Eddie's Commentary

I have big respect for the WOW. It would be awesome if Christians & Messianic Jewish women would stand in arm-in-arm solidarity with these sisters, fighting for religious rights and freedom. Just imagine the countless doors of opportunities to share the Gospel this would foster.

Today I visited the Women Of The Wall website at womenofthewall.org and was amused (since I'm familiar with Tzniut) by photos showing all the Jewish laws they blatantly break or should I say, "challenge". To understand better what I mean, click HERE and scroll down to my Modesty section.

Then I came across a couple of photos which wiped the smile right off of my face:

#1 A person wearing a Red String Bracelet, click HERE for meaning.

#2 I noticed in their prayer, they omit the matriarchs Bilhah & Zilpah.
Thus, dissing the tribes of Dan (the Ethiopian lineage), Naphtali (the Bukharan lineage), Gad (the Igbo lineage), and Asher (India, China, Central Asia).
Obliterating Bilhah's & Zilpah's names seems to be a current day Ashkenazim thing to do!
Seems downright anti-Semitic if you ask me!
Click HERE and scroll down to Jacob to read more & view photos I took at Zilpha's Tomb last year.

The question "Why aren't Bilhah and Zilpah counted as Jewish Matriarchs?" was posed to a chabad.org Rabbi... check it out and my remarks: Click HERE!

Eddie, Aug 20, 2012