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Super 2 Know Jesus

Christianity 101 - Church Selection

How do I select a church?

The selection of a church should be done with much prayer and consideration. You should ask each pastor certain biblical questions that determine that you share the same beliefs and to satisfy yourself that you are being ministered to by a Christian Church and not a cult. You may have to try many churches and types of denominations before you find one that you feel comfortable in. Click Here for a listing of types of denominations and features of the doctrine and traditions typical of that denomination *no church should be judged by the list and many may be one denomination but have characteristics or traditions from other churches.* You may have to try several churches before finding the one that is right for you. It is vital that you make a good decision early in your faith walk. If it is your desire to become involved in the church in ministry work many churches require that you attend for a year and be steadfast in your faith to prove responsibility and maturity of faith.



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