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Gifts Men Give
The typical male shopper will have us believe that they are very good at buying presents for us...
And so, on special occasions we get to open up another 
kitchen tool, cleaning tool, or an outfit that is so hideous, 
like with vertical and horizontal stripes in ghastly colors.
We look over to the man... he is trembling with excitement... after all he bought it just for you... then comes the Question..."Do you like It ?"
What do you say ?
What can you say ?
You really love him, but you don't want to hurt his feelings...
I mean you have dropped hints for weeks, what you really wanted,
and this jerk wasn't listening.
He wants you to be exciting in bed so he buys you flannel p.j's, 
you know the kind...with the feet attached and all... you put them on, they are nice and warm and cozy...
Now all you want to do is curl up with a good book or TV show.
I have a friend whose husband bought her an egg poacher..
She was expecting jewelry, candy, flowers...but an egg poacher ???
She let him know she didn't like it. And she promptly returned it..
I once got a birthday card from a boyfriend, the front title on the card
read  "To A Dear Nun, On Her Birthday "
Puzzled by it, I asked him why he gave me that card...
He said , "I thought it said, To a Dear Nut "...
well...was that any better ?
Shows how long it took him to send a Hallmark card !
( I still chuckle about it today)
Or you get these guys who buy you something they like as well..
like a new TV, or surround sound, or  stereo systems,
steering wheel covers....and  once you open never see it again !
Or how about a years  membership to a health spa...
is he insinuating you need to diet ?
Or you need some exercise ?
Isn't cooking, cleaning, laundry and catering to his every wish
enough exercise ?
Then you have the insane gift giver...
The one who ties a red ribbon around himself and says
"Hey babe, Come get your present"!
I think Not !!
We can have that anytime...
Men are so gullible..
Then there are the "Practical" guys, who buy you
things like coupon organizers,  toe nail clippers and
how to books.
Wouldn't it be great if all Mothers would teach their sons
what woman really want ?
Candle-lit dinners,  Sensual perfume, Satin nities,
Flowers, Jewelry and Candy....
But then again ... Mother's were married...weren't they ???
You know what would be great ??
If everyone would write to me and let me know
The Worst gift their man has ever given them !
Maybe it will help all these men out there,
to give the type of gifts we need, we want,
we cherish....

(but don't hold your breath)

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