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Why is Cjar (CJayC) making GameFAQs more boring?
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From: Turd Ferguson | Posted: 4/21/2002 9:59:05 PM | Message Detail
That just doesn't work with secret boards.

And of course I don't like it, that's why I'm against it. I thought that's what this topic was about, not arguing over what to do if it happens.
Horses say "neigh," but the hint shop says "yea" to giving you a hint. - Eagleland Hint Union
From: Savok | Posted: 4/21/2002 10:02:20 PM | Message Detail
No it doesn't work secret boards, you can only salvage so much.
Live long and prosper
From: CJayC | Posted: 4/21/2002 10:24:48 PM | Message Detail
For every one "old" topic that's worth keeping and has good information, I can show you five that are bumps, counts, or private conversations. This is a rule that could have been in place from the beginning to help the server out, but didn't become an issue without so many people keep dead topics alive by constantly bumping them.

Here's the deal: You convince everyone on the boards who's doing it to stop bumping the crap topics that truly need to die, and I won't have to close all of them automatically.


The Karma system works. Although the initial implementation sucked pretty badly, the current one is far better than I had hoped. The number of bannings and even moderations in general compared to the number of active users has dropped dramatically, as people are starting to figure out that there are consequences to their actions. The system rewards regular users, punishes bad ones, and ignores those who don't visit. I've yet to hear a good reason to get rid of it, or a reasonable way to adjust it to make everyone happy.


I got much more positive feedback about the board manager than not.


The Preview Message screen is there because there is no "Edit Message" functionality (and that's not there for reasons I've explained so many times in the past it's not even funny). I don't get paid by the click or the banner view. In fact, almost nobody does anymore.


And finally, if you're unsatisfied with GameFAQs, I'd be more than happy to give you a full refund for the money you've sent in.

Enron: Even our sign is crooked.
From: Fencedude | Posted: 4/21/2002 10:29:44 PM | Message Detail
Thanks for the new quote Ceej!

Birth, Childhood, Loss, Compensation, Purpose, Defeat, Pain, Depression, Defilement, Validation, Victory, Death, Rebirth, Love
From: TerranRedneckX | Posted: 4/21/2002 10:30:08 PM | Message Detail
Yeah... the old Karma system did suck... And Im sure the new one keeps all the ducks all lined up... I have no complaints with the site at all aside from the ad banner and preview message feature... And I thought you said you could remove the message preview though?
Whats this Karma Stuff every1 is talking about im new to the boards but certainly not to Starcraft
From: PaperThick | Posted: 4/21/2002 10:30:32 PM | Message Detail
The cheque is in the mail.

¤ P a p e r T h i c k ¤
"I rose, I roared, I will, I am."
From: blue calx | Posted: 4/21/2002 10:30:59 PM | Message Detail
flip15: you get what you pay for. It's free. And free things are, more often than not, pieces of crap.

--- funny quote of the moment ---
"Linux is not an OS its a freaken computer language like Binary!" -Skanlessflipboy
From: Savok | Posted: 4/21/2002 10:32:50 PM | Message Detail
How about moderators close the topics that are useless? You should be able to make a list of very old topics (search by date on the database?) on the Mod board, then just have them go through each one to decide whether or not to close it.

I realize that is an enormous amount of work, but if the mods are willing to do that...
Live long and prosper
From: Kildread2 | Posted: 4/21/2002 10:35:47 PM | Message Detail
Again, I'm going to use a previous quote...

"Funny how it's always the same jokers who complain about how things are run here while the majority of posters can post without feeling inhibited."

From: chaos knight | Posted: 4/21/2002 10:37:43 PM | Message Detail
*watches hell freeze over as he agrees with flip for once*

Though those old topics may have senseless bumping in them, they usually contain a large archive of useful information near the beginning at least to old and new users alike. Plus, there is some nostalgic value to them for some users.

As for making the boards faster, most users don't seem to want to keep making sacrifices for a couple seconds faster loading time. Heck, just look at that new topic on MBA and the petition that it gave birth to. Few people complain about the slowness of GameFAQs now as it is so why make unnecessary changes?

I actually do think that the purge will be sped up to being daily for most boards at this rate...
Chaos Knight-Cerebral Insomniac of the CoS
"I'm sueing God for making me stupid!" Joel, Conan O' Brian
From: GrandCross | Posted: 4/21/2002 10:37:48 PM | Message Detail
I still don't like karma, though.

Yes, I'm aware that it gets people to visit the GameFAQs more often, but it's how people act about it that really piss me off...

"Oh, he doesn't have a lot of karma, therefore we must disagree to all his ideals and opinions and try to ignore him."

I really hate to admit it, but "The more karma the better"...ugh. It shouldn't be that way.

Although it isn't anything you can change, CJay...
"Friends...keep friends...those...you love..." - Hazuki-Sensei, Shenmue
From: ffixeiko | Posted: 4/21/2002 10:43:15 PM | Message Detail

How do you judge what is useless? That would be horrendously subjective not to mention labor intensive.

Something Ive always wondered about this board system is why the posts are all linked together.

The spouse and I run a tiny board -- modified PHPBB board system (I think -- Im not the techy of the family) and when we purge the old posts, the topic stays partially intact if there are more recent posts. So, for example, if posts 1-20 are three months old and posts 21-60 are less than three montsh old, posts 1-20 get deleted while posts 21-60 stay. Or at least, thats how I think it works if I understood his explaination correctly.

