Tranton Blaam Trenton Bloom Trunton Bluum Trinton Bloom
2. What number symbolizes Trowa's name?
1 2 3 4
3. What colony is Trowa from?
L1 L2 L3 L4
4. Which one is NOT one of Trowa's nicknames?
Emotionless Clown Mask Of Mystery The Enigma The Scilencer
5. Which one is Trowa's image song?
Love Is Not Letting Go Love Is A Shooting Star Love Soul It's Just Love
6. Which one is NOT one of Trowa's job in the circus?
clown strong man acrobat juggler
7. Who's Trowa's sister?
Katherine Kathy Catherine Cathy
8. How did Trowa get a job at the circus?
walking on the tight rope doing a 360 degree flip jumping through rings off fire sticking his hand in a lion cage
9. What is one of Heavyarms' BIGGEST problem in battle?
running out of bullets missing the target being too slow dropping it's gun
10. How did Trowa's sister stop him from self destructing?
talking to him punching him crying knocking him out