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Being madly in love with your mate, you
develop those cute little pet names for each other.
Like pookie, or snookems, or sugarpie.
And that is the first year.
After living together you develop other cute names, 
such as "You horses butt" Or "jerk'.
It reminds me of the story, when the teacher was asking the students if they knew their parents names.  One little girl was asked her fathers name, she simply said "Daddy", further prodding from the teacher, was ,"No, honey, what does your mother call him ?
The girl replied,"She doesn't call him anything, she likes him !"

And when you get older it is always wise to simply say
"honey" or "sweetie"
Heck, after spending all those years together, how can you even remember each others' names ?

There was this old guy wandering around in a 
supermarket calling out at
              intervals - 
              "Crisco? Crisco? CRIS--CO!!!!" 

              Finally a store clerk approached. 
              "Sir, the Crisco is on aisle five." 
              "Oh," replied the old guy, "I'm not looking for 
Crisco, I'm calling my wife." 

              "Your wife is named "Crisco?" 
              "Nah," he answered, "I only call her that 
when we come to the supermarket." 

              "Oh? What do you call her when you are 
not in the supermarket?" 
              "Lard Ass!"