It seems to encompass the entire sea, as the heroes draw near. The Cyclone resembles a cone of rapidly spinning sea water. The peak of the cone reaches up towards the surface of the sea. Strangely, no water seems to be drawn towards or away from the spinning wall of water. Mere inches from the Cyclone, a crustacean builds itself a nest in the sandy ocean floor. From within, strange luminescence radiates out from the rushing, rumbling Cyclone. Without missing a beat, Sleipnir heads for the Cyclone. The roar of the construct becomes deafening and when the horse strikes the boundary, the heroes strike something unexpected. A wave of anger and fear washes over the heroes. The Cyclone was shaped using Odin's anger for the naive elves and his fear for his homeland. Each hero must make Daunting (16) Willpower action or lose consciousness for two aura durations, from the mental assault. Once this has been resolved, Sleipnir and the heroes burst through the other side into a bright world. They also blunder into the midst of raging battle. AftermathNot much to wrap up here. Some heroes may be unconscious for a bit. Too bad, especially when there's a battle to be won...
Part Six: The Water PrisonSynopsisThe Water Elves are fighting a losing battle. An invisible enemy opposes the heroes. Can things get any worse?PlayersTypical Water Elf Shadows ActionOn the other side of the Cyclone, the heroes enter a vicious battle between slender, blue humanoids and what seem to be beings of darkness. The battle rages as the blue humanoids try to push back the growing tide of dark, some casting spells, while others slashing at the shadows with their bidents. Screams of terror and anger cross the water towards the heroes. Suddenly, a pack of the shadows break off and head for the heroes.The Shadows engage the heroes, trying to turn them and Sleipnir into shadows. When the heroes beat the shadows or it looks like one of the heroes might turn into a shadow, one of the elves starts chanting very loud and he begins to glow very brightly. Abruptly, he explodes in a ball of white, hot light. The shadows dissolve away, each screeching as they fade away. Its the first only sound they made during the entire battle. There is no sign of the elven invoker. After the battle, the elves approach with suspicion and fear. They demand to know the heroes came from. No one has ever breached the Cyclone. They even threaten to start a fight. If a break breaks out, there are 2 elves for every hero. One will try to distract the hero by hand to hand combat, while the other casts a confinement spell. If the heroes persist with their story, the elves will bring the heroes to see the Water Elf King. The King of the Water Elves lives in an ugly, twisted tower of brown coral. An army of sea elves surrounds the tower. Tension hangs in the water and many faces of fear greet the heroes as they approach the tower. Sleipnir also accompanies the heroes, maintaining the magical adaptation. The group of elves escort the heroes into the tower and into a dimly lit chambers. Sleipnir shrinks down to normal horse size, in order to get into the tower. An elderly, yet powerful male elf sits on a tarnished, golden throne. He glares at the heroes with wonder and suspicion. Behind the throne, a beautiful, slender female elf watches the scene with interest. "Captain, who are these..." the King asks.The heroes now have an opportunity to tell their story. After it is done, the Water Elf King will refuse to give up the Water Rune. He is bitter and does not care what happens to the surface world and Odin. He explains that the Water Elves have their own problems: the shadows. If asked what they are, he will tell the following story: "For centuries after our imprisonment, our people lived in peace below the surface, though confined behind the Cyclone. We cultivated fields of underwater plants as food and continued our existence. Then, the shadows appeared. At first, we noticed that some of our number mysteriously vanished. Our realm is still large and there are places one can get lost or get injured. Decade after decade, the number of disappearances increased. These occurances baffled our sages until the first shadow was sighted. I sent out a party of my best warriors to investigate this strange being. None of them returned. We did not know what we were up against until the shadows attacked en masse. We were able to fight them back but each time since then, our population has lessened, while theirs has grown. Their touch transforms any living creature into a shadow. Our spells and weapons can hurt them but while we tire, they do not. Little by little, the shadows increased in size until now they out-number us. We fear that they are planning an all-out invasion soon. If this occurs, the Water Elves will be no more...The heroes must convince the Water Elf King that what happens on the surface affects below the surface. Or, they have to make a deal with the Water Elf King. He will have two stipulations to any agreement made:
Laguz the Water Rune 19 Laguz allows the holder to create and control the element of water with impunity. However, each time Laguz is used, the player must choose a card. If the card is Doom, the hero gets the power Waterbreathing, as the hero develops gills and a blueish-green skin color. They can still breathe air, too. The hero is now amphibious. If the wielder is already a waterbreather, the curse has no effect. Laguz is a piece of blue crystal carved into this shape:. When the heroes have gained the rune, one of the water elves will swim in. The shadows are advancing. In the distance, a swarm of darkness oozes towards the coral tower. The shadows seem to be infinite in number. The King bids the heroes to go and to take the princess with them. He asks them to remember their promise. With that, he leads his troops against the shadow army. The heroes should leave now, along with the princess. Sleipnir will grow large again, allow the heroes to climb on, and then shoot off. Coming out of the vortex is easier than going in. No mental attack will occur. Sleipnir breaks the surface of the water and hover over the Sea of Fear, awaiting his next orders. Milcillia will now benefit from Sleipnir's adaptation, allowing her to breathe air. AftermathThe heroes can now go to Asgard and confont The Flame. The heroes could also have chosen to help the King fight the Shadows. Freyr will be against this. If they decide to stay, have the heroes help battle the shadows (one shadow per hero), but each time the heroes win, add another shadow to attack each hero. When it seems the odds are overwhelming, Freyr will use Sleipnir to swallow the heroes and take them to the surface. He knows that the odds are hopeless.I also want to point out a possible subplot. The elven princess is beautiful and she may be attracted to a hero. There is a possibility of romance. This is up to the Narrator and the player. Later on, this may be a great device to motivate the players. There could even be a love TRIANGLE! Wahoo!
