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Spiritual Gifts Evaluation
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.A Spiritual Gifts evaluation is not a competition, there is no right or wrong answer. It also is not a way to categorize yourself into a box unable to do anything but what your results dictate. A Spiritual Gifts evaluation is a ministry tool that is designed to assist you and your church in developing a ministry that is correct for you. One that emphasizes your personal and spiritual strengths and provides a satisfying way to deepen your relationship with God and bring your faith into action. There are several tests offered below.

For a list of all the Spiritual Gifts and definitions click below. It is highly recommended that you compare your test scores to the definitions so that you are fully aware of all the Biblical references to the various gifts.

It is never good to take the results of one test and base your whole existence on it, therefore you should take more than one and look for similarities.
It is good to retake the tests as well every one to two years. God gives gifts according to His will and your need. One of your minor gifts might advance to your highest gift according to what God has a desire for you to do, or other gifts may no longer score in your profile.
A baby Christian will not have the same giftings profile a year after serious study of the Bible and teaching.
Someone who has matured and is selected for an office in the church might have a change of giftings. When they advance they will change as well as the person who takes over the ministry duties they held as a member.
If your results indicate that you have sky high scores in every category, you might want to consider retaking the test and being a bit more discriminating in your answers. Other issues that can cause this to happen have to be discerned according to each individual situation. Two of the most common are 1) You are a member of a small church and there is not a large body actively using their gifts to build the church and you are filling in until somone comes along to take over where they are gifted. 2) Your church is spiritually dead and there are few who are operating in the gifts of the Spirit therefore a limited few are carrying the whole load.
Many people score high in the area of Pastor. This is not an immediate indication that you should become a Pastor There are many deacons and teachers who assist the Pastor in caring for the flock in a variety of ways. Many times this is where their gifting lies. God will truly call you into ministry if you are to become a Pastor. If you have any questions or concerns please email us or discuss your concerns with your pastor.
The links will open to a new window and take you to another ministry site that graciously offers testing to all who wish to take the test.
Spiritual Gifts - List and Complete Definitions
Team Ministry Spiritual Gifts Analysis
CFORC Spiritual Gifts Discovery Tool
Ministry Tools Resource Center Spiritual Gifts Test
Kodachrome Spiritual Gifts Test
RBC Spiritual Gifts Test
ECLA Spiritual Gifts Test
NEBS Spiritual Gifts Test
Spiritual Gifts Evaluation
Click Here

Page was last updated 4/27/2002 6:56:05 PM
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