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John 14 : 6
I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but by me.
The biggest lie about
Christianity is...

God punishes us for our sins

   God does not punish us for our sins. God allows us to particpate in sin because he gives us free will. He wants us to come to Him and be obedient to Him because we love Him and trust Him like a parent. We can choose to partake in sinful activities, but if we do he is not required to protect us and eliminate the consequences of the activity once we are affected. Like a young child a new Christian might be the recipient of frequent rescue, but one day you grow up and reach the age of accountability and have decisions to make.

   If you trace back the origins of problems in your life and use the Bible as an instruction manual for behavior you will find the answers to most of your troubles. By the standard of science, if most of your troubles are traceable by this fashion, there is a good chance that all of them just haven't dug deep enough to find the sin that started the cycle. Satan enjoys manipulating people who do not know how to fight him. He particularly enjoys taunting people in such a way that they blame God. He is a master of human nature and manipulation and lies are his playthings. Your weapon and protection is the power of God and the promises in the scriptures in the Bible. Are you defenseless?

   The word of God says that he will take all bad and use it for good. Satan has control of any areas of your life that are attached to sin in your life. When sin causes you to have Satan playing around in your daily business and he is really making you miserable you need help. God has a plan for you to be rescued from the power of Satan and his evil manipulations.

   Jesus is the answer... have you rejected Jesus in the past because he doesn't fit your lifestyle...? Do you feel if you become a Christian you have to go sit at a church that is filled with funeral music pounded out on an organ and sit at home waiting for death so you can finally be happy in heaven? Christians are not what you think they are if these are the reasons for you to hold out. Christians are everywhere...they are movie stars, political leaders, sports heros...
There are all kinds of churches these days. Some are ministry based, some have contemporary worship, some are loud and wild and some are quiet and prayerful...
   Christianity is a gradual process. Some of today's Christian leaders have set a really poor example of how those who know Jesus should behave. Their failings however should reinforce the power of God and the saving power of Jesus. They have repented of those sins and returned to ministry after a time of reflection and counseling. God forgives these fallen souls when they repent and change their lives. How much more forgiving is God of those who have never known Him or His power? God forgives sin. He eliminated the process of sacrificing animals to wash them away with a blood sacrifice by creating a perfect sacrifice that would, in one act become covering for all sin. All we have to do is accept that sacrifice, His son Jesus, and strive to improve our lives and come closer to the example of Jesus.
   If you are considering Christianity, then you have done all the preparation that you need to join the family of Christ. You cannot be saved by for awhile first so that you are a good person when you are saved is worth nothing. When you are saved it would not matter if you were a mass murderer who led the local band of Satan worshippers and performed abortions in your spare time...when you are saved, your soul is as clean and pure as Jesus. All that you need to do to keep it that way is to repent of any sin that you partake in and ask forgiveness. You do not have to start over from scratch. We live in a fallen world and temptation is constant. There are many loving ministries and churches that are desperate for God to send them people who want to learn about Him. Let their prayers be answered.

Dear Jesus,

   I believe that you came to this world to save me from my sins. You were born of Mary and the Holy Spirit of God, were baptized and lived a pure sinless life. You were crucified as a sacrifice for my sins by the shedding of your blood on the cross. I believe that you are the Son of God and through you I am saved. Please forgive me from my sins and send your Holy Spirit presence to dwell in my soul like a new conscience to guide me in my walk through life with you.

I praise you and thank you for this precious gift.

In the precious name of Jesus...Amen.


If you just prayer this prayer please email us and let us know that you are a part of this ministry family and the family of God.

   Please take advantage of all the teaching and devotional materials that are available on this site to help you understand the power and authority that is yours as a Christian over the trials and tribulations on this earth. Scroll through this page and click on the links to prepare your heart and mind for the tricks of Satan and to the top of this page and select topics from the drop down menu that are basic information to build your faith on.

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Page was last updated 4/27/2002 6:56:05 PM
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