Part Seven: Asgard BurningSynopsisThe fabled city of Asgard is slowly burning to the ground. The heroes get singed by some Fire Demons, cross paths with other heroes, and find out that they're in the wrong place.PlayersFreyr Willik Milcillia, Water Elf Princess Fire Demon ActionThe landscape whizzes by as Sleipnir speeds towards the other end of the continent, to Asgard. Milcillia marvels at the scenery, for she has never left the confines of the water. A glow can be seen on the horizon as the heroes near their destination. When they crest the last mountain range, they can see what's causing the light. Asgard is burning!As the heroes get closer, they can make out figures moving in the streets. Packs of Fire Demons are roaming the streets of Asgard, terrorizing the good citizens and setting fire to anything not already burning. Assuming the players are heroes at heart, they will have their characters go and help the citizens. Any pack of Fire Demons will have one Fire Demon per two hero. Of course, the Fire Deomns will try to kill the heroes. The citizens will flee while the heroes try to deal with the Demons. Milcillia will try to help the citizens. A good Narrator will put her in danger from a Fire Demon attack. It's up to the heroes to rescue her, especially if one hero is romantically attracted to her. The battle will go on like a normal fight until a suitable point chosen by the Narrator. Suddenly, in a flash of light, another group of costumed individuals appears in the midst of the battle. Where did the come from and why are they here? Check here for the answers... Assuming the fight goes well, the heroes have a collective vision. All of you suddenly have a strange feeling of displacement and experience a blurring of vision. You find yourselves standing on a barren plain. The ground is covered in black ash. A breeze blows by, carrying the smell of burnt wood. Standing not far away is a trio of weeping women. As you approach, you can see that the women are very beautiful. One has golden hair. One has fiery copper hair. The last has deep black hair. Quietly, they begin to speak in unison,"We are the Norns. You seek the hybrid, Hrinmeer, The Flame. He has fled from Asgard. The mighty rune, Kenaz hath warped Hrinmeer's mind as well as body. His madness has driven him to concoct a far more dangerous scheme. As we speak, The Flame travels to the Well of Wyrd, where a root of the WorldTree Yggdrasil rests. There, using Kenaz, he plans to set fire to Yggdrasil's root. If he is not stopped, the fire will rage out of control and the Nine Worlds will be come as you see before you: burnt, barren, lifeless."Suddenly, the women burst into flame. Their flesh melts from their bones. Their hair blackens and curls from the heat. They begin to wail,"Please! There is no time. You must leave immediately. You are the last hope..."The Norns crumble into ash and you're abruptly standing in Asgard again. AftermathThe heroes have no time to do anything else but go to the Well of Wyrd. The heroes may try to release Thor and Odin from their confinement beneath a dome of fire, trapped in Odin's Feasthall. Freyr will vehemently oppose to any action that does not involve going to the Well and will even use Raido to forcibly teleport the heroes there. Every exchange that the heroes do not go to the Well, tell the players that it may be their imagination, but the ambient temperature is starting to get warmer. Even have a stone wall spontaneously combust. Freyr points out that Yggdrasil must be on fire! The Nine Worlds are burning!
