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The highest mountains of the world known as “The Himalayas” Comprising of a series of ranges is situated in the north east of our country. The Himalayas stretches like a bow in the north of Indo-Pak Sub-continent having a length of about 1500 miles. The part of this mountain which came into our share , consists of four parallel ranges. Between these ranges lies some beautiful valleys. The slope of these goes decreasing from the north to south. Thus according to their altitudes, these ranges can be sub-divided as:
  1. The siwalik range
  2. The peer pinjal range
  3. Central or great hamaliya
  4. Karakoram range


These are the line of low altitude hills, situated adjacent to plain areas of Hazara district in NWFP and Attock, Rawalpindi, Jhelum, Gujarat and Sialkot district. Here these hills have a height of between 2000 to 3000 feet from the sea level.


These range lies further of the north and mostly run parallel to the Siwlik hills. Beside Murree and Hazara hills , Peer pinjal range is one of the famous ranges that lie in these areas, it has an average altitude of 14000 to 15000feet: most of the peaks remains snow covered during winter. These are also covered with natural vegetation; forests are also seen at some places.


These mountains lie in between the Pir Pinjal range & Karakoram range. These ranges have an average height of 2000feet and most of the peaks remain snow-covered throughout the year. The heigst peak of this range known as Nanga Parbet lies in Kashmir has an height of about 26600 feet. The beautiful valley of Kashmir lies between the Pir Pinjal range and the great Himalaya.


the famous Karakoram Range lies to the north of central Himalaya in northern Kashmir and Gilgit area. This range has an average height of about 20000 feet above sea level. The second highest peak of the world and highest peak of Pakistan, Godwin Austin (K-2) having a height of 28,250 feet or 8475 meters in this range near Gilgit. This peak was first conquered by an Italian expendition in 1954. The peak having a high altitude remain snow covered throughout the year.

The northeastern mountains of our country are quite high and it is difficult to cross them easily, but these mountains have a few passes, which are used for communication purpose. Some of the important passes are:

The above map shows the North eastern mountains of Pakistan. In this map the mountain ranges has shown in black lines and all of the ranges stretches like a bow.

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