The Gospel Presented In Arad's High School!

Katti is a senior high school student here in Arad. She is a Messianic Jew but somewhat low-key about her belief until a few days ago. You can say “she really let the cat out the bag”. You see, Katti had a senior class project of making a movie, and she chose to tell about her faith in Yeshua, her testimony! In doing so, the Salvation Message was made clear! She also showed footage of the Datim (Pharisees) persecuting Believers in Arad and cross-section interviews with people on the street.

She showed her movie May 28, 2007. The auditorium was filled with Jr. & High School students, a few parents, and some guest (like us). Her presentation was the best by far!

Katti was approached by the news reporters the very next day and the rest is history! Thus, the the following write-up appeared in today’s Hatzvi.

Click here to see news article (Hebrew)
Click here to see news article (English translation)

We've made copies of Katti's movie! It is currently only in Hebrew! If you still are interrested in obtaining one, please contact my wife Lura!

Edwin Beckford
June 7, 2007