Part Eight: Fire and Water... Life and DeathSynopsisIt's the final battle. Yggdrasil's on fire. The Nine Worlds teeter on the brink. The villain is laughing. It's up to the heroes to stop the madness.PlayersHrinmeer, The FlameKenaz the Burning Rune 19 Kenaz bestows the wielder the ability ot control and create the element of fire. The holder can also control creatures of fire. Kenaz has a curse however. Each time its power is used, the player must draw a card. If it is Doom, Kenaz has "mentally burned" the wielder and their Intellect reduces by 1 intensity point. If more than half of a person's Intellect has been drained, the wielder also gains the Monstrous Hinderance, as Kenaz has horribly disfigured its master as well from the intense heat. Kenaz is made from bronze. It glows with a fiery radiance when used. The bronze is shaped like the following rune Fire Elemental ActionWhether the heroes ride Sleipnir or teleport to the Well of Wyrd, this is what the find. The Well is a stout, but thick stone wall surrounding an enormous chasm in the ground. Strange vapors drift up from the hole. It is believed that the Well of Wyrd is a portal to Muspelheim, Land of the Fire Demoms.Not far from the Well, the heroes see a ghostly image of a gigantic tree root. And it's on fire! This is Yggdrasil's Root. The fire can be seen slowly moving up the root towards the main trunk of the Yggdrasil (not seen here, but in some other-dimensional space). Standing between the Well and the Root is Hrinmeer. His armor is black and tarnished as if burned by intense flames. He carries a glowing, bronze object shape like this symbol: . It is Kenaz. He's cackling with insane glee as he watches the ghostly wood burn. When the heroes arrive, he will turn towards them, draw his sword, and speak, "You are too late mortals... The deed hath been done. The WorldTree burns. The Nine Worlds are finished. At last, I will have my revenge..."Freyr has a plan. Laguz can be used to douse the flames that are burning the Root. A hero or Milcillia can do this. Using Tiwaz, one of the heros, along the rest, must overpower The Flame and rest Kenaz from his grasp. Otherwise, this threat will returm. Don't forget the curses associated with the Runes, especially those of Tiwaz and Laguz. When attacked, Hrinmeer will first summon a fire elemental from the Well for each hero and Sleipnir, but excluding the one with Tiwaz. The elementals will shoot out of the Well and land in front of each hero. Then Hrinmeer will attack the hero with Tiwaz, trying to cleave them with his sword, while still holding onto Kenaz with the other hand. The person using Laguz will not have much luck with the fire burning the Root. It seems that each time Laguz dumps water of Kenaz's fire, the fire stops for a second and starts again. At best, it is a stalemate and will prevent the fire from spreading. The fire will not go out. Freyr will say that it won't go out until Kenaz is out of Hrinmeer's hands. At some point, if Milcillia is using Laguz, have her be attacked and wounded by a fire elemental. This will force a hero to use Laguz and possibly be cursed. Why do I want a hero to be cursed? I feel a trip to Asgard needs to have lasting effects. Some effects are good, such as the romance between Milcillia and a hero. Some effects are bad, like Tiwaz's curse. The curse may not activate anyway, depending on the player's draw. Each time a fire elemental is defeated, a new one will jump out of the well, called by The Flame. The entire battle depends on the hero using Tiwaz. They must defeat Hrinmeer. If they are knocked unconscious, then another hero can pick up Tiwaz and fill in. Hrinmeer will not be too clever during the attack. His mind has been destroyed by Kenaz. He will rant about how Thor and Odin beat him in the past, but that they will now burn forever. The heroes will too, he says. The Narrator should use some of the Doom cards during this battle, to make it interesting, especially if the hero is making short work of Hrinmeer. It will go on like this until Hrinmeer is close to unconsciousness, when he will edge towards the Well. When the hero delivers the final blow, The Flame will topple into the Well. Kenaz will slip out of his grasp and fall into the Well too. Each hero not engaged in battle, gets a chance to grab the Rune before it falls out of sight, ending up in Muspelheim. The attempt is Daunting (16), unless the hero was next to the well, like the one with Tiwaz. Then the action is Challenging (12). If any hero falls into the Well for any reason, they have one Challenging (12) Agility action to stop their descent, or fall through the portal and end up in Muspelheim. Their fate is now up to the Narrator. Once The Flame has been defeated, Laguz can douse the flames on Yggdrasil's Root, thus ending the threat for the Nine Worlds. The fire elementals also disappear. AftermathFreyr yells with joy! He has redeemed himself! Now all he has to do is collect the remaining Runes. He's heard that a few have appeared recently on Midgard. That's where he is heading next. He asks for the runes all the runes and he thanks the heroes, wishing them well.Before he leaves, the Norns appear and they thank Freyr, Milcillia, and the heroes for there bravery. They Norns will transport the heroes back to Midgard, especially if they don't want to trust Freyr's rune. Milcillia wishes to go with the heroes. The Norns grant her the ability to breathe air and water at will. The Norns promise to tell Odin of the Water Elves' fate. Maybe, Odin will get there in time to save the race from extinction. The Norns finally grant each hero a +1 experience bonus for their endeavor, but cannot remove any curse afflicted by the Runes. Lastly, the Norns transport the heroes to their home base where their next adventure awaits!! Prologue: In the Land of the Fire Demons, a lone figure stirs among the flames. It seems the Nine Worlds have not seen the last of Hrinmeer...