Layout By: Arctic Entertainment Affilites:
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| Lookie I my first award and it's a cutie. A special thanx goes out to Yukiko ^o^ for this hand drawn Trowa award and for the cutie lil Demon Wings which I use as by awards pic. Thanx!!! Cloud 9 Okay, I know this isn't exactly an award. It's a gift that was given to me by Yuki, she's such a good artist. Look it's another one of my favourite anime cuties, KenKen. Wild Wing Alleyway Datenshi no Anime Duobird's Ark Black and Blue OpenLegends CCKLA Homepage This award sorta doesn't match my site.It's actually a digimon award, but the webmisstress was nice enough to give it to me anywaySora Love Yes I know. Once again this is a Digimon award. And it sorta doesn't match my site. but the webmisstress was nice enough to give it to me anyway The Digimon Temple DBZA - Submit your all Kitti's Kanyon Super Saiyan Girl Once again this is one of those not really an award dealies, but I just love this pic and I had to show it off. This is drawn by Hanny Tan, To visit her site go to Peach Papers. |