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Bits of Advice from Happy Couples

Do silly stuff-like going trick or treating together on halloween.
Celebrate "every single day "
Quit being so selfish !
Sometimes a simple hug says more than words.
Count to 10 before expressing anger.
Don't believe the cynics. You can keep love alive for a lifetime.
Be the most romantic couple in the neighborhood.

Don't assume you know each other inside-out, even after many years together.
Don't follow anybody's formula for love. You gotta live your own love.
Be best friends.
Don't get stuck in your roles.
Hold quarterly "Relationship" 
meetings to discuss what's going on.
Never miss your yearly vacation.
Relationships have cycles-so never despair.
Arguing is God's pressure release valve for couples.

Don't get stuck in a Saturday night rut.
Travel together.
Lots and lots of little surprises.
Most men won't admit it, but they like flowers too.
Don't sleep in separate bedrooms.
Treat your wife like a girlfriend, not like a wife.
 Share a hobby or a sport.
Don't keep secrets.
Remember the reasons why you first fell in love.
Love is a journey, not a destination.
 A great relationship is a place to "come home" to.