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Marshall Bruce Mathers III was born on the 17th October 1972, Kansas

City, Missouri, USA. Son of a fifteen-year-old mother at the time of his

birth and a father who left six month later never to return, Marshall

spent his early childhood being shoved back and forth from Kansas City

and Detroit. He settled on the Eastside of Detroit when he was 12.

Switching schools every two to three months made it difficult to make

friends, graduate and to stay out of trouble. Being a rap fan for most

of his life, Marshall began rapping at the early age of 4. Rhyming words and

battling schoolmates in the lunchroom brought joy to Marshall early on in his life.

Eminem at an early age with his mother.

Eminem at age 5


After beginning his rap career, he began to dis his own parents in his lyrics. Soon after, his mother, Debbie, decided she was going to take legal action against her own son. Marshal Mathers II claims he ran out on the family because he needed his own life. He is now asking Eminem for forgivness.