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Little Ways To Say
"I Love You"

( written by a man~ of course)

Wrap up a wishbone in a jewerly box.
Send it to her with a note...that says...
"I wish you were here"
Okay does that mean he wants to grab you
by each leg and pull ?

Unplug the TV ...Put a note on the screen
saying ..."Turn me on instead"...
Have you ever tried that during football season  or
John Wayne's marathon ?

Keep candles in the car...Eat dinner by candlelight
the next time you go to McDonald's...
Well..if he's so cheap to take you to McDonald's in
the first know where you can stick those
candles !!

Memorize his favorite poem or passage from
a book... and recite it during lovemaking...
Just make sure it's not from Shakespeare...
like..."Romeo, Romeo  where art thou ?"

Hide little love notes everywhere.
Hmmm ......get real....He can't even find the
grocery list you just gave him.

Read the Sunday newspaper together in bed.
Sure after you feed the kids, make his coffee
and breakfast, you just may feel like reading
the paper in bed...


Have you ever seen a picture of a baby from
an ultrasound ?
Looks like a little extraterrestrial...
hmm- must take after his side of the family !