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DISCLAIMER: I suck at web design. I usually just do single personal pages on servers..but I decided to do this because it's summer time and I'm back home with nothing else to do when I'm BORED!!(except homework and I'd rather not) Please do not take my personal pictures. unless  If you are from HOBY or Gov School then feel free to take them from the site.




The Hoby Leadership seminar was held in Newport News, Virginia at Christopher Newport University. About an hour away from the beach.  It is a seminar open to current sophomores that have been chosen by their school to attend due to their exemplary leadership flair. Some students were required to apply to attend HOBY, while others like myself were simply selected to attend HOBY.  The seminar only lasts a weekend but it is an unforgettable experience for all of the students that attend.

The seminar begins on a Friday, so lucky me got to miss an entire day of school (whOo). The dorms were nice, they had personal bathrooms, but the bunk beds were such a vexation. It's horrible when you're tired or when you're half awake to have to climb up and down. My roommate was from Williamsburg and she was the shy blonde type. Across the bathroom were 2 of the nicest girls in the world. I'm not very good with names, but I do remember waking them up in the morning, and planning our outfits for the dance Saturday night.

On the first day (still Friday), we were assigned a team. I was the first to arrive, but I went out to eat and came back a little late, so the members of my team were already seated and our team leader, BRIAN, was standing in the crowd with a TEAM 14 sign frantically jumping up and down looking for the remaining members of our team.  Despite the lack of conversation at first, my team became my family over the weekend.  When we moved out of the crowded building to an area outside, the members of my team and I were given a chance to talk, and we learned a little bit about each other. We played the "Candy game;" luckily, none of us chose gigantic amounts of candy, but some of us did choose specific types.  We learned a lot about each other, and we talked about everything even Tiffany's shoes. When Brian left, he gave us 2 minutes to come up with a team name with only a few restrictions. Our team name had to be 2 words that did not start with the same letter.  So what did we do? We named our team "TWO WORDS." And that was the beginning of our bonding.  We attempted the Rock Rock RoLL cheer as our team cheer, but it just didn't seem to work out. The fact is that we attempted.

The seminar goes like this: with the exception of meals, students sit in the auditorium all day and participate in forums with questions and answer sessions following the speakers' presentations. After the forums, teams breakout into their designated areas and are given a chance to discuss the forum.  Teams are selected to welcome each guest speaker before their presentations and other teams are selected to thank the speakers for their presentations.  An example of a welcome was our presentation of " I need a girl" directly related to our speaker and a little dance ensemble between Matt Krause (a member of 2 words) and the speaker.  And an example of a thank you was our little step dance presentation by Tiffany and Pamela (cheerleaders) "T-H-AN-KY-OU.THANK-You." I still remember the beat.  The best seminars were the seminars on Medical Ethics and SOLs, which I got to ask really hard questions to the speakers.  My questions may have even baffled the speakers and the students.

The program is not entirely forums, though the forums are the most important aspects, there were various Spirit Breaks incorporated as fun events during our weekend.  We did so many cheers. Many of which involved everyone's participation. We did this thing called a DEXTERITY CHECK that if anyone yelled "Dexterity check" everyone would clap 3x, clap 3 more times, cross their arms "HO", pull to the side "BY", and yank down "uhh". or "CHECK DEXTERITY" and do the dexterity check, or "MASCULINITY CHECK" which the guys would grunt, or "FEMININITY CHECK" which the females would yell.  It was really amusing to have the female members of my team call for a "MASCULINITY CHECK", we just wanted to know where the real men were.  The game that Ambassadors were most likely to be found playing was "RIDE MY PONY." ask if you want an explanation.  It was the best! That's why I have the PONY as my main picture!!!

When I got back home, I wrote a letter to Dr. Frossard about the seminar.  He then invited me to his office to discuss HOBY and our school's participation in the program next year. HOBY was so much fun. To all rising Sophomores take the initiative to ask you're counselor about it.  You don't want to miss out on this seminar.