It would be less of a shock to the system if somehow these older threads could stay partially intact, deleting out the older posts that are causing the problems without eliminating the newer posts, but that isnt the way the board is set up. And its not a gripe -- not at all. I know, as does everyone here, that if I dont like it, I can go elsewhere.

Im just going to start archiving old theads I want to keep elsewhere, much as ColdFusion does now on nostalgia project site.

"People don't want to be forgiven. People want the people they've wronged to forget." ~spouse
Running away solves nothing.
From: superaielman | Posted: 4/21/2002 10:43:21 PM | Message Detail
*watches as hell freezes over solid, and the devil goes ice skating*
I agree with both turd, and flip. <about the 6 month rule>
"For every one "old" topic that's worth keeping and has good information, I can show you five that are bumps, counts, or private conversations."
Are you talking about on the "on topic" boards, or Secret Boards?
While somehow I doubt you give a ****, this will kill SBhunting, as turd pointed out.
why bother with it, if it will just get closed in 6 months? <not a long time, by Secret Board standards>
Also, as for the 'bumped' topics, people might bump them, so they have a wealth of info to read, without making new topics?
*Heartless Maestro of the FFTSB Member Battles.*
"I'm too sexy to be beaten by you fools!"- Stinger, Saturday Night Slam Masters.
From: CJayC | Posted: 4/21/2002 10:48:11 PM | Message Detail
And, just for the record, I do cave in public pressure sometimes, at least when they have intelligent arguments to counter my own.

Enron: Even our sign is crooked.
From: superaielman | Posted: 4/21/2002 10:48:50 PM | Message Detail
[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
From: CJayC | Posted: 4/21/2002 10:49:41 PM | Message Detail
To clarify: I'm holding off on the 180-day topic closure for now. I've been reading a bit more about it in other topics, as well as through e-mail, and I guess that those old topics could be good for the boards as a whole, if not for the server itself.


Well, still upping the purge schedule.

Enron: Even our sign is crooked.
From: Dr Casey | Posted: 4/21/2002 10:49:46 PM | Message Detail
Is it just me, or are the boards and the site going fast enough already?
My ass is so sexy, so sexy is my ass. For was it not so sexy, it wouldn't be my ass.
From: Lazyhound | Posted: 4/21/2002 10:51:05 PM | Message Detail
How does the purge schedule work, anyhow? I don't quite get it...
From: chaos knight | Posted: 4/21/2002 10:53:41 PM | Message Detail
Thank you. That was the only point in which I agreed though. Don't see a problem with karma and everything else.
Chaos Knight-Cerebral Insomniac of the CoS
"I'm sueing God for making me stupid!" Joel, Conan O' Brian
From: Dr Casey | Posted: 4/21/2002 10:54:27 PM | Message Detail
Woah...thanks, Ceej! =)
My ass is so sexy, so sexy is my ass. For was it not so sexy, it wouldn't be my ass.
From: TerranRedneckX | Posted: 4/21/2002 10:57:03 PM | Message Detail
See... the squeaky wheel gets the oil... and if you ***** enough you always get what you want...
Whats this Karma Stuff every1 is talking about im new to the boards but certainly not to Starcraft
From: DarkCobra | Posted: 4/21/2002 11:01:15 PM | Message Detail
I dunno, I liked the karma system when it first came out... getting 75 karma in one day was pretty nice :) :) :)

www.gamefaqs.host.sk-GFR | <Member of the anti-DarkCobraism revolution>
<God of DarkCobraism>-HOW STRANGELY EROTIC.-
From: DarkCobra | Posted: 4/21/2002 11:02:48 PM | Message Detail
I don't mind the banners much. As long as it's no popups or shock the monkey type deals I don't mind them at all...
www.gamefaqs.host.sk-GFR | <Member of the anti-DarkCobraism revolution>
<God of DarkCobraism>-HOW STRANGELY EROTIC.-
From: TerranRedneckX | Posted: 4/21/2002 11:05:58 PM | Message Detail
How did you get so much Karma on day one DC? I made up a trick with 2 accounts on secret boards... And another one where I just went off topic hunting and killed so many secret boards... I didnt make 75 in one day but I was going at a good clip...

I have the ad banners disabled so it is just a big black box... I guess I could replace that with something....

And how does Ceej make money off the ad banners if it aint on a # of views basis?
Whats this Karma Stuff every1 is talking about im new to the boards but certainly not to Starcraft
From: Lazyhound | Posted: 4/21/2002 11:07:09 PM | Message Detail
From: GrandCross | Posted: 4/21/2002 11:07:49 PM | Message Detail
And, just for the record, I do cave in public pressure sometimes, at least when they have intelligent arguments to counter my own.

What about that one time where KoRnered Munky said that he knew your pass?


Ok, so it isn't an argument...but...uhh...yeah.
From: TerranRedneckX | Posted: 4/21/2002 11:10:10 PM | Message Detail
Nah... he said it ain't on a click thru basis either...

And look at the level of intelligence the users have shown in this topic since Ceej popped up... now if that kind of coherance was localized in CE and not just this topic... CE would be back on the mend.
Whats this Karma Stuff every1 is talking about im new to the boards but certainly not to Starcraft
From: GrandCross | Posted: 4/21/2002 11:13:06 PM | Message Detail
And look at the level of intelligence the users have shown in this topic since Ceej popped up...

Terran, for almost anything you mention, I'd have to agree.

That counts me as well though. x_x